Recruitment Format

Sample Intimation Letter Format to Apply for New Job Vacancy

An intimation letter to apply for new vacancy is a formal letter written to the present employee in order to inform him or her that the employee wishes to apply for a vacancy in some other so that there is no objection in the future. Just like the intimation letter for joining, the intimation letter to employee for applying for a new vacancy is a simple letter that includes the intention to inform the employee.

In this post, we have come up with an intimation letter format. You can use this intimation application format for creating a personalized letter. You can use this template for creating an intimation letter for applying in another job.

Sample Format for Intimation Letter to Apply for New Vacancy


Richard Smith

54, Henry Hills

New York

Date: July 24, 2023


Mr. Adam Brown

Marketing Manager

Zenith Technologies

New York

Sub: Intimation letter to apply for new vacancy.

Dear Mr. Adam,

The purpose of writing this letter is to officially intimate you that I am going to be applying for vacancy with one of the private sector companies. I have been found a suitable candidate for the profile with the kind of experience and qualification I possess.

Along with other regular documents, I have also been asked by the company to provide them with a letter of no objection from my current employer stating that the company does not have any issues for me applying for another job outside my current employer.

I request you to kindly provide me with a no objection letter as soon as possible so that I can complete my job application before the deadline which is June 15th, 2023. The purpose of writing this intimation letter is to keep you posted about mu intensions. In case, I don’t get selected then I shall be continuing my services with Zenith Technologies.

I will highly appreciate if you could have the no objection certificate issued to me at the earliest.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Richard Smith

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Posted by Hrformats - July 24, 2023 at 3:21 AM

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Staff Resignation Announcement Email

Being the HR or the Manager of your company, when some of your employee is leaving the organization, you must share this information with other staff members by writing a formal email which contains all the important points related with the work tenure, working and resignation of that particular candidate.

Given below is a sample format of the staff resignation announcement email which you can use for creating a personalized email with essential points that are must to be included.

Sample Staff Resignation Announcement Email

Subject: Staff Resignation mail

Dear Staff Members,

With deep regret, I am announcing the resignation of Mr. Adam Smith from the Marketing Department of our company. He is resigning from his job because of some personal reasons, effective from 1st July, 2016.

Mr. Adam has been a committed employee of our company for more than 7 years. Since 2009, he has been associated with the company and has always worked hard in his field to take company at greater heights. He has been one of the most efficient Marketing Managers our company has seen. Under his leadership, the performance of Marketing Department has created new benchmarks. He has always put forward the good of the company and worked with utmost dedication to deliver his best. He was a wonderful and valuable asset to our company for all these years and his resignation will be a loss to all of us.

On behalf of ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd., let us all wish Mr. Adam best of luck for all his future endeavors. Let us bid him a happy and cheerful farewell on his resignation. The company is hosting a small farewell party for him on 26th June, 2016 to bid him goodbye. I would look forward for your presence at the party so that we can together wish him luck for the future. He would also be very happy to have all his co-workers and staff members around him when he leaves the company.

Thanking you!


Samantha Johnson

Manager, HR Department

Other Related Letter Formats

Letter Announce Annual Holiday Luncheon for Employees
Sample Letter to Announce a Job Retreat
Letter to Announce a Bad News to Employees
Warning Letter for Unauthorized Absenteeism
Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
Sample Warning Letter For Absenteeism Without Intimation
Warning Letter for Employee Regarding Attendance
Letter for Announcement Of New Employee Joining
Thank You Letter for Leave Approval Sample
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Easy Format of Half Day Leave Application Email
Sample of Circular for Leave/Leave Request Procedure

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Posted by Hrformats - July 8, 2016 at 7:04 AM

Categories: Recruitment Format   Tags: , ,

Steps for Writing Cover Letter for Recruitment Consultant

When you are applying for a job, while submitting your resume, it is extremely important that you also write a formal cover letter with it. If you are applying for a job through a Recruitment Consultant then you must invest some time in drafting a professional cover letter with all essential details to make sure that your letter is able to deliver the information that you want the reader to know. This is the only opportunity you have to make a strong impression without your presence and you must not waste it at any cost.

Steps to Write Formal Cover Letter for Recruitment Consultant

Here are some of the steps that you can use to create a perfect letter which includes the right amount of information.

Preparing the Base

It is about getting ready with all the information so that you can frame an impressive cover letter. For this, you will need the following details:

  • Be very sure of the kind of job you want to get into. Do not be confused or unsure about what you are looking for.
  • Make sure your resume is drafted with all the important points, without any errors.
  • Review and study your resume thoroughly before writing the letter as it will help you know what points you must discuss in your letter.
  • Follow the format of a business letter. You must focus on using the right format as this would leave a strong impression on the reader. Be sure of addressing the person correctly. Font, space, paragraph etc. are to be used without any errors.

Writing the Cover Letter

  • Address the Recipient Right

Address the recipient as Mr. or Ms. You must also use “Dear” as greeting in your letter. If you are not sure of the gender then use “Dear” followed by the name.

  • Purpose of Writing the Letter

You must clearly state the reason for which you are writing the letter in the first paragraph. Keep it straight, clear and short so that there is no confusion.

  • Give Your Introduction

Introduce yourself in 1-2 sentences. Keep it short but informative so that the recipient knows about you.

  • Mention the Job Profile

Now it is time to mention the job profile for which you have applied. This will avoid any kind of confusion as far as your job application is concerned. You must keep it straight and short. Make sure you are able to express your interest in the job profile and the company in an enthusiastic and positive way. You must include all possible details related with the kind of job you are looking for.

  • Sell Your Skills and Interests

In order to develop the interest of the reader in your resume, you must make sure that you include your skills, interests, qualifications and experiences in your letter in a brief yet impressive manner. The idea here is to develop the interest of the reader so that he is compelled to find out more about you. But whatever information you are sharing in this paragraph should complement the requirements of the profile. The more convincing you sound, the brighter chances you have for getting selected for the next round. You must use your skill to sell yourself in the most impressive way so that you stand out of the crowd.

  • End With an Enthusiastic Note

While ending your letter, you must write a concluding paragraph which stresses on the fact that you are a suitable candidate for the profile. Thank the recipient for his time and consideration.

  • Check for Errors

Before sending the letter, make sure that you take out some time to proof read the letter. This is important to make sure that your letter doesn’t contain any mistakes or errors. Check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and other format related issues to ensure that everything is perfect.

  • Attach it With Resume

Once you have framed a proper letter, it is time to attach it with your resume. Make sure that your resume is correct in every sense before sending it across.

Use these steps for creating a perfect cover letter for a recruitment consultant.

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Posted by Hrformats - July 6, 2016 at 1:02 PM

Categories: Recruitment Format   Tags: , ,

Offer Letter For Campus Recruitment

Offer letter is the very first formal document from the company to the candidate who has been selected for a certain profile. It is suppose to contain basic information like the profile for which the candidate has been recruited, his salary, general terms and conditions, payment details, working timings etc. When the candidate receives the offer letter, he is free to accept it or reject it.

If you are HR manager of your company then the onus of writing formal offer letter to campus recruitment’s falls on your shoulders. Here is the sample offer letter format which you can use to create your personalized letter with complete details.

Offer Letter Sample For Campus Recruitment

Robert Wills

HR Manager

ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

B 15 6th Block
Jackson Street

Date: 30.01.2016

Samantha Brown

123 52nd Park Street


Dear Ms. Brown,

With great pleasure, I extend the offer of employment to you on behalf of ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. for. Your expected date of joining will be on February 1st, 2016.

You have been appointed for the profile of Marketing Executive and you will report directly to Mr. Sam Gibbs, Marketing Manager. Your monthly remuneration will be $ 3000 (Dollars Three Thousand Only). You will be on a probation period of 6 months. You shall receive your payment on or before 7th of every month.

Your working hours will be from 9:00 hours to 17:00 hours. Sunday will be the weekly off.

Once you have successfully completed the probation period and your performance has been reviewed, you will then be entitled to other allowances and benefits offered by the company.

Offer stands cancelled in case there is deviation in information or you fail to report on the pre-decided date. It will be considered that you have not accepted the offer if there is no response from your end till January 15th, 2016. You are requested to submit all your original certificates for qualification and salary slips 9 if any) of last three months on your joining date.

Looking forward for a great professional relationship.


Robert Wills

HR Manager

ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

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Posted by Hrformats - January 30, 2016 at 9:51 AM

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Test Methods

1. Psychometric tests
Psychometric means that a ‘mental measure’ is used. Therefore, psychometric testing covers:

1.1 Ability testing.

1.2 Aptitude testing (over 300 Aptitude test questions)

1.3 Personality test.

2. Knowledge and skills testing
These tests are designed to test knowledge and skills of candidates. This method is suitable for workers and staffs not for management positions.

3. Social and economic testing
These tests are designed to test social and economic of candidates. This method is suitable for workers and staffs not for management positions.

Click Here To Download Test Methods

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Posted by Hrformats - July 18, 2011 at 8:30 AM

Categories: Recruitment Format   Tags:

Recruitment Process

Recruitment process

1. Objectives of recruitment process
The recruitment process has the following objectives:

• To ensure that the recruitment is as per the company expectations. (e.g time, skills, etc.,)
• To attract sufficient applications from potential candidates with the required skills, qualities, experience, and competencies deemed as being necessary to the job.
• To develop and maintain processes which will assist in ensuring the appointment of the most suitable candidate.

2. Recruitment Process

2.1. Getting Recruitment Request

Need to hire a resource can be due to any of the following instances:

• Non-availability of existing resource to fulfill a new requirement.
• Replace an existing resource
• Vacancy created due to the resignation of a existing resource
• Recruitment as backup resource
• Other reasons as deemed fit by the CEO and Senior Management

A recruitment request has the job specifications detailing the job title, mandatory skills, desired skills, responsibilities, location, start date, and approximate end date of the assignment.

2.2. Make recruitment plan

Based on recruitment requests, HR dept make recruitment plan and send to Director for approval.

Recruitment plan, including the:

• Number of employees need to recruit.
• Job descriptions.
• Recruitment Sources.
• Checking Plan for candidates.
• Budget of recruitment …

2.3 Researching of workforce market

HR dept need to regularly study the labor market to determine the recruitment channels appropriate to each audience.

The following factors need to be considered when studying the labor market
• Ability to provide.
• Time to provide fast or slow.
• Cost.
• Suitable audiences.

Based on the requirements of recruitment, HR should propose suitable channels.

2.4 Contact recruitment agencies

Based on the channel recruitment approved, HR dept conduct to contact recruitment channels to:

• Determining costs.
• Determining when recruitment ads are posted.
• Conducting procedures with recruitment agents such as contracts and payment.

2.5 Issue recruitment ads

HR dept should:

• Design recruitment ads.
• In some cases, it must be sent to director for approval.
• Post information to recruiting agents or post to free recruitment channels.
• HR manger should check the information which was posted to ensure conformity with the requirements set out.

2.6 Take care of candidates

Candidates often call or email to inquire information of recruitment, and HR dept need to build up information channels to answer the requirements of candidates.

2.7 Receiving CVs from candidates

After receiving CVs, HR dept perform the next step in the process of selecting candidates.

Click Here To Download Recruitment Process

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Posted by Hrformats - July 15, 2011 at 6:20 AM

Categories: Recruitment Format   Tags:

Recruitment Plan

This is sample / example of Recruitment Plan

1. Quantity of recruitment

• Identify number of employee / staff recruited per department
• Design a table with columns: No, department, Position, Number of employee, date got new employee, remarks

2. Design of recruitment materials

• Testing tools for the above positions are available?
• If not, company should have plan to fulfill above materials
• Job description of the above positions are available?

3. Sources of recruitment

• You should design a table with columns: No, position, channel, budget, who follow?, remark
• You can identify recruitment sources by internal or external
• What are channels for recruitment?
• You should identify suitable channel for each position.

4. Selection plan

• Who receive CVs? and when do?
• Who review CVs? and when do?
• Who organize to check professional and skills of candidate? and when do?
• Who interview? and when do?
• Who make final decision? and when do?

You should design a table with columns: No, working contents, who follow, who support, date, remark.

5. Recruitment budget

Identify what is budget of this recruitment.

6. Notes (if any)


Make by————–HR Manager————–CEO

Click Here To Download Recruitment Plan

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Posted by Hrformats - July 15, 2011 at 6:14 AM

Categories: Recruitment Format   Tags:

Recruitment Methods

Recruitment can conduct by 9 methods as follows: –

1. Recruitment by Campus method

Campus is the location of a university, college, or school’s main buildings. This method is based on recruitment at university, colleges…

2. Recruitment by Job centers

Job centers often specialize in recruitment for specific sectors. They usually provide a shortlist of candidates based on the people registered with the agency. They also supply temporary or interim employees.

3. Head hunting.

Head hunting are recruitment agents who provide a more specialized approach to the recruitment of key employees and/or senior management.

4. Recruitment by Advertisements

They can be found in many places such as:

• Newspaper
• Job posting on job sites
• Ads on websites related to positions recruited.

5. Database search on job sites.

Company can buy data from job websites for a week or a month to search candidates.

6. Employee referral

This method often refer to as ‘word of mouth’ and can be a recommendation from a colleague at work.

7. Contract staffing.

Company can buy staffing contract from HR outsourcing.
8. Word-of-mouth recruitment
9. Free online ads

You can post your recruitment ads at free websites such as forums, blogs…

10. Internal recruitment

Internal recruitment can conduct by types of:

• Present permanent employees (based on programs of career development).
• Present temporary / casual employees.
• Retired employees.
• Dependents of deceased disabled, retired and present employees.

Click Here To Download Recruitment Methods

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Posted by Hrformats - July 15, 2011 at 6:10 AM

Categories: Recruitment Format   Tags:

Sample formats attached to be used for Recruitment

Please find attached files of Application Form, Leave Policy, INTERVIEW ASSESSMENT FORM, Manpower Requisition CTC with PF ESIC.

Click Here To Download Application Form

Click Here To Download CTC


Click Here To Download Manpower Requisition

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Posted by Hrformats - May 26, 2011 at 9:15 AM

Categories: Recruitment Format   Tags: , , , ,

Recruitment Plan Template

Please find attach herewith Recruitment Plan Template.

Click Here To Download Recruitment Plan Template

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Posted by Hrformats - May 24, 2011 at 7:01 AM

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