Top 4 Steps of Robust Recruitment Process
Top 4 Steps of Robust Recruitment Process
The process of recruitment forms one of the crucial parts of HR Operations. They need to hire people required to execute various tasks and responsibility in an organization at various levels. Requirement on the kind of people differs from organization to organization. Therefore it in very important for HR personnel to understand the function of the business he/she is in.
Hiring process is a combined effort of the HR and Hiring manager. Hence both the personnel should spend ample amount of time to discuss the qualities and capabilities they are looking for in the candidate.
To make the process a bit easier and simpler I have come up with four implementable steps that can be followed in any organization. This plan is full proved as I have got effective results as well. However, you can change the requirements as per your organization need.
Following are the four steps I am talking about. Read it carefully.
Step 1: Get details of the position to hire from the hiring manager
The hiring manager and the HR personnel should discuss well in advance the kind of person they want for a specific position. If a good coordination is not maintained, the HR would surely hire wrong kind of person and the process of recruitment would take longer time. However, it is understandable if both the personnel do not get ample time to get along and discuss because of their busy schedule. If such is the case, the HR can create a format Manpower Requisition Form to collect information required for a certain position.
The MR Form should cover all the important information required in the recruitment process to find the correct match. Some of the requirements will include:
- Job Tile
- Grade
- Number of Positions
- Location
- Replacement/ New Hire
- Replacement of (In case of Replacement)
- Reporting Manager
- Hiring Manager
- Contact details of Hiring Manager
- Salary Range
- Employment Type (Permanent, Contractual, Trainee, Consultant)
- Contractual Duration (If applicable)
- Mandatory Educational Qualification
- Desirable Educational Qualification
- Certification (If Any)
- Minimum years of experience
- Maximum years of experience
- Any Specific Industry to look for
- Any specific companies to look for
- Job Description (Attach separate document if required)
- Gender Specific (if any)
- Age Criteria (if any)
- Expected on board date
- English Communication Scale Required (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average, Below Average)
- Knowledge of any other language
- Interviewer Level 1
- Interviewer Level 2
- Interviewer Level 3
- Any other specific criteria to keep in mind
You may also add a few of points as per your company’s requirement.
How to maintain the Master file of Manpower requirement and capturing progress
You must also maintain a master file where you can dump in all the record of the manpower requisition and progress generated. Simply create a spreadsheet to do so. Let me refer to Manpower Requisition as MR from now on.
Guideline to help you maintain the spreadsheet:
- MR Code: Assign this unique code to each requisition raised. Mention more than one position in MR format in case of hiring manager and then issue separate MR code for each position.
- Date of MR Raised
- Information like Designation, Grade, Replacement/ New Hire, Replacement of (In case of Replacement), Reporting To etc. should be mentioned.
- Hiring Manager Name, Educational Qualification (Essential), Educational Qualification (Desirable) should be mentioned as well.
- TAT (Turn Around Time): Pre define a time frame to close any position. You can have one TAT for all positions to close or different TAT depending upon level / grade of position you plan on hiring.
For instance, you can keep the following TAT depending upon position:
ü Below Assistant Manager : 30 Days
ü Assistant Manager to Manager : 45 Days
ü Above Manager to below General Manager : 60 Days
ü General Manager : 75 Days
ü Above General Manager : 90 Days
- Status: Keep this field to maintain the status of each MR Requisition. For example it may include Open (No action taken yet), WIP (Work in Progress), Offer Made, Closed (Means candidate has joined), Withdraw (Position withdrawn by Hiring Manager), Hold (Position put on Hold by Hiring Manager), Un Hold (Position reopen by Hiring Manager) etc.
- Date of position on Hold and Un Hold
- Closure Date
- Name of Candidate Selected
- Mobile number of selected candidate
- Expected Date of Joining
- Cost to Cmpany Offered
- Source of Hiring column will include Job Portal, Newspaper, Employee Reference, Campus Selection, Consultant, and Other Sources.
- Source Description
- Candidate Joined (Yes / No)
- Actual Date of Joining
- Remarks (If any)
Maintaining the above information for each position will thus help you generate effective reports like:
ü How many positions are opened, WIP, Closed and held?
ü How many hiring are under TAT or exceeded TAT?
ü Grade wise positions along with closure status etc
Step 2: Find suitable candidate and send details to the hiring manager
When the hiring related information is obtained by the recruiter, he/she can start the sourcing process.
When the recruiter find a suitable candidate, he/she must forward the details of candidate to hiring manager. Before lining up the candidates for interview, the recruiter should match their suitability against each parameter. This way you can save time of the HR, hiring manager and candidate. Also if possible, telephonic round should be arranged to ensure hiring manager can judge further suitability on technical aspects before the Face to Face round
Make sure to send the following information while sending resume to the manager:
- The resume of candidate
- Try to provide information systematically against each parameter as per the MR Format. This will ensure that the right person is hired. Since a recruiter work on various positions at one time, this format will help them to check all the parameters required for the position so that the candidate has less chances of rejection.
Step 3: Mid Recruitment Process
Below are certain tricks to make the recruitment / hiring process faster.
- After sending the candidate details to the hiring manager, a link must be maintained with the hiring personnel to get feedback. This is crucial because if you do not get the feedback on time, your TAT to close the position will increase and the sourced candidate may seem no longer interested in your company. You can also ask your seniors for the feedback.
- Communication is a crucial aspect of recruitment. Try to communicate about each and every update to all the party involved. Include the candidate in the list as well. For instance, when the telephonic round is confirmed, update both the hiring manager and candidate about it.
- Quick communication is very much important. Call up candidates lined up for interview and share the current status with hiring manager like if the candidate is on way, refused, want to postpone or not reachable.
Step 4: Finalize the candidate
When a candidate is finally finalized after the rigorous process, follow the following process:
- Ask for salary proof from the candidates. This is important because most candidates forge their current salary or lie about their current package. Ask for Salary slip and Bank Statement where entry of the salary transfer is recorded.
- Mention the candidate that once offer is made to him and accepted, he will have to resignate from his current post. A copy of the resignation letter with the date of relieving should be produced too. This minimizes the risk of candidates not joining. Also, work on back up arrangement, if required.
- Get approval from the hiring manager on the salary offered to the candidate. It is always better to get verbal things documented to avoid confusion later.
- Mention in detail about the complete offer to the candidate. This will include the salary structure, other benefits, documents to submit while joining and any other important information.