Relieving Letter Format For Employee Free Download
J.K Corp/HRD/2012-13/016
Oct. 16, 2013
Mr M.K Khan
Company Secretary
45/1/6 Sarkar Road
Mumbai – 800 458
Dear Sir
This refers to your letter of resignation dated 15/10/2013.
We accept your resignation with regret, and in accordance with your contract with us, you shall be released with effect from the close of working hours of 15/11/2013.
In case you leave us earlier than this date, the consequent shortfall in notice period shall be adjusted from your final settlement.
You will hand over charges to Mr. Dev Manager (Accounts) or any other officer that the Company may designate.
Your exit formalities shall be done in accordance with the laid down process of the Company.
We wish you all the best in your future career.
Please sign the duplicate copy of the letter as a token of hereby received and accepted this communication.
Thanking You,
Your Sincerely
For J.K Corporation Ltd.
M.K Khan
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