Format for Employee Retention Letter For Notice Period
Usually companies include the clause of notice period in their offer letters. The purpose of including notice period is to get some transition time so that when the employee leaves, the work that was handled by him could be handed over to someone else. If the employee is really good then companies try to retain them by writing a formal employee retention letter with notice period. The idea is to have an extra time to find a better substitute and have important things accomplished during this duration.
We have come up with sample retention letter for notice period which can be used for writing a personalized letter.
Sample Format for Employee Retention Letter For Notice Period
Samantha Brown
HR Manager
Global Investments Ltd
New York
Date: 18.10.17
Robert Smith
45, Gold Oak Apartments
New York
Dear Robert,
This is in response to your resignation letter received on 28th September, 2017. We would like to bring to your notice that as per your offer letter, you cannot leave your job before serving the notice period of one month. And in case you do so then as per the policy of the Company, salary of one month will be deducted from your remuneration.
We would like you to stay with us for another one month and train Mr. Adam Jack for your profile. This would help him learn all the duties and responsibilities during this while and then you can move ahead with your new job.
For any further discussions, please feel free to write me a [email protected].
Looking forward for your response.
Samantha Brown
HR Manager
Global Investments Ltd
Click Here to Download Employee Retention Letter For Notice Period
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Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employee, Notice Period, Retention Letter
Format for Tie Up Letter with Hospital for Employee First Aid Treatment
Companies which involve jobs with risky nature need to have tie ups with hospitals to address to the medical emergencies that might surface on a regular basis. In such a scenario, it is important to have a formal tie up the hospital to keep the process smoother and faster. You can do so by writing a proposal letter for tie up with hospital. With this kind of request letter to hospital, you can explain the need of tie up and go ahead with agreement format. We have come up with tie up letter sample proposal which you can use to request first aid treatment for employees in a formal manner.Sample Tie Up Letter with Hospital for Employee First Aid Treatment
From: Aaryahi Goyal Manager, Zenith Constructions Pvt. Ltd. A – 791, Bandra Reclamation, Mumbai Date: 17th July, 2017 To, Advika Agarwal Manager, Green World Hospitals M. L. Dahanukar Marg Mumbai Dear Mr. Mars, I would like to submit my request for tie up with your hospital for first aid treatment of our employees. I would like to introduce my company Zenith Constructions Pvt. Ltd. We are into the construction business and we have over hundred workers working with us. Due to the nature of the business, we require first aid treatment for our employees time and again. You are a prestigious name in the health industry and you have various setups across the city. Therefore, we would like to have a corporate tie up with your hospital to handle all the first aid treatments for our company. If you are interested then please feel free to get in touch with me at 9898989898 so that we can discuss further on this subject. Looking forward for your response. Regards Aaryahi Goyal Manager, Zenith Constructions Pvt. Ltd. Click Here to Download Format for Tie Up Letter with Hospital for Employee First Aid TreatmentOther Related Letter Formats
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Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employee, Hospital, Tie Up Letter
New Format of Employee Register Form A to be Launched by Government
Government of India has planned to cut down the number of registers from 56 to just 5. The idea behind this remarkable reduction is to make the business operations easier and more comfortable for the employers. This will reduce the burden on companies significantly. Government of India has announced to launch a format of employee register Form A which will soon be available for easy download on Shram Suvidha Portal.
Given below is the format for the same for your reference.
There are two parts to Employee Register Form A:
- Part A: It applies to all the establishments
- Part B: It applies to all the establishments under Mines Act, 1952.
We have both the parts of the form given below.
Employee Register Form A- Part A
The revised format for T Employee Register Form A- Part A consists of 31 different fields which are to be filled. Some of the columns included in the form are Sl. No. Employee Code, Name, Surname, Gender Father’s/Spouse Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, Education Level, Date of Joining, Designation etc.
In addition to these 31 columns, the employer is also required to include additional information in the Remarks column, if the employee falls in the age bracket of 14 to 18 years. The additional information includes:
- Nature of work
- Daily working hours
- Interval of rest
Employee Register Form A- Part B (For Mines Act, 1952)
Part B Consists 15 fields which are applicable for establishments under Mines Act 1952.
The Employee Register Form A- Part B form consists of 15 fields which are designed for all the establishments that fall under Mines Act, 1952. These fields include SI number, Name, Token Number Issued, Date of First Appointment with First Owner etc.
With these two formats, GOI has taken a strong step to reduce the large number of forms to just a few. The forms shared above contain all the important details of the employee and will surely reduce the everyday working hassles for the employer.
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employee Application Form., Employee Register, Register Form
Reasons Why Investing in Employee Training is Must for Employers
Most of the companies take training very lightly. Not only this, if the organization has to cut on budget, the first thing that comes to their head is employee training because it doesn’t give immediate financial benefits and consumes lots of money and time. This happens because companies often forget to take into account the loss a company bears because of low employee moral or the expenses incurred on hiring new people. Training has the potential to keep employees highly motivated, thereby retaining them for longer and it also helps in keeping them competitive and smart, which in turn helps in having better productivity and more profits for your company.
Here are the reasons why every company should invest more in training their employees and not cut down on their budget.
1. Probability of Trained Employees Quitting is Lesser
Usually employees quit their job in the very first year of their joining. This happens because they are not able to deliver what it expected of them which makes them lose their confidence and they have no motivation to work. On the contrary an employee who is trained well has better command over his work, he explores his potential to perform, he wins laurels at work and enjoys all the appreciation which in turn works as a strong motivation for him to work harder.
2. Training Boosts Morale
It is very normal for a person to be unable to perform his job as expected if he is not trained. This results in drop in interest to work, lack of confidence and fear from work. Such employees end up losing their moral. On the other hand, companies can transform average recruits to star performers by training them the right way. This will not only enhance their performance levels but will also increase their morals. Their high morals will always keep them happy which will reflect in other professional relationships.
3. Entry Level Employees Always Need Attention
Most of the companies don’t wish to invest their money on new recruits for entry level jobs because they consider them of no importance. But on the contrary, the entry level jobs need your attention because these employees are the face of your organization and your customers deal with them all the time. To make sure that they leave a good impression on your clients, you must train your entry level employees without worrying about your investment. Never underestimate the importance of these jobs. If you have hired someone to manage the cash counter, other than managing cash, he also needs to be warm to your customers, he should be able to communicate effectively with them. So make sure you train them all.
4. Trained Employees Help in Cost Reduction & Increasing Customers
Trained employees are blessed with more benefits, which have been listed below:
- More efficient
- More stable
- More productive
- High on morale and confidence
- Better control over their work
- Maintain stronger and healthier associations with clients, customers etc.
All of these points clearly state how amazingly trained employees are able to control and reduce the costs borne by the company and bring more profits to the organization by increasing profits and increasing the number of customers. As each of the employee excels in his job, he will deliver great performance, maintain healthy relationships which will constantly contribute to the growth of the company. Moreover, the cost of recruitment will be reduced to the minimum as attrition rate will always be low.
5. Enjoy the Best of the Performers
We cannot negate the fact that we have to make compromises as finding the most suitable candidate for a particular job happens rare. But making compromises with skills needed for the job are always better than making compromises with his values and attitude. A good training model is very effective in bridging the gap between the skills needed for the job and skills possessed by the candidate. Training helps you bring your employees at par with your expectations. You can comfortably hone their skills of communication, conduct, technology and various other facets thereby having the best of the performers in your company.
These are some of the reasons which are good enough to understand the importance of investing time and money in training your employees.
Other Related Letter Formats
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employee training, Skills Employers, Training Programs
Tips for Apologizing to Employers and Colleagues
If you have done something wrong then apologies are the best thing to do but they are also the most difficult things too. And when you have to say “I am Sorry” at a professional setting, it becomes all the more challenging. But when you apologize from heart for your mistakes, things become a lot easier.
Apologizing is surely the best way to express your feelings on the mistake you have committed but while apologizing at workplace, people often consider it as your weakness. But people who are wise, know the importance of saying sorry and how it brings out your confidence in yourself to fix t he troubles with effectiveness.
Apologizing at Work Place?
While working at some professional setting, you cannot keep constantly saying sorry for small things. This is not a right thing to do as this would lead to creation of a weak image of your personality. It would show that you are weak and therefore you are apologizing for small things. You really need to know where you should be saying “I am sorry” and where you should be avoiding.
Apologizing While Searching for a Job?
While looking for a job, if you have done something wrong then you must sincerely apologize for your act. For instance, if you have showed up late for the interview then do not forget to say “I am sorry”. It is important because when you are in the recruitment process, you have to show your professional and personal qualities to the employer and demonstrating them correctly can help you get the job without any complications.
Tips on Apologizing
Depending upon the issue, every apology differs. You really need to know for what reason are you making an apology, to whom you are making an apology etc. This will give a clear picture of how you should be apologizing. Given below are a few tips that can help you say “I am sorry” in the most suitable manner, especially in the professional setting.
Never Delay an Apology
You should never take too long to apologize for your mistake. It is important to do to as soon as possible so that there is no room for the negative feelings to emerge. If there is some minor mistake that you have made, you can apologize for it at the moment. But if there is some major transgression then you cannot simply apologize right after the event. You must wait for a few hours to let the things settle down and then go and submit your apologies.
Do Not Use It As An Excuse
You should never let your apology sound like an excuse for your actions. For this, you must start with “I am extremely sorry” and then begin what you have to say. Do not include in your speech, words like but, if, because. The idea is to express your feelings without putting any conditions. You must keep it clear.
Take Responsibility of Your Mistake
Most of the times, we avoid taking the responsibility of what we have done and that’s when the problem starts. The best thing to do is to admit the mistake you have done. This would reflect that you are actually sorry about what has happened and you are not simply making excuses. This also reflects that you have admitted what wrong you have done which is a positive thing to do.
Talk About Fixing the Damages
Once you have apologized and taken responsibility of your actions, the next thing to is to talk about how you can fix your actions and what measures you will take to make sure that same issue does not happen in future. Do not simply get done by saying that it will not happen again. To sound more convincing, you should be able to come up with steps which will help you create a stronger impression of words you have said. You can also ask for any remedies from the person to whom you are making an apology and include them in your working.
Act on Your Words
If you said that you will never be late for the meetings then you should bring that into action. If you are unable to follow through your words then the apology has no meaning. You must act on your words with complete sincerity y so that you can add more value to your apology and your personality.
Decide How to Apologize
If the mistake is small then you can send an email saying sorry to your colleague. But if you have committed something big then you must go and see him in person in order to discuss the issue in detail. In case you feel that things will get difficult if you meet in person then writing a sincere mail with all the points is the best thing to do.
Other Related Apology Letter Formats
Apology Letter for Delay Payment in Salary
Apology Email to an Employer for Missing an Interview
Apology Letter for Being Late for Work
Apology Letter to Client for Poor Performance
Apology Letter for Cancellation of Business Meeting
Apology Letter to Company Management for Misunderstanding
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Colleagues, Effective Tips, Employer's
5 Things that Every Employer Wants to Know
When a company is hiring new people, there are a few things that every employer wants to know about. The idea is to be sure about the people that will be selected. No employer wants to waste his time, energy and resources in hiring a wrong person. In order to make sure that they have selected the right man, they need some information which is very useful in helping them have a smooth decision making process.
This post talks about 5 most important things that every employer wants to know from the job applicants. So if you are able to pass on this information to the employer in a clear manner, then you have better chances of getting selected.
- Relevant Experience or Training
No company wants to hire fresher as lots of time and energy goes into training a fresh mind. Employers are interested in knowing how much experience you have in relation with the job for which you have applied. They are also interested in knowing the training programs you have undergone in past. The idea is to know how much aware you are about the profile for which you have applied, the roles and responsibilities attached with it, the work flow and general understanding about the profile for better working. This always helps in earning extra points.
- Criminal Record in Past
Companies want to make sure that the people they are hiring do not have any criminal record or any past related with violent behavior. It is important for the safety and confidentiality of the workplace and the workforce. Some companies go for a thorough credit check to ensure that everything is in place just before hiring the new candidate. So make sure that you don’t have any such records or they can adversely interfere with your future.
- Reliable and Discipline
When a company hires any person, it wants to make sure that the person is reliable and honest with his job. Employers are not interested in hiring individuals who never respect the deadlines, who arrive late at work, who are absent from work too often, who are not disciplined, who don’t follow the rules of the company. To get an insight on these behavioral points, they contact the references to know the conduct and reliability of a new candidate. You are selected only when you are able to earn points on conduct and commitment.
- Self Motivation
In order to grow on a personal level and in order to help your organization grow, you need to be self motivated. Employers always chose those individuals who are strongly self motivated. Such a person doesn’t need surveillance to deliver results. He doesn’t need a boss to tell what to do. He is a proactive person who is self motivated to find out ways to work even when not guided. He can manage the show on his own and can responsibly complete the assigned work. Not only this, such people are able to motivate people around them which help the organizations grow.
- Group Behavior
Employers look for candidates who are great team workers. They do not want to hire someone who cannot work in a group. It is very important for the employers to make sure that the work environment is pleasant and positive and for that to happen, they need employees to be interactive. They always look for people who can interact in group effectively, who are able to get along with all kinds of people. Anti-social people are just not loved by them.
So make sure that all these 5 things are highlighted in your resume or interaction with the hiring manager as they can help you win a wonderful job.
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employer, Job Hired
Letter for Announcement Of New Employee Joining
Whenever a new employee joins a company, it is the duty of the management to welcome him with open arms and announcing his arrival publicly. This is a way of formally informing the other staff about the entrant, his profile, the work he is going to do etc. This also includes the date of joining. This is nothing but a way of informing.
If you are in the management of your company and you are suppose to be framing a letter for announcement of new employee joining your company then you must have a look at the sample format given below which takes into account the right way of writing such letter. Use it in a customized way to create your personal letter.
Sample Letter for Announcement Of New Employee Joining
Date: 26.08.15
Dear Staff,
This is to inform you all that Robin Smith is joining ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. to fill our vacant position in Marketing Departments as Assistant Marketing Manager. His first day will be on Tuesday, August 1st, 2015.
Robin possesses a rich experience in the marketing field and we are happy to have him in the marketing team of ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. If you get to see Robin in the premises, be sure that you welcome him to the organization. For the first few weeks, he is going to be participating in the orientation program and on boarding activities.
Mr. James Mark is going to mentor Robin and if you have any question or you need to meet Robin then you can speak with James before he joins the company.
Robin will be working in the Marketing Department and going to assist the Marketing Manager in all important decisions and plan implementations.
Thanks for joining me in welcoming Robin to the company.
Amanda Joseph
HR Manager
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Other Related HR Letter Formats
Culmination Letter Format of New Hiring
Annual Outing Announcement Letter
Letter Announce Annual Holiday Luncheon for Employees
Email to HR Asking for Joining Date
Email Format for New Employee Joining Announcement to Related Departments
New Joining forms formats
Recruitment & Joining Checklist
Request to Change Joining Date on Job Offer
Address Proof Letter Format Date Of Joining
Employment Joining Letter Format For Employee
Announcement Letter Format For Half Day Leave For Staffs
Sample Letter to Announce a Job Retreat
Annual Outing Announcement Letter
Letter Announce Annual Holiday Luncheon for Employees
Email to HR Asking for Joining Date
Email Format for New Employee Joining Announcement to Related Departments
New Joining forms formats
Recruitment & Joining Checklist
Request to Change Joining Date on Job Offer
Address Proof Letter Format Date Of Joining
Employment Joining Letter Format For Employee
Announcement Letter Format For Half Day Leave For Staffs
Sample Letter to Announce a Job Retreat
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Announcement, Employee
Tips on Training Employees for Managerial Posts
It is always good to train an employee from within your company than to hire someone who is new to the organization. This helps you have a better manager who is more informed about the work culture and business, something at which he doesn’t need to be trained.
Now the question is how to train your present employees to help them become efficient managers. This article talks about some very useful tips on training them so that they are ready to fit in the new role. Read through these amazing guidelines which are extremely helpful for both small and big businesses thereby helping them save hiring costs and have a much competent person handling the managerial position.
- Go For Overall Training
It is important that you train your employees in general and not specifically in relation with a particular profile. This is helpful in increasing the productivity of the employee and also helps in their retention as they are able to handle things which are outside the purview of their present job profile. This is essential because a manager needs to know every job so that he can have an understanding of the nitty-gritty attached with it.
- Encouraging Learning Environment
It is extremely important for an organization to have learning culture so that the employees are always proactive in learning new things. They are able to learn the trick to learn new things in varied situations for better performance. With this you can have all your employees develop a level of comfort when it comes to learning. They would not shy away from catching up a new skill or understanding new style of working. They will always be positive about learning something new.
- Train Them to Use Right Tricks
As a manager, a person needs to know various skills other than his job profile that are important for him to perform his managerial duties. These include skills to delegate the tasks amongst different people, to ranks tasks in order of priorities, to define goals for the team for better productivity and performance, to manage people, to define communication channels, to be able to design a plan and put it to execution and to exercise their leadership skills in the most effective and impressive way. All these tricks are essential for everyday working.
- Train to Develop Comfortable Communication
Communication is the soul of any company and it is the duty of the manager to maintain a smooth and comfortable channel of communication between the employees so that the working is not hampered. This includes having a friendly approach to communicate, to be able to use the technical terminology while talking and to have interactive sessions.
- Train to Develop Leadership Qualities
When we talk about manager, the most important quality for such a profile is leadership. If a person misses on this skill then he can do no good to the company. Therefore, the employee needs to be trained on this quality. Not only this, he should also be trained on how he can help his team member become leaders in whatever work they do so that they care able to perform their duties with better authority and confidence. This can be done by making the employee handle small leadership situations so that he learns to lead the situation and generate better performance. You must start training him from low level opportunities so that he can gradually learn the way to lead.
- Develop Better Understanding
If you want to hire a manager from within your organization then in order to have him attain corporate skills, you must help them have a better understanding of the business by introducing them to the information about which they are not aware at present. They should be made aware of the importance of their profile and the job they do so that they can see how their working affects the working of their employees and hence has an influence on the performance of the company. A manager should always have a macro view of every situation. He cannot survive on a smaller picture. Therefore, it is very important for the company to train the employee look beyond what he already knows and think out of box in order to deal with everyday challenges.
These are a few points which talk about the training tips which can transform your regular employee into an efficient and smart manager who knows how to lead, plan and act in the most amazing manner which helps your company grow.
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employees, Managerial, Training
5 Indications That Your Employees Are Going to Leave the Company
The success of the company lies in hiring and retaining good employees in the company. A company should work hard to make sure that all good people stay in the organization. But sometimes despite all the efforts, these valuable assets leave. Therefore, you must stay vigilant so that you don’t end up losing them. This is only possible if you grab the warning signals on time and save the good men leaving your company.
This post talks about 5 indications that every manager or company owner must look for in order to avoid such a situation.
1. Look for Signs of Cheating
You may also come across employees searching for new jobs during the office hours by checking out the internet job postings or making calls to other companies when they are free or going for job interviews by taking a leave. If you observe any of these signs then you must act before it is too late.
Solution: You must ask the employee that reason why he wants to leave the company. If he gives some reasons like he is not comfortable working in the team then you can suggest him possible solutions. If he is looking for more a hike in career then you can show him possibilities that lie with your company which can help you retain him.
2. Crisis at Personal Ends
One must not forget that every person has a professional and personal life and problems in one can adversely affect the other. If there is an employee in your organization who is undergoing some problem in his personal life like a demise of a family member, serious health issue in family or divorce then of course priorities in his life are going to change. He may start looking for better options which fit his list of priorities.
Solution: As the manager or company owner, you must always be aware of the personal life of your employees. Asking them about their families is a way of expressing your concern. You can even give them small break from work so that they can take care of their personal problems effectively without bothering about their job.
3. Expectations and Jealousy
There are all kinds of people working in a company, each with a different attitude and aptitude. In the midst of all this it sometimes happens that a go-getter in the company doesn’t get promoted and someone else does. This can be a situation wherein chances of jealousy increase because that employee was expecting a promotion based on his good performance.
Solution: Whenever you notice any employee talking about his hurt feelings or is angry or upset then you must address to the situation at the earliest by talking it out with him. You must make him understand the situation and reassure him that his efforts are acknowledged by the company. You can also help him enrolled for some additional training program.
4. They Simply Say it
If your employee tells you on your face that he is not happy working with the company then chances are bright that soon he is going to put up his resignation. Most of the times, employees don’t want to express themselves but sometimes they actually say it because they are deeply frustrated or disturbed. This is a sign that they are deeply unhappy with the organization and they want to leave.
Solution: If at all you find any employee making such a remark then never ever let it go. Ask him what he doesn’t like or what he desires. This will give you an insight to the problem and you can work out feasible solutions.
5. Don’t Stay Extra
If your employee leaves as soon the clock strikes the closing time or leaves just before it then it is one of the very first few signs that can be observed. It shows that he is not interested in investing any of his personal time at office because he is not connected with the company anymore. He doesn’t wish to stay longer to complete his pending task which otherwise would have been a matter of concern for him.
Solution: As soon as you see your employee leaving the office just on time then you must talk to him at the earliest or this is soon going to change into an intense situation in which his behavior will reflect his disinterest in the organization. So act before it is too late.
It is always good to act when you see sign warning signs in your company in order to retain your good people but make sure that you don’t do such a thing at the cost of the norms of your company because otherwise it can be really very damaging. You must know the best possible solution without making unreasonable compromises.
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employees, Leave
Effective Ways to Handle Employee Grievances in Your Company
When you are the manager or the company owner, you will come across lots of things which are bothering your employees. These grievances can be defined as something real or imaginary feeling of dissatisfaction that an employee has for his job or concerning the management and their policies or the company procedures. Such kind of issues must be expressed by the worker by bringing it in the notice of the management so that best possible actions can be taken to resolve it. In case these grievances are not addressed in time then they can lead to bigger problems or disputes in the company which may affect the working and performance of the company as the whole.
This article talks about different effective ways with which these employee grievances can be handled by the managers or the company so that the workers working in your organization work with greater efficiency and enthusiasm. Addressing such issues is extremely important otherwise it may cause dissatisfaction, lack of interest, lower productivity and frustration amongst workers.
Reasons of Grievances
There are various reasons which may cause such a situation:
- Usually the cause of grievances is when the expectations of the employees are not fulfilled by the company which causes dissatisfaction in them.
- When the rules and practices of organization are violated.
- When the working conditions are not up to mark. For instance, there are no basic facilities, the place of working is unsafe, the relationship with manager is not cordial etc.
- Due to illogical practices of management. For instance, frequent transfers, demotions, overtime, and weird structure of remuneration.
These are some of the probable reasons because of which a person experiences dissatisfaction and frustration in his professional life.
Addressing Grievances
It is must for managers to immediately address such situations amongst his employees and take necessary steps to rectify them. This is important not only for the performance of the company but also for the relationship of employer and employee. This way the employee remains honest to the organization.
Here are some of the steps that must be taken to handle grievances in the most effective way so that the issue can be resolved without causing any damages.
Taking a Quick Action
The moment some kind of grievance arises in the company, it must be given all the attention. Make sure that managers in your organization are trained from time to time to handle grievance situations in an effective manner. A fast action can reduce the damages and can also help in reducing the frustration levels in employees.
Acknowledge and Address
The next step is to acknowledge the problem. This way the worker will be able to develop confidence in the manager as he feels that management is interested in resolving his problem. It shows that administration is eager on solving it and would take the best steps to ensure that the best and authentic decision can be taken without any biases. This will give a very positive message.
Finding the Facts
The next step involves going some fact finding. This will work as the platform on which you can take a wise and genuine decision. Make sure that all these facts are properly placed in a file so that they can be used at the time of grievance redressal. This will bring clarity about the situation.
Look Into Reasons
Now once you have facts in hand then you must work to know the cause of grievance. You must find out the real cause of the problem because based on that information you will be able to take remedial actions which will not only help you address the problem in present but will also help you not repeat it in future.
Decision Making
Now it is time to take the decision based on all the facts you have able to find keeping the causes in the picture. Make sure that whatever course of action you are planning to take, you are aware about the present result of that action along with its repercussions in future. Every decision needs to be thoroughly analyzed before implementation so that you can make the best move.
Once you know what decision you are suppose to be taking, you must execute it at the earliest. You must look at the bigger picture while doing so and not just be focusing on one person.
After everything is done, you need to review your decision to make sure that grievance has been resolved properly and completely and now there are no issues.
If you will follow all these steps then you will be able to handle the situation effectively. This will keep the environment of your office cordial, positive and encouraging. Hence, make sure that you address grievances as soon as you feel them that they exist to keep your employees happy and loyal towards the company.
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Grievance, Handle Employee