What is the Best Way to Manage Sandwich Leave?
When you take leaves on Saturday and Monday then Sunday is also counted as a leave as per Sandwich leave name. This kind of combination is called Sandwich Leave concept when a paid holiday gets sandwiched between two leaves. Sandwich leave policy is followed by many companies with an intention to stop their employees from taking leaves at a stretch and also enjoy benefits of paid leaves. There are various other policies in this like Sandwich Leave Policy for earned leave.
So if you plan to take leave between two holidays then get prepared to witness the loss of pay. In this post, we have come up with some small and smart moves to make the most of your leaves along with Sandwich Leave policy rule in your company.
Managing Sandwich Leave
Here are some points that you must keep in mind while submitting your sandwich leave application:
- If you are planning to take Saturday and Monday as off then you must serve your office for half day either on Saturday or Monday.
- You can keep your loss to minimum by taking off on Friday and Saturday along with Sunday or Monday and Tuesday along with Sunday to at least enjoy one paid leave instead of no paid leave.
- If your company allows work from home then you can work from home one day before or after Sunday and take one day as leave.
This is quite a debatable issue and is very subjective to the HR policies of the company. Therefore, have everything clarified with your HR Manager before taking an off like that.
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