Memo to Employee Who Did Not Inform HR Before Going on Business Trip

Whenever an employee of the company goes on a business trip, as a protocol, he is suppose to inform the HR of the company. But if an employee without informing the HR goes for a business trip then the manager should write a Warning Letter or Memo to Employee expressing your disapproval on this kind of behavior. This is a kind of Warning Letter for Absenteeism Without Intimation sent by HR to the candidate.
We have come up with a formal format for Memo to employee who went on a business trip without informing the HR. It is a short and sweet letter.
Sample Memo to Employee Who Went on Business Trip Without Informing HR
R.K. Sharma
Human Resource Manager,
Advent Medicines Ltd.
New Delhi
Date: 10.10.2018
Vinod Khatri
54, Sahara Enclave,
Kamla Nagar,
Sub: Warning Letter for Going on Business Trip Without Informing
Dear Mr. Khatri,
With deep regret, we would like to inform you that Management is extremely unhappy with this kind of irresponsibility at your end.
You went on a business trip to Mumbai for four days without intimating about it to the HR Department because of which a lot of chaos happened. Moreover, the bookings for the same were to be confirmed and again led to inconvenience to you and to the company.
This kind of a mistake has happened previously in the past and you were warned to not repeat it. The Management would like to have an explanation from you in writing explaining the reason for the same. Meanwhile, you are warned again, and this time, for the last time, to not repeat such a thing in the future.
Looking forward to hear from you.
R.K. Sharma
Human Resource Manager,
Advent Medicines Ltd.
Click here to download sample Memo to Employee
Create a personalized Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work using this sample.
A professionally drafted Employee Verification Email Format to HR with precision.