Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work

An organization has all kinds of people. Well some are very prompt with doing the task assigned to them and some on the other hand simply refuse to work. Every company has its own style of dealing with employees who say no to work. Writing a formal letter to employee who refuses to work is one way of warning them. Good companies always send warning letters in such scenarios.
If you also have to frame a warning letter to employees who say no to work then given below is a template sample that you can follow.
Warning Letter to Employees Who Say No To Work
Samantha Brown
HR Manager,
Universal Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd.
42 Richmond Street,
Date: 14th July, 2017
Robin Mars
Sales Executive,
11, St. Anthony Street
Dear Mr. Robin,
The management has been informed that you were assigned a job of dealing with our reputed customers on 12th July, 2017 but you refused to follow the instructions of your Manager.
We would like to warm you that our Company will not tolerate any such kind of misconduct or negligence from your end. If any such behavior is noticed in future then you will have to face serious consequences as actions against termination will be taken.
Consider this as a final warning and we hope that you would work without any negligence in future.
Samantha Brown
Production Manager,
Universal Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd.
Click here to Download Warning letter to employee who refuse to work
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