Email Format

Handover Job to Colleague Email Sample and Template

Whenever a person leaves an organization, it is a part of his duty to handover job to colleague. For this, there are different kinds of handover of work responsibilities and duties emails that are written in this process. There is a handover email to colleague after resignation, handover job email from employer to employee etc. With handover job to email samples, keep things sorted and easy.

In this post, we have come up with all kinds of handover job to colleague email samples for reference. Use these handover mail formats which are quick to download and easy to use.

Handover Hob to Colleague Email Sample – Employee to Customers

Date: 18.02.2025

Dear Ms. Samantha,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I have resigned from AB Growth Bank and I will be leaving the organization on 21.02.2025. Mr. Adam Johnson will be taking up all my responsibilities and will be your Relationship Manager from now on. I am confident that he will be an amazing association and you will have no complaints dealing with him. In case of any issues, please call me at 9898989898.


Richard Brown

Relationship Manager

AB Growth Bank

Read Also: Material Handover Letter Format

Handover of Work Responsibilities and Duties Email Sample Employer to Employee

Date: 18.02.2025

Dear Ms. Samantha,

As per our records, you will be leaving our organization on 27.02.2025.

You are requested to make all necessary arrangement of handing over all your duties and details on ongoing project to Mr. John Black by 25.02.2025to keep things comfortable for you as well as the organization.

On behalf of AB Growth Bank, I extend a warm Thank You for your service. Wishing you good luck for the future.


Richard Brown

Human Resources Manager

AB Growth Bank

Handover Job to Colleague Email Sample – Employee to Colleagues

Date: 18.02.2025

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing this email to inform you all the I am leaving AB Growth Bank on February 28th, 2025. I would like to extend a warm thanks to all of you for being a wonderful support and inspiration to me. Also, I would like to introduce Mr. John Black as my replacement in the company. He will need all your guidance and support to fulfil his roles and responsibilities.

Again a very big thank you to all of you. It was a great pleasure and honour to be working with you all. Wishing you all a very good luck for future.


Samantha Lu

Handover Email to Colleague after Resignation

Date: 18.02.2025

Dear Robin,

I have been updated that you have been appointed to take over all my responsibilities when I leave my position with the company on 28.02.2025. Therefore, I am writing this email to arrange a meeting with you so that we can discuss the important dimensions of this role and to make sure that I can handover all the important documents and information on projects that I have been working on swiftly.

Please let me know when you will be available to have a meeting.


Samantha Lu

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Posted by Hrformats - February 18, 2025 at 4:55 AM

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How to write an Email to HR Asking for Joining Date

If you wish to enquire about your joining date with your new company then you can do so by writing a joining date email to HR. Usually there are different kinds of emails a new recruit is sometimes required to write like email asking for joining letter, mail to HR for joining formalities etc. Some people might as well need to write email to HR for early joining or draft joining date confirmation sample email subjective to the situations.

In this post, we have come up with joining date email format to HR. Using this format mail to HR asking for joining date, you can send a personalized email to the HR to know your joining date.

How to write an email to HR Asking for joining date

Here are some steps that you can follow to create a formal email to HR asking for the date of joining:

  • Always mention the profile for which you have been selected.
  • If you have a date of selection then mention that as well.
  • Keep it short and precise.
  • Don’t forget to thank in the end.
  • Always check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes before sending.

How to Ask for Joining Date by Email Format

Sub: Asking for Joining Date

Dear Sir,

This is Arvind and I am writing this email in relation with my date of joining with your esteemed company. I was selected for the profile of Marketing Executive at the campus recruitment organized by your company at MG University on January 15th, 2025.

Though I was given an offer letter but I am still to receive my date of joining and place of joining. I would therefore, request you for these details so that I can plan my logistics accordingly.

Thanking in anticipation


Arvind Sharma

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Culmination Letter Format of New Hiring
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Announcement Letter Of New Employee Joining
New Joining forms formats
Recruitment & Joining Checklist
Request to Change Joining Date on Job Offer
Address Proof Letter Format Date Of Joining
Employment Joining Letter Format For Employee

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Posted by Hrformats - January 15, 2025 at 4:54 AM

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Office Timings Email to Employees | Office Timings Mail

Office timings are the first thing when we talk about having discipline in office and for that writing office timings mail to employees is very important. A punctuality email to employee is a precise email which unveils the rules and regulations in relation with office timings. With an office timing discipline email, you can reach out to all your employees in one go. There are all kinds of office timing notice samples available online. You can use these emails to employees to come on time to create a customized draft.

Here is a sample of circular for office timings. You can use this format for office timing email to employees to draft your own email.

Office Timing Email Format to Employees

Date: January 8th, 2025

Dear All,

This is an official circular for office timings that all the employees are required to follow every day. Zenith Technologies Ltd. has its office timings from 9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday. The lunch break will be from 1 pm to 1:30 pm during which you can take the free meals from the company’s canteen.

We would like to highlight that our company is very particular with office timings and therefore, all the employees must strictly follow the timings mentioned above. Any failure in reporting to work on time or leaving from work before the office time can attract serious actions against the defaulter. Anyone who is late to report to work by 10 minutes will automatically be marked absent and will not be remunerated for that particular day. And if an employee is found to report late more than three times in a quarter will have to face serious consequences.

We are hopeful that all the employees will be punctual to work. We will need your cooperation to create a healthy and disciplined working environment at office.


Henry Crimson


Zenith Technologies Ltd.


Click here to download Office Timings Email to Employees in Word Format

Related Other Letter Format

I Will be Coming Late to Office Today Email Format
Request Letter for Approval of Change in Office Timing
Application Format for Shift Change in Office
Letter Offering Circular to Maintain Timings for Late Coming Employees

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Posted by Hrformats - January 8, 2025 at 4:26 AM

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Request Letter/Email Templates to Boss to Work from Home

Work from home may not be a popular work format for many companies but there are many situations under which an employment can submit request letter for work from home. There are all kinds of work from home request letter to boss like request letter for work from home due to COVID 19 (lockdown), illness, pregnancy, health issues. Whatever be the reason, you are required to write a work from home request email to boss.

In this post, we have come up with different letter and employee email examples asking to work from home. You can use the email templates for asking boss to work from home. You can write your own request for home sample email.

Format 1. Request Letter to Boss to Work from Home


Rakesh Sharma

54, Alaknanda Apartments

New Delhi

Date: 13th November, 2025


Anirudh Gupta

Project Manager

Infinity Technology Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi

Sub: Request Letter to Work from Home

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to request you to please allow me to work from home for a month.

My mother has undergone a spine surgery recently and as post-surgery precautions, she has been asked by the doctor to take complete bed rest for a month. During these times, I have to be with her to take care of her and at the same time, I don’t want my work to suffer. Therefore, I am writing this letter to request you to please grant me the permission to work from home for a month.

I guarantee that my work does not suffer because of working from home. I will be putting in extra time and effort to meet all the deadlines. I am hopeful that you will consider my request and will grant me the permission.

Thanking in anticipation.


Rakesh Sharma

Format 2. Request Letter for work from home due to covid 19

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to request to you allow work from home considering the ongoing situation of COVID 19. In present times when coronavirus has been declared the biggest pandemic of all the times, I believe that working from home is the way to stay safe for all of us.

In order to control the widespread of this disease, experts have been recommending everyone to not leave home until and unless it is extremely urgent and follow social distancing. Most of the companies within India as well abroad have asked their employees to work from home. Because our work format already gives us the convenience to work from anywhere, I would be a great step to have all the employees working from home so that all our employees are safe and are always there to contribute towards the company.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thanking in anticipation.


Gaurav Sharma

Format 3. Request Email to Boss to Work from Home

Dear Sir,

The purpose of writing this email is to request you to please approve work from home format for a week for me. Because of the immense rainfall, the road conditions have worsened and problem of water logging has made it extremely different to commute. Moreover, considering the weather forecast from the department, it is expected to rain for few more days.

In order to avoid the inconvenience caused in commuting to office, I would really appreciate if you could allow me to work from home until the rains stop and it is convenient to commute to office. I guarantee that there will be no loss or delay in work from my end.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thanking in anticipation.


Gaurav Sharma

Format 4. Work from Home Email to boss due to illness

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to request you to allow me work from home as I am not feeling well. I am suffering from a viral infection and I want to make sure that I stay from people, in case the infection is contagious.

I would be really thankful if you could accept this request and allow me to work from home until I recover. I have also enclosed my medical report for your reference.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thanking in anticipation.


Gaurav Sharma

Other Related Letter Formats

Sick Leave Email to Boss for One Day
Letter for Allowing an Employee to Work from Home
Work from Home Policy Template
Excuse Letter for Being Late at Work due to Traffic
Work From Home A Boon or a Bane

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Posted by Hrformats - January 4, 2025 at 4:37 AM

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Second Interview Thank You Email Sample | Interview Tips

Some companies have different rounds of interviews before finally selecting a candidate and if you have just finished with your second round of interview then you must write a thank you email after second interview to the concerned person. Th thank you email after interview creates a strong impression on the interviewer and therefore, one must never miss on the chance of writing one such email.

To help you with, we have come up with a format for job interview thank you email after 2nd interview along with second interview thank you email tips that will prove to be very helpful in writing your customized email. Simply follow the second interview thank you email sample format and you are sorted.

How To Write A Thank You Email After The Second Interview

Keep in mind the tips shared below while drafting a thank you email after the second interview:

Start with a thank you: Make sure that you begin your letter straightaway by thanking the person for the interview.

Talk about the interview: It is a good idea to include some details or information that were discussed during the interview.

Mention about your contribution: It is very important to establish a connection between your experience or skills and the kind of expectations the interviewer has from the new recruit.

Short and sweet: You don’t have to include unnecessary things in your letter. Rather make sure that it is short and sweet.

Professional tone: The tone of the letter has to be strictly professional.

Express your excitement: Don’t miss on expressing your excitement about joining the company in a subtle manner.

Express eagerness to know the decision: It is always good to express your eagerness to know the decision but in a very smart way and it has to be right before ending the letter.

Sample Thank You Email after Second Interview

Dear Mr. Richard Smith,

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet me again for the position of Project Manager. It was a wonderful experience meeting another member from the team and it was good to know that we are on the same page when it comes to designing a project.

All the discussions that we had about the upcoming projects and the vision of the organization made me all the more excited about this job opportunity and I am very hopeful that I will make a valuable asset to your company and will do the needful to take the company to new heights. Especially after you have entered the technical markets, my experience is going to prove to be quite valuable for the company as from the last five years, I have worked in the same industry.

In case you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

I will be looking forward to hear from you after you have made your decision.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Adam Brown

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Reply to Thank You Email to Boss for Appreciation
1 Year Completion in Company Thank You Letter
Thank You Letter After Phone Job Interview
Thank You Letter Example for an Administrative Interview
Reschedule Job Interview Email Sample
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Sample Job Interview Evaluation Form
Job Refusal Letter after Interview
Interview Call Letter Format for Job
Sample Job Interview Call Letter Format
Sample Interview Call Letter in Doc Format
Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview

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Posted by Hrformats - May 8, 2023 at 4:59 PM

Categories: Email Format   Tags: , ,

How To Write A Vacation Request Email (Example & Format)

Vacation is the time we all look forward to because that is the time to relax and enjoy but before going for a vacation, one is required to write a Simple vacation leave request email. It is an easy to draft email and includes information about the duration of vacation, the dates of vacation and other important things in relation with the holiday.

We have come up with a vacation request email sample Format along with important and useful Vacation Request Email Tips. Just use this vacation request sample Email and you can create your own email with much ease.

Tips for writing a Vacation Request Email

We have come up with essential tips for writing a vacation request email that one must always keep in mind:

  1. Learn about the Vacation Policy: It is very important for one to know about the vacation policy of a company before writing one such email so that you are sure that you have not made any violations while submitting your request for vacation email. You can also speak to your HR regarding the same and know the important points about taking vacation.
  2. Send an advanced notice: Always inform your employer well in advance if you are wanting to go on a vacation. A one month of advance notice sounds like a good thing to do in order to have the management prepared. Moreover, everyone in the team would be aware of your dates.
  3. Dates: It is always better to go on a vacation when it is the off season for your industry as the work load is going to be lesser. Smartly picking on your vacations will always get you an easy approval of your vacation request email. Never ever go on a holiday when you know that it is a busy time for the company as this is going to drive everyone crazy.
  4. Put up a strong subject line: Strong subject line is quite important and that is because the reader would be able to attracted towards it and will certainly read it. The subject line should clearly state the purpose of writing the letter so that the reader knows what he or she can expected from the letter.
  5. Make the reason of letter clear: Don’t forget to mention the intention of writing this email in clear words and in order to do that, make sure that you stick to the point and do not get involved into unnecessary banter.
  6. Include the dates: stating that you need a break from eight days is not enough as you must include the start and end dates of the vacation in order to bring clarity in the number of days as well as what particular days,
  7. Mention about the work you are doing: It is always a good idea to brief the reader about the work you have been doing presently so that one is aware of the tasks you generally do and who all will be needed to fill in the space in your absence.
  8. Offer to answer questions: Sometimes the reader may have some doubts and wish to ask some questions. Always invite the person to pose you with their questions for better understanding.

Vacation Request Email Sample Format

Dear Mr. Brown,

I, Richard Smith, am writing this letter to request you kindly approve my request for vacation. I am looking forward to go on a vacation with my family from June 1st, 2023 to June 6th, 2023 and I will be reporting to work from June 7th, 2023.

This is my usual time for taking a vacation as this is the time when the schools of my kids have the summer break and makes a suitable time for us to holiday together.

Presently, I am heading the “Kidz App” and I am expected to have the final sample approved from the clients before I go for the break. Once we get the approval, the team will get busy in creating the actual app and the things will be easy to manage by Mr. Henry Gibbs. While travelling I will only be available over email and in case of any issues, I can be reached on [email protected].

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any more questions then please feel free to get in touch with me.


Anthony Black

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Posted by Hrformats - May 4, 2023 at 2:54 AM

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Congratulation Email to Friend on Getting a New Job

If your friend has gotten a new job then it is time that you write a write a congratulation email to him or her on getting this new job. But sometimes we find ourselves lost on words when it comes to writing such letters. Therefore, following a Congratulations on a New Job Email Example what we can follow for creating our own letter.

In this post, we have come up with a Sample letter for congratulating a friend on getting a new job. The Congratulation Email Format works as an amazing help when you wish to create a congratulation email to your friend or if you are writing a Congratulations email for new job from employer.

Congratulations Email Format to a Friend on Getting New Job

Dear Samantha,

I hope this letter of mine find your in the best of your health and spirits.

I just got the news that you got your dream job and you have no idea how happy I am for you because I know how much you wanted this job and how much hard work you have put in to make your dream true.

I still remember when we were in elementary school, you were all crazy about fashion and always had this dream of working with the top fashion brands as a fashion designer. Though it was a dream of a little girl but no one had a clue that you were so serious about it and look at you now, you have made that dream come true. From doing to the college of fashion to doing a part time odd jobs, you did everything that was needed for you to make it big. You even worked with small designers against your will and started your fashion blog in your struggle to move ahead in life. But as they say that hard work always pays off. When I look at you, I realize that it is so true.

I am sure that you have a long way to go and this is just another milestone that you have achieved in your career. Keep working hard and keep up with your high spirit as there is so much more to achieve and so much more to celebrate.

Just wanted to tell you again that I am very happy for you and also I am very proud of you. You are always in my prayers and I know that you are going to shine bright at your new job and create new success stories with your dedication and hard work.

Wishing you good luck in your future endeavors.

Best wishes


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Posted by Hrformats - April 30, 2023 at 11:23 AM

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Appreciation Mail for Volunteer Work (Sample Template)

If someone has volunteered for some work then you must always write a thank you email for appreciation for their assistance. If you are wondering how to frame one such email then you can always follow the appreciation mail example.

In this post, we have come up with an appreciation email sample to write employee appreciation email for volunteer work in order to create a customized email that rightly puts forward your appreciation.

Volunteer Work Appreciation Mail Example, Format

Dear Sam,

You have always been a very helpful person and there are no words to thank you for your volunteer work. You can always been so supportive of doing community work and have always managed to take time out to do things that have always made a difference to the lives of other people.

We are so happy to have you as a part of our team and we high appreciate you for the volunteer work you have done in the last month.


Bob Harvey

Other Related Post to Appreciation Emails

Sample Employee Appreciation Letter
Letter of Appreciation on Completing Years of Service
Letter of Appreciation for Years of Service

Appreciation Mail for Achieving Targets
Appreciation Mail to Team Member for Good Work
Appreciation Mail for Going Beyond
Appreciation Mail for Good Annual Performance
Appreciation Mail to Employee for Honesty
Sample Appreciation Email for Assistance

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Posted by Hrformats - March 9, 2023 at 5:37 PM

Categories: Email Format   Tags: , , , ,

Sample Appreciation Email for Assistance Format, Template

If someone has assisted you with your work then you can always appreciate them by writing employee appreciation email. The appreciation mail example makes it easier for you to frame a personalized thank you email for appreciation that allows you to express gratitude for the assistance.

We have come up with the appreciation mail sample for assistance that you can write to your co-worker or employee. This appreciation mail format is what you need to follow to have your own email created in a formal manner.

Appreciation Email Format for Assistance

Dear Anthony,

With all my heart, I thank you for assisting me with the project on “New Zones of Profits.” Without your support and contribution, I would have not been able to complete this project on time.  You have gone out of the way to help me. You worked with me beyond the official working hours in order to make sure that no stone is left unturned in order to finish the project without compromising with the best.

I really appreciate you and your support. Thank you once again.


Bell Smith

Other Related Post to Appreciation Emails

Sample Employee Appreciation Letter
Letter of Appreciation on Completing Years of Service
Letter of Appreciation for Years of Service

Appreciation Mail for Achieving Targets
Appreciation Mail to Team Member for Good Work
Appreciation Mail for Going Beyond
Appreciation Mail for Good Annual Performance
Appreciation Mail to Employee for Honesty

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Posted by Hrformats - March 3, 2023 at 4:27 PM

Categories: Email Format   Tags: , , , , ,

Appreciation Mail to Employee for Honesty Example

Honesty is something worth appreciating and in order to do that you can use the appreciation mail format for writing one such mail to your employee. This appreciation mail sample makes a wonderful way to appreciate the loyalty the employee has shown towards his or her duties and responsibilities.

This post includes an appreciation mail to employee for honesty. You can use the employee appreciation email as a thank you mail to appreciate him or her for this quality.

Appreciation Mail Format to Employee for Honesty

Dear Robin,

Though we all talk about honesty but it is one quality which is very rare to find these days but when I look at you, I feel that our company is so fortunate to have a loyal employee like you. Your honesty in the recent deal that we have signed with Sigma Software has made us proud and has also helped us bagged this account which we had been chasing for so long.

We congratulate you and again thank you for being honest all the time.


Bob Harvey

Other Related Post to Appreciation Emails

Sample Employee Appreciation Letter
Letter of Appreciation on Completing Years of Service
Letter of Appreciation for Years of Service

Appreciation Mail for Achieving Targets
Appreciation Mail to Team Member for Good Work
Appreciation Mail for Going Beyond
Appreciation Mail for Good Annual Performance

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Posted by Hrformats - February 27, 2023 at 5:30 PM

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