New Format of Employee Register Form A to be Launched by Government
Government of India has planned to cut down the number of registers from 56 to just 5. The idea behind this remarkable reduction is to make the business operations easier and more comfortable for the employers. This will reduce the burden on companies significantly. Government of India has announced to launch a format of employee register Form A which will soon be available for easy download on Shram Suvidha Portal.
Given below is the format for the same for your reference.
There are two parts to Employee Register Form A:
- Part A: It applies to all the establishments
- Part B: It applies to all the establishments under Mines Act, 1952.
We have both the parts of the form given below.
Employee Register Form A- Part A
The revised format for T Employee Register Form A- Part A consists of 31 different fields which are to be filled. Some of the columns included in the form are Sl. No. Employee Code, Name, Surname, Gender Father’s/Spouse Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, Education Level, Date of Joining, Designation etc.
In addition to these 31 columns, the employer is also required to include additional information in the Remarks column, if the employee falls in the age bracket of 14 to 18 years. The additional information includes:
- Nature of work
- Daily working hours
- Interval of rest
Employee Register Form A- Part B (For Mines Act, 1952)
Part B Consists 15 fields which are applicable for establishments under Mines Act 1952.
The Employee Register Form A- Part B form consists of 15 fields which are designed for all the establishments that fall under Mines Act, 1952. These fields include SI number, Name, Token Number Issued, Date of First Appointment with First Owner etc.
With these two formats, GOI has taken a strong step to reduce the large number of forms to just a few. The forms shared above contain all the important details of the employee and will surely reduce the everyday working hassles for the employer.
Categories: Employee Relations Tags: Employee Application Form., Employee Register, Register Form