Training & Development PPT
This attachment will depicts about “Training & Development” . I hope this document is not only useful for the freshers but also for the seniors.
Categories: Training and Development Tags: PPT, Training
Training Feedback Form & Calculation Sheet
Please see appended a Training Feedback form with Calculation Sheets.
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Training Feedback
Training Feedback Form & Calculation Sheet
Please see appended a Training Feedback form with Calculation Sheets.
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Calculation Sheet, Feedback Form, Training
Training Self Evaluation Form
Training Self Evaluation Form
1. Evaluation questions of training self evaluation form:
Place this paragraph at above the table below. “ Please review the following list of knowledge and skills statements. Give some thought to what you knew before this training and what you learned here today. Circle the number that best represents your knowledge and skills before then after this training.”
You should design a table with 4 columns:
• Number.
• Evaluation factors.
• Before training. This column include 5 mini-columns (rating scale 1-5 as below).
• After training. This column include 5 mini-columns (rating scale 1-5 as below).
Rating scale: 1 (low), 2, 3 (medium), 4, 5 (high).
2. Other information of training self evaluation form:
Please take a moment to answer the following questions. Your comments are an important contribution as our company design training programs to meet your professional needs.
• What will you do differently in your practice/service setting as a result of this training?
• What do you feel were the strengths of this training?
• What do you feel were the weaknesses of this training?
• How can we improve this training?
• What additional training-development education do you require?
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Training Self Evaluation Form
Training Evaluation Form
Training Evaluation Form
• Name:
• Date:
• Department:
• Course:
• Location of the program:
• Instructor:
1. You can design question as follows:
• Explanations and directions for the class exercises were…
• Effectiveness in communicating the course content was…
• Comfort level with the subject matter appeared to be…
• Answers to my questions were…
• Clarity in responding to my questions was…
• Explanation on how to best utilize the job aids was…
• Checks for understanding were…
• Ability to keep the session lively and interesting was..
• Ability to use the visual/teaching aids effectively was…
• Rapport with the trainees was…
2. Rating scales can be excellent, high satisfaction, satisfaction, less satisfaction, poor..
1. You can design question as follows:
• The exercises/activities gave me sufficient practice.
• There was an acceptable amount of exercises/activities in this course.
• The courses in this class helped me to apply the skills and or concepts.
• The training manual and handouts were valuable as learning tools.
• I feel prepared to go out and perform the skills taught in the class.
• The pre and post tests in this course were accurate and fair.
• The pre and post tests asked questions answered in the training.
2. Rating scales can be agree strongly, agree, neutral, disagree, disagree strongly.
3. Other information:
• What skills or specifications did you have difficulty learning or understanding?
• Were there areas that you felt were covered too quickly or too slowly?
1. You can design question as follows:
• Rate the following items regarding the training facility:
• Seating arrangement
• Classroom temperature
• Lighting
• Room configuration
• Learning environment
• Overall noise level (outside the classroom)
2. Rating scales can be excellent, high satisfaction, satisfaction, less satisfaction, poor..
3. Other information:
• What did you like about it?
• What would you improve?
• What did you like about the program?
• What would have improved the program?
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Training Evaluation Form
Training Effectiveness
Training Effectiveness
1. What is training effectiveness?
Training effectiveness is to identify results of training process in organization.
2. Purpose of training effectiveness?
• Identify effectiveness of training programs implemented.
• Adjust training plans in next time.
3. How to measure effectiveness of training?
Level 1: Reaction
Measures satisfaction of participant with the program. Some factors can measure:
• Trainer.
• Course content.
• Objectives.
• Facilities and food etc
Methods can be completed participant feedback questionnaire, informal comments from participants, focus group sessions with participants…
Level 2: Learning
We measure changes in knowledge, skills, and attitudes after and before training.
Methods can be pre-test and post-test scores, on-the-job assessments, supervisor reports…
Level 3: Application and implementation
We measures changes behavior of trainer in on-the-job about application and implementation (measure the application of the learning in the work context).
Methods can be self-assessment questionnaire, on-the-job observation, reports from customers, peers and participant’s manager…
Level 4: Final results
This stage measure effectiveness of the program in terms of business objectives. We look at aspects such as increasing in productivity, decrease in defects, cycle time reduction, etc.
Methods can be financial reports, quality inspections…
Level 5: Return on Investment
It measure ROI of training.
4. Evaluation models of training effectiveness
• Warr’s ciro framework.
• Cipp model.
• Daniel stufflebaum model.
• Return on investment (ROI).
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Training Effectiveness
Integration Training Procedure
Integration Training Procedure
I/ Goal:
– To help the employee quickly get on well with the work and culture of the company.
II/ Applicability:
– It is used for training new employees and in the internal training classes.
– As for new employees sent for abroad (or external) training in addition to internal training, external procedures will be used.
III/ Definition:
– No definition.
IV/ Content:
1. Establish positional training programs.
Each new employee must participate in the training programs of following contents:
– Training about the company regulations, structure, history, culture, etc.
– Training about professional operations.
The training program for each position is regulated by sample.
The training programs are established by personnel manager along with the divisional managers and are presented to the General Director for approval.
If there is new job title or position inducing, after assigning and explaining about the job, the personnel manager must establish a special training program for that job title.
On 6th December each year, the personnel manager checks all the positional training programs on the basis of examining necessary knowledge and skills for editing to make the programs more suitable.
Positional training program are established by sample.
2. Establish detailed training programs.
Detailed training programs are of 2 types:
– Training program about the company itself, regulations and rules.
– Training program about professional knowledge.
2.1. Training program about rules and regulations.
– This program is under the charge of personnel staff for establishing by sample.
– Before making plan, personnel staff must examine carefully the training contents, trainee profiles and contact the trainer to check the training time and place.
– After agreeing with the contents, personnel staff will make a specific plan and submit it to the personnel manager for approval.
2.2. Professional training plan.
– Chief – level managers and the director will be responsible for making the detailed professional training plan by sample and send it to the personnel department.
– Personnel staff will be responsible for supervising and speeding up the planner, then take the plan to the personnel department and forward it to the personnel manager to review. If there should be any consideration, personnel manager will directly meet with the planner to discuss.
– After the professional training plan is approved, personnel manager will return it to the personnel staff responsible for carrying out the training program.
3. Carry out the training program.
3.1. Training about internal rules and regulations:
– Personnel staff will be responsible for organizing the training about internal rules and regulations of the company.
– In training time, personnel staff must listen and answer all the trainee’s questions. As for questions out of their ability, they must report the questions to the personnel manager to answer.
– After training, personnel staff will have to make the minutes of training by sample.
3.2. Professional knowledge training:
The training process is carried out in the following order:
– Briefly explain each task in the job description table.
– Specifically explain each tasks, focus on explaining HOW, WHY, and the specific standard.
o Explain the steps to do the task.
o Why have to do the task?
o What are the standard and requirement of each step?
– Set an example for the employees.
– Let the employees practize, then check and explain.
– Assign tasks to the assistant.
– Assign tasks to the employees and instruct them the standards needed to meet.
– Finally, the manager has to make minutes of training by sample and sends it to the personnel department.
4. Examine the employee’s integration training period:
The process of examination the employee’s integration training includes:
– Let other employees give their evaluation about the new ones.
– Send to the new employees the self–evaluation form.
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Training Procedure
Training Process
Training Process
1. Identify training needs:
a. Sources of training needs:
Training needs of the company based on the level of company development and HR policies of company such as
• Plans and strategic goals … in the future.
• The upcoming needs of managers, professional staff.
• The changes in process of technology, tools and equipment.
• What are the requirements of law and standards affect to the organization.
Training needs are identified on Training Needs Appraisal Form by HR manager and / or department heads
b. Review training needs:
Based on Training Needs Appraisal Form, Training manager will review and give consultants to directors base on policies, procedures of company.
Then, training manager send Training Needs Appraisal Form to director for approval.
Based on the proposed division of department head and training manager, director approve form and returned to the training dept.
2. Making training plan.
Training dept will make training plan based on the following factors:
• Training title.
• The purpose of the training.
• Training application.
• Training method.
• Time of training.
• Training costs…
Based on the training plan, directors will review with comments. In case, plan meet the requirements then director will approve for implementation.
3. Implementation of training plan:
The training is done through 2 forms: training in house and external training.
• Training in house is a type of training trained by the professional training company or trainer from management level.
• Training outside the form of training by outside experts and it is conducted outside company.
Training dept will be responsible for deploying training plan.
Details of this step express at process of training in house and external training process.
4. Training Records:
• Training dept have to maintain training records as regulated by this procedure as rules related.
• These training records are maintained in the separate folder or personnel file till the particular employee remains with the company
5. Training appraisal.
Effectiveness of training is appraised base on 5 levels as follows.
• Level 1: Reaction
• Level 2: Learning
• Level 3: Application and implementation
• Level 4: Final results
• Level 5: Return on Investment
Depend on type of training, training manager is responsible for identifying appraisal indicators in written and send to director for approval.
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Training Process
Course Checklists
Course checklists
1. Pre-course checklist
• Reserve AV equipment
• Confirm with lecturers by email/phone
• Send lecturers confirmation letter and agenda
• Schedule caterer
• Purchase participant and lecturer parking passes
• Order certificates
• Gather copies of pre- and post-tests
• Reserve room
• Send participants initial confirmation letters and pre-course documents
• Assign clinical/laboratory practicum schedule
• Send practicum schedule to preceptors
• Order binders and separator sheets
• Order nametags
• Create Sign-in Sheets (one for each day) in Microsoft Word
• Set up room
• Create lecture and program evaluation forms in Microsoft Word
• Order copies of all documents for manuals
• Check AV equipment
• Print out Program Director’s introduction
• Make nametags
• Collate manuals
• Put out sign on day of training
• Check laser pointer
• Check lapel microphone
• Order batteries & bulbs if necessary
• Create participant roster in Microsoft Word
• Create lecturer roster in Microsoft Word
2. Post-course checklist
• Return room to original set-up
• Collect evaluations and post-tests
• Summarize evaluation instruments
• Pass out certificates at end of course
• Grade pre- and post-tests
Categories: Training and Development Tags: Course Checklists
Management Training Methods
Management training methods
1. Job rotation:
Job rotation is an approach to management training by assigning trainees from one department to another to increase their working experiences and to find out about their weak and strong points.
2. On – the – job coaching:
Trainee will work with the person who he (or she) will replace. This person will have a duty to tutor the trainee how to solve every problem under responsibility. This will help the managers with some of their responsibilities.
3. Young manager training:
Young manager training is the management method in which medium – level management trainees will be instructed about experiences in analyzing the problems of the company by doing the job as a young manager and setting goals and policies for the company.
4. Learning by action:
In this management method, trainees will be allowed to spend all the time analyzing and solving the problems in other departments or other companies.
5. Case study:
Case study is the training method in which trainees will discuss about organizational problem reports and each one will have to study the case by himself, have prediction about the matter and express his own solution to the problem in the group discussion with other trainees.
6. Management games:
In management games using computer, members will be distributed into several companies, each one with 4 or 6 trainees. These groups will have to compete with each other in simulated markets like in reality. Each company will have to define its main goal and be able to select a number of different decisions.
7. Outside seminar:
Seminars are organized in order to improving skills such as employee evaluating, leadership, communicating, goal setting, employee motivating and decision making skills.
8. University cooperation program:
System of universities implements 3 main approaches to improve management ability:
• Continued training programs in leadership and supervising skills…. lasting from several days to several months.
• Private training programs in business management, which every manger needs to apply for to improve, complete and enrich their basic management knowledge.
• Certificate training programs: issued certificates are often only for short – term use.
9. Role playing method:
This method is often used to improve leadership ability, interviewing or sale skill and others. They create different practical situations and ask the trainees to play the role of a manager in the situation.
10. Training method by template pattern.
This is a new training method including the following steps:
• Introduce to the trainees the template pattern or the best ways to do a job.
• Let trainees practise the pattern as being instructed.
• Give trainees comments, appraise and evaluation about the work they have done.
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Categories: Training and Development Tags: Management Training Methods