Warning Letter for Policy Violations Template, Example

Violating the policy of the company will not be accepted by any organization and if there is any employee who has violated the policy then you can always write a warning letter to them highlighting them about the violating and the consequences it can bring to them.
Shared in this post is the sample warning letter for policy violations. This warning letter format makes an easy to use template for creating a draft that keeps in mind the details required to be included. Simply follow this warning letter template for creating your own letter with precision and perfection.
Format for Warning Letter for Policy Violation
Richard Smith
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Date: February 01, 2024
Mr. George Gibbs
54, Richmond Town
New York
Sub: Warning Letter for Policy Violation
Dear Mr. George,
This letter serves as a formal warning against the misuse of the resources of the company. It has been brought to our notice that from last couple of months you have been using the company’s car for personal use. This is against the company’s policy and therefore, is a direct violation of the policy and must be stopped.
Our employees are expected to comply with the company’s policy and any employee not doing that can attract serious actions against them. Any more violation in the future is going to bring serious consequences to you as the management will be compelled to take strict actions against you. Therefore, you are advised to go through the company’s policy once again in order to make sure that you don’t violate anything in future.
In case of any other queries, feel free to get in touch with the HR department.