Paternity Leave Application Format for Central Government Employees
If you are a Central Government employee in India then you are entitled to avail 15 days of paternity leave after the delivery which can be utilized within a span of six months from the date of delivery. In order to avail these leaves, you must know how to write a paternity leave letter for central govt employees. The paternity leave letter to employee is quite similar to the paternity leave application format for state government employees.
In this post, we have come up with sample paternity leave letter. You can use the paternity leave letter format shared below to create a personalized letter.
Paternity Leave Application Letter Format for Central Govt Employees
Aniket Sharma
123, Gyan Vihar
Date: January 13th, 2025
The HR Manager
IT Department (Central Government)
Sub: Application for Paternity Leave
Dear Sir,
I, Ankit Sharma, am working in the IT Department of Central Government as Senior Engineer and I am writing this letter to inform you that my wife has delivered our baby on January 12th, 2025. We don’t have any of our family members or relatives in the city and therefore, I will have to be with her during this time. Therefore, I would like to use all of my paternity leaves of 15 days starting from January 13th, 2025 till February 4th, 2025
During my absence from work, I will always be available over phone as well as mail so that my colleagues can get in touch with me and the work doesn’t suffer in my absence. I again request you to please grant me the paternity leave.
Thanking in anticipation.
Aniket Sharma
Other Leave Letter format
Leave Extension Email for Medical Treatment
Maternity Leave Expenses Disbursement Letter
Leave Application Format for Own Marriage to HR
Earned Leave Application Format for Employees
Half Day Leave Application for Employees
Format of Half Day Leave Application Email
Paternity Leave Application for Central Government Employees
Announcement Letter Format For Half Day Leave For Staffs
Family Emergency Leave Request Letter Sample
Sandwich Leave Rule Policy In Simple Words
Best Way to Manage Sandwich Leave
Thank You Letter for Leave Approval
Sample of Circular for Leave/Leave Request Procedure
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Categories: Letters Tags: Central Govt, Employees, Leave Application, Leave Letter, Paternity Leave Application, Paternity Leave letter
Sample Memo to Employees on Attendance Policy and Procedure
It is of extreme importance for every organization to have its attendance policy to maintain discipline in the company. Reporting at the right time and working for the defined numbers of hours is a must and therefore, sometimes organization has to issue attendance letter for employee if he is not adhering by the attendance policy and procedure. Employee attendance policy templates of different kinds are helpful in sending warnings to employees.
In this post, we have come up with a sample memo to employee on attendance policy and procedures. You can customize and use this employee attendance policy sample template for your company.
Sample Memo to Employees on Attendance Policy and Procedure
To: All the Employees
Date: January 11th, 2025
From: Chairman, Jubiliant Technologies
Sub: Memo to Employees on Attendance Policy
The management would like to inform all the employees that in recent times it has been observed that some employees in the company are taking frequent leaves without seeking any permission from their department head. As you are aware that as per the Attendance Policy of the company, you are required to seek permission before going for any kind of leave. We are very particular about our rules and regulations and from now on absence from work without seeking permission from their respective managers will not be tolerated.
All the employees must consider this as the final warning and any negligence in adhering by the rules and regulations mentioned in the Attendance Policy will attract strict action.
For the Authorized Signatory,
Jubiliant Technologies
Click here to Download Sample Memo to Employees on Attendance Policy and Procedure in Word Format
Related To Attendance Letter Formats
Confirming Attendance Letter
Warning Letter for habitual irregular attendance
Formula for Attendance in Excel Format
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Categories: Attendance Format Tags: Attendance policy, Employee Attendance policy Template, Employees, Memo Format
Letter to Announce Annual Holiday Luncheon for Employees
Luncheon party at office is an event for which all the employees look forward for. If your office or company is also planning an event like that then you must inform all the employees about it formally by drafting a holiday announcement letter. In order to make a perfect holiday announcement to staff, you can use the holiday notice to employees for luncheon party which is a small and precise letter informing about the event. It must include all the details about the event.
We have come up with a sample letter for holiday announcement. You can use this format for announcing the annual employee holiday luncheon to the members of your staff in a perfect way.
Letter Format Announcing Annual Employee Holiday Luncheon
Date: January 11, 2022
Dear Employees,
We are writing this letter to personally invite all the employees of Zenith Technologies for the annual employee holiday luncheon for the year 2022 on February 5th, 2022.
On February 5th, 2022, the office will close at noon and after that all the staff members are request to gather at the conference hall where the luncheon party will be organized. The delightful meal for this year has been arranged by Divine Caterers and will also include some Halloween games that will be organized by Creative Events Ltd. All those who are interested in participating in these games are request to submit their names to Mr. Andrew Smith, HR Executive.
We are looking forward to your presence to make this event a memorable success. In case, someone will not be able to attend the event, place make sure that you inform the HR department about the same by Thursday.
Jacob Black
Zenith Technologies
New York
Click Here to Download Letter Announcing Annual Employee Holiday Luncheon in PDF Format
Other Related Announcement Letter Format
Request Letter for Delay in Submitting Documents
Annual Outing Announcement Letter
Reprimanding Officer Letter for Being Angry On Not Promotion
Office New Year Party Invitation Letter to Employees
Invitation Letter for Annual Staff Party
Letter for Announcements for the Company Received an Award
Announcement Letter Format for Discontinuing Special Leave
Letter to Announce a Bad News to Employees
Letter for Announcement Of New Employee Joining
Announcement Letter For Half Day Leave For Staffs
Staff Resignation Announcement Email
Email for New Employee Joining Announcement to Related Departments
Annual Outing Announcement Letter
Reprimanding Officer Letter for Being Angry On Not Promotion
Office New Year Party Invitation Letter to Employees
Invitation Letter for Annual Staff Party
Letter for Announcements for the Company Received an Award
Announcement Letter Format for Discontinuing Special Leave
Letter to Announce a Bad News to Employees
Letter for Announcement Of New Employee Joining
Announcement Letter For Half Day Leave For Staffs
Staff Resignation Announcement Email
Email for New Employee Joining Announcement to Related Departments
Categories: Letters Tags: Announcement, announcement letter format, Annual Holiday Luncheon, Employee, Employees, Format, Holidays, Letter
Earned Leave Application Format for Employees in English
If you are planning to go for a holiday or take a long leave then it is suggested that it is better to use your earned leaves but when you are applying for it, you have to write an earned leave application in English. An earned leave application should be submitted at least one to two weeks in prior. There are various earned leave application formats for employees to use depending upon the situation.
In this post, we have come up with a collection of various earned leave application Word formats for your reference along with important tips to keep in mind. Based on your requirement, you can use any of these earned leave application samples.
How to Write an Earned Leave Application for Employee
Here are few tips for writing earned leave application for employees that must always be kept in mind:
- Be specific of the number of leaves you are seeking.
- Do mention the dates on which you wish to take the leave.
- Keep the letter short and precise.
- Always proof read before submitting the application for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
- It is always good to include the reason for taking leaves.
Application for Earned Leave on medical ground
Bob Christian
54, Ellora Apartments
New York
Date: October 18, 2021
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Sub: Regarding leave for medical reasons
Dear Mr. Andrew,
I, Bob Christian, employee ID 12345, am working as a marketing executive in the Marketing Department of your company.
I am writing this application to submit my request for six days leave from November 15th, 2021 to November 20th, 2021 because of medical reasons. Doctor has suggested me a gall bladder removal surgery which has been scheduled to be conducted on November 15th, 2021 and after that I will be required to take five days rest for healthy recovery.
Kindly grant me these six days leaves and consider them as my earned leaves.
Thanking you.
Bob Christian
Earned Leave Application Format for Exams
Bob Christian
54, Ellora Apartments
New York
Date: October 18, 2021
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Sub: Regarding leave for examination
Dear Mr. Andrew,
I, Bob Christian, am working as a sales executive with Zenith Technologies.
The purpose of writing this application is to request a leave for fifteen days for my distant learning MBA exams which are scheduled to be held in November 2021. Therefore, I will be on leave from November 15th, 2021 to November 30th, 2021.
I request you to please consider my leave application and grant me these leaves. I also request you to please consider them as my earned leaves.
Thanking in anticipation.
Bob Christian
Earned Leave Application Format for Marriage
Bob Christian
54, Ellora Apartments
New York
Date: October 8, 2021
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Sub: Regarding leave for my marriage
Dear Mr. Andrew,
The purpose of writing this letter is to inform you that my marriage will be held on November 29th, 2021 and therefore, I will be required to take a leave for seven days from November 28th, 2021 to December 4th, 2021.
I request you to consider these leaves as earned leaves. I would also like to inform that during this time, I will be available over email. During my absence, Mrs. Susan Black is going to be taking care of the progress of my project.
Kindly approve my application for leave.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Bob Christian
Earned Leave Application Format for Office
Bob Christian
54, Ellora Apartments
New York
Date: October 8, 2021
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Sub: Regarding leave
Dear Mr. Andrew,
I, Bob Christian, would like submit my request for three days leave from November 1st, 2021 to November 3rd, 2021 for personal reasons.
My son has been selected for state level basketball tournament, the match of which has been scheduled to held on November 2nd, 2021 in California and I will be required to take him there. During my absence, I will be available on phone as well as on email.
I request you to kindly approve my application for leave and please consider these leaves as earned leaves.
Thanking you.
Bob Christian
Earned Leave Application Format for Vacation
Bob Christian
54, Ellora Apartments
New York
Date: October 18, 2021
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Sub: Regarding leave for vacation
Dear Mr. Andrew,
I, Bob Christian, am writing this letter to submit my leave application from November 10th, 2021 to November 19th, 2021. As my project has successfully completed and holiday season is going to begin soon, I have decided to go on a vacation with my family for ten days. This break is extremely essential for me before we start with another important project in December.
Please grant me these leaves and consider them as earned leaves. For these ten days, I will always be available over phone as well as email.
Thanking you.
Bob Christian
Earned Leave Application for 5 days leave
Bob Christian
54, Ellora Apartments
New York
Date: October 18, 2021
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Sub: Regarding five days leave
Dear Mr. Andrew,
I am writing this application in order to submit my request for leave from October 25th, 2021 to October 29th, 2021 because of my mother’s knee surgery which has been scheduled on October 25th, 2021.
I hope you will consider my request and grant me five days leave. I also request you to please consider these leaves as earned leaves.
Thanking in anticipation.
Related Other Leave Letter Format
Leave Extension Email for Maternity Leave
Leave Application for Family Problems
Sick Leave Email to Boss for One Day
Half Day Leave Application for Employees
Format of Half Day Leave Application Email
Paternity Leave Application for Central Government Employees
Announcement Letter Format For Half Day Leave For Staffs
Family Emergency Leave Request Letter Sample
Sandwich Leave Rule Policy In Simple Words
Best Way to Manage Sandwich Leave
Thank You Letter for Leave Approval
Sample of Circular for Leave/Leave Request Procedure
Categories: Leave format Tags: Earned Leave Application, Employees, Leave Application, Leave Application Format, Leave Letter
Social Media Policy for Employees Template & Example
In recent times, social media has gained a lot of popularity and that’s the reason that it has now become an important part of everyone’s life. That’s the reason that each and every company should have a social media policy for employees. By sharing social media guidelines for employees, a company can clearly state what is expected of employees while using social media as it can have an effect on the company.
Examples of Company Social Media Policy for Employees
Understanding Social Media
There different types of online communications that feature under social media like private chats, blogs, YouTube, forums etc. A company should define that is considered as social networking and social media by the company because each company and each person can have a different perceptional about social media.
Using Social Media at Work
It is very important for a company to communicate social media policy guide to their employees. This is helpful in knowing employees whether they can use their social media during working hours and to what extent. A company must not forget that it is important for employees to connect with their customers and social media plays a significant role in it. Therefore, a personal social media policy for employees is must to bring clarity on this front.
Check this: Social Media Code of Conduct Use in the Office
Maintaining Confidentiality
While using social media, maintaining confidentiality is of extreme importance and that’s what social media policy for employees in India and in other countries must define. There has to be a clear discretion between what information is appropriate to post on social media platforms and what is not or else it will make the world of social media extremely complicated as well damaging for the company.
Maintaining Truthfulness
Using real identities and names on social media is another important thing a company must focus in its social media policy template. This is so because it brings much needed clarity and transparency in the working which helps a company and its employees gain more credibility amongst the customers.
Using Content Responsibly
Always mention in your social media policy examples for nonprofits or profit based organization that just sharing any image available is not right. Mentioning the source or giving credits is very important while using content or images from other sources.
Follow Social Etiquettes
Building relationships is the idea behind social media presence and while doing so, social etiquettes must be followed. A company’s social media policy must always define these etiquettes that must never me missed on.
While drafting social media policy 2021, keep these points in mind so that you do not miss on anything important that must be a part of your policy to avoid any complications later on.
Categories: HR Tags: Employees, Social Media, Social Media Employee, social media guidelines, social media policy
Domestic Travel Policy for Employees in India
Companies roll out policies for everything to ensure smooth and controversy- free working with their employees. In some companies, employees have to travel often, domestic or international. For that purpose, they design Foreign Travel Policy for employees and also Domestic Travel Policy. This policy has clearly state company travel policy and procedure. It works as company employee handbook with Local Travel Policy for employees in India along with travel reimbursement policy for employees.
In this post, we have come up with a sample corporate travel policy for employees. This business travel policy sample includes all important points that are a part of the policy.
Domestic Travel Policy
Here are some of the essential points that are included in Domestic Travel Policy of a company in India:
- Complete format for travel policy
- Details of company’s travel policy, rules and procedures
- Details on boarding and lodging as stated in the HR policy
- Travel guidelines to be followed by employees on their official travel
- Arranging conveyance in the city
- Details on entitlement for different levels
- Defining different categories of cities
- Defining entitlement of cities
- Details on Per Diem
- Rules on safety and security of employees
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Letter to Employees on Their Team Outing Sanction
If the employees of your company have submitted the request for a team outing and the management has agreed to their request then in that case, the company is suppose to write a formal memo to inform staff company trip. The letter to employee team outing consists complete detail of the outing that has been planned for the employees thereby leaving no room for confusion. It is a way of formal company outing announcement followed by company.
To help you write a Letter to Employees on sanction of their team outing we have come up with an outing letter sample. Use it by customizing it as per your requirement.
Sample Letter to Employees on Their Team Outing Sanction
Date: 12.09.2017
Dear Employees,
This is to inform you all that the Management as accepted the request for team outing for the employees that you submitted on 05.09.2017. Given below are the details of the outing that have been sanctioned:
Date of Journey: From 25.09.2017 to 30.09.2017
Destination: Mussorrie
Accommodation: Hotel Park View
This request has been approved subjective to the following conditions mentioned in your request letter:
- This outing has been organized on your own and therefore, this will not attract any TA or DA claims.
- You will take complete care of your travel, baggage and insurance.
- You will be responsible for your safety and your belongings.
- You will be responsible for any accidents or incidents that take place during the event.
- Management has agreed to mark all the employees as “Present” from 20.09.2017 to 24.09.2017 even though employees will not be present at work to attend to their duties.
You may work on your plan and submit the final details of the outing with the company. In case of any other help, you may get in touch with the HR department.
Radika Sharma
Click Here to Download Letter to Employees on Their Team Outing Sanction
Categories: Employee Benefits Tags: Employees, Formal letter, Team Outing
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
An organization has all kinds of people. Well some are very prompt with doing the task assigned to them and some on the other hand simply refuse to work. Every company has its own style of dealing with employees who say no to work. Writing a formal letter to employee who refuses to work is one way of warning them. Good companies always send warning letters in such scenarios.
If you also have to frame a warning letter to employees who say no to work then given below is a template sample that you can follow.
Warning Letter to Employees Who Say No To Work
Samantha Brown
HR Manager,
Universal Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd.
42 Richmond Street,
Date: 14th July, 2017
Robin Mars
Sales Executive,
11, St. Anthony Street
Dear Mr. Robin,
The management has been informed that you were assigned a job of dealing with our reputed customers on 12th July, 2017 but you refused to follow the instructions of your Manager.
We would like to warm you that our Company will not tolerate any such kind of misconduct or negligence from your end. If any such behavior is noticed in future then you will have to face serious consequences as actions against termination will be taken.
Consider this as a final warning and we hope that you would work without any negligence in future.
Samantha Brown
Production Manager,
Universal Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd.
Click here to Download Warning letter to employee who refuse to work
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Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Employees, Warning Letter Format
Office New Year Party Invitation Letter to Employees
With another year about to it, it is surely a party time. If you are planning to organize a year end party for your employees then being an employer or HR manager of your company, you must send official New Year Party invitation to invite your employees for the celebration. Draft year end party invitation using the sample template that includes all the details about the party.
Given below is an example of New Year office party invitation which you can customize to use it as per your requirement.
Office New Year Party Invitation Example Letter to Employees
Devika Gaur
HR Manager
Natural Health Products Pvt. Ltd.
54 Gulmohar Street
New Delhi
Date: 26th December, 2016
Ms. Richa Gupta
12 Pearl Residency Apartments
South Delhi
Dear Ms. Richa,
We invite you and your family to the New Year’s Party organized by Natural Health Products Pvt. Ltd. for all the employees on 31st December. The venue of the party will be Rajputana Hotels, South Delhi from 8 p.m. onwards.
This party is organized to welcome the New Year with your colleagues who are like your family. This party will be attended by all the board members and the top management to make these celebrations memorable for all of us.
The company is organizing this event as a sincere appreciation to all the employees of the Company who have worked hard in this year and contributed to the success of the organization. This surely called for ending this year with a happy note and beginning the upcoming year with celebrations.
The theme of the party will be retro and therefore, you are requested to please dress according to the theme as there is a surprise price for the “Best Dressed Male” and “Best Dressed Female”. Make sure you bring along your spouse and kids to this event.
In case you will not be able to make it to the New Year’s Party, please inform Mr. Raghu Dev by 28th December, 2016. You may email him at [email protected] or call him at 123-455678.
We will look forward for your presence to celebrate New Year with you.
Devika Gaur
HR Manager
Natural Health Products Pvt. Ltd.
Other Related Letters
Letter Announce Annual Holiday Luncheon for Employees
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Companies organize regular office parties as a part of team building. Some companies call for annual formal parties to bring close the colleagues, management and other staff.
Invitation Letter to Employees of Company for Friendly Cricket or Football Match
Balancing work with some playful activities works wonderfully well for employees and employers. It is not just a way of de-stressing but also a creative way to become a stronger and healthier group.
Team Building Meeting Invitation Email Sample
For any company to be successful, team building is a must. That’s the reason companies organize team lunch, dinner parties, cricket, holidays etc. to bring the team closer.
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Categories: Letters Tags: Employees, Invitation Letter, New Year
15 Awesome Rewards You Can Offer Your Employees for Under 500 INR
Every employer understands the importance of employee recognition. Appreciating employee for his good work or amazing performance with a special reward always creates a strong connect between the employee and the Company. It is a way of boosting the self esteem and establishing more than just a professional relationship. Good companies have rewards programs for employees and various appreciation activities to acknowledge and give them rewards for job well done.
Being the employer, if you are in search of unique and useful employee reward ideas then here is a list of amazing 15 employee reward program examples under INR 500 that will be loved by your employees for sure. Have a look at this list to offer amazing rewards to the people who work for you.
1. Shopping Gift Cards
You can gift your employee a shopping voucher of any of the popular retail outlets. This is a very good recognition reward which he or she can use as per their own choice. This kind of voucher is loved by all the employees as it gives them the comfort of shopping what they want which makes them happy.
2. Lunch or Dinner
Another interesting choice of reward can be a paid lunch or dinner for the employee. This is a sweet gesture from the company’s end as a small token for all the hard work. A delicious meal is something that is always appreciated.
3. Personalized Mug
Have a coffee mug with his or her name written on it along with a caption like “Most Hard Working Employee of the Month” or anything else. You can even have his or her picture printed on it making it a perfectly customized reward.
4. Relaxed Spa Session
To ease your employee who has worked hard to deliver the performance and what better than a spa session. Pick up a spa session which falls your budget and let your employee enjoy a soothing comforting massage. He or she will completely love the experience.
5. Movie Tickets
Let your hard working employee go for a movie with his or her partner. You can give movie tickets for a recent movie as a reward to him or her. This is one thing no one says a no to. A session of entertainment will surely boost your employee to work harder for more such rewards.
6. A Car Wash
If your employee maintains a car then you can gift him a free car wash which will easily fit in the 500 INR bracket. This will add more shine to the car and smile to his face. This is a very simple yet a thoughtful reward to offer.
7. Branded Lunch Boxes
You can also find branded lunch boxes in different colors and patterns to give as rewards to your employees who are the best performers. Select from wide range of brands and patterns to make your pick.
8. Custom Phone Cover
Everyone carries a mobile phone and every phone requires a case. As a reward, you can present the team members with a case. You can have it custom made with names of each of the team mates on it or you can keep it simple.
9. Cookie and Chocolate Hamper
You can even have an assortment of sweets like cookies, biscuits and chocolates to reward your employee. It is indeed a “sweet” way of appreciating him or her for all the efforts and delivering an amazing performance.
10. Inspirational Books
Another thoughtful present to give your employees are inspirational books related with their work profile which can motivate them and help them become better in their jobs. This is a remarkable gift to offer.
11. PAYTM Recharge
This is another useful reward. Just punch the number and send the amount to your employee’s PayTM account which he can or she can use as per requirement and for the things they want. This is the new kind of reward which fits in the era of technology.
12. Mobile Accessories
We all love our mobile phones and their accessories. This can be another choice of reward for employees which will comfortably fit in the range of INR 500. You can go with trendy earplugs or mobile holders or anything else.
13. Food Vouchers
Get them food vouchers of the local eateries or cafes or Domino Pizza which are loved by all. Treat them with food your team members do their job with perfection which surely calls for a small celebration. They make a wonderfully delicious reward.
14. Free Cab Service
Make their commute easy and happy with free cab rides. You can offer them free rides of different taxi services available in your city which will surely add more comfort to their travelling without costing a penny.
15. Off From Work
Get your employee some free time by offering early off from work. It can be for a few hours or for one complete day depending upon the size of the reward. An early off from work will surely make him smile.
Categories: Employee Benefits Tags: Employees, Program, Rewards