Letter of Recommendation for Performance Bonus
We all love performance bonus as they motivate us to work harder but sometimes we need someone else to speak for our performance and that’s when the role of Bonus Letter to Employee comes in picture. The purpose of a letter of recommendation for performance bonus usually comes from the person who supervises the individual on whose behalf the letter is being draft by highlighting the performance levels the individual has achieved. Performance bonus letter to employee has to be precise but should contain enough information on the performance delivered by the individual.
We bring to you a letter of recommendation format. You can use this sample bonus letter to create your own letter of recommendation for performance bonus.
Sample Letter of Recommendation for Performance Bonus
Aditya Gupta
Marketing Manager
ABC Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Date: January 18th, 2025
Ms. Ritu Sharma
HR Manager
ABC Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Dear Ms. Ritu,
The purpose of writing this letter is to recommend Mr. Satish Mehra, Senior Marketing Executive, who is a wonderful member of my marketing team. I must highlight that over the last one year, his performance has been extra-ordinary. He, with his hard work, has been able to deliver results beyond the targets that were given by the company. Not only that, he has always been very prompt with his work and is an inspiring individual with good conduct. Therefore, I would like to recommend that Mr. Satish Mehra should be considered for a performance bonus because he deserves to be appreciated and rewarded for his hard work and dedication.
I am aware that due to the pandemic situation our company is unable to have desired sales. But I strongly feel that we must reward employees like him who perform beyond the targets to motivate them to work harder, especially in times like these when the moral levels of all the employees are pretty low. I would always like to bring to your notice that in these times when sales of many of our competitors are falling, we have still managed to deliver good performance.
We must always remember that good employees don’t come easy and when we have such hard working, loyal and inspiring assets in our organization, we must reward them for delivering excellent performance which is going to work as a stimulus in putting more efforts in taking the sales higher.
I would like to thank you for considering this request and I am very hopeful that you will accept this recommendation.
Aditya Gupta
Marketing Manager
ABC Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
More Recommendation Letter Formats
Offer of Letter of Recommendation
Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School from Employer
Refusal of Request for Letter of Recommendation
Recommendation Letter for a Staff Nurse from the Department Incharge
Roles of Job Performance Appraisal
Incentive letter or Bonus for Top Performers
Recommendation Letter for Employee From Manager
How to Draft Character Reference Letter for Job
Reference Checking Format
Categories: Letters Tags: Letter Format, Performance, Performance Bonus, Recommendation, Recommendation Letter
Sample Appreciation Mail for Good Annual Performance
It is always a good idea to write employee appreciation emails to those who have exhibited good performance. In order to do that, you need an appreciation mail sample that can guide you to write your own mail.
In this post, we have come up with an appreciation mail format for good annual performance. You can use this appreciation mail format for drafting a personalized email to that employee whose performance has really been impressive.
Appreciation Mail Format for Good Annual Performance
Dear Robin,
Congratulations on being selected as the Star Performer of the Year.
We are highly impressed with your performance during this year and you have certainly made Zenith Technologies proud with your performance.
During this year, you were able to bag five of the most important new accounts for the year which have contributed significantly to our sales for the year. You are not just a Sales Person to our company but you are a precious asset and we are happy to have you.
We appreciate you for all the hard work and dedication you put into you work. Wishing you good luck.
Bob Harley
Other Related Post to Appreciation Emails
Sample Employee Appreciation Letter
Letter of Appreciation on Completing Years of Service
Letter of Appreciation for Years of Service
Appreciation Mail for Achieving Targets
Appreciation Mail to Team Member for Good Work
Appreciation Mail for Going Beyond
Categories: Email Format Tags: Annual Performance, Appreciation, Appreciation Mail, Employee, Good Annual Performance, Performance
Appreciation to Employee for Outstanding Performance
Make sure that you always appreciate your employee for outstanding performance and what’s better than an appreciation mail format to do so. If there is one such employee in your company who has impressed you with his or her impressive performance then the appreciation mail example shared below can be of great help to you.
If you wish to write an employee appreciation email for outstanding performance then you can follow this appreciation mail Sample to create your own.
Sample Appreciation to Employee for Good Performance
Dear Bob,
I am writing this mail in order to congratulate you for your outstanding performance at the Annual Conclave 2022 that was held the last week. We are so proud that we had someone like you to represent Zenith Technology who knew how to make an impression who was present at the conclave.
We are extremely thankful for you to putting in so much of efforts and creating such an impressive introduction of Zenith Technologies to introduce the company to everyone on such a respectful platform.
Henry Smith
Other Related Post to Appreciation Emails
Sample Employee Appreciation Letter
Letter of Appreciation on Completing Years of Service
Letter of Appreciation for Years of Service
Appreciation Mail for Achieving Targets
Appreciation Mail to Team Member for Good Work
Appreciation Mail for Going Beyond
Employee Performance Concern/ Issue Letter Example
The purpose of an employee performance concern letter is to express concern over the performance of the employee by the employer. The employee performance issue letter highlights the unacceptable performance levels of the employee and issues a warning against the same. Using this warning letter to employee for poor performance, the employer gives a strong signal to the employee to pull up his socks and start improving the performance.
This post includes a poor performance letter template. You can use this format for employee performance concern letter to create a personalized draft.
Employee Performance Concern Letter Template, Sample Format
Simon Smith
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
Date: October 2nd, 2021
Mr. Andy Jacob
Marketing Manager
Zenith Technologies
Dear Andy,
The purpose of writing this letter is to highlight my concerns over the declining performance of our Deputy Marketing Manager, Mr. Richard Bay, whose performance has been delaying from last six months. He has been displaying negligence and disinterest in work. He, being the in-charge of some of the significant projects, needs to be focused and dedicated towards his roles and responsibilities.
It has been observed that he has not been attending the monthly meetings of the department from last two months. He has also been reporting to work at late and leaving the office early without prior information. All this has led to declining performance as he is not able to devote enough time to the projects of which he is the in-charge. In addition, we have received many complaints for his inaccurate and unacceptable behavior with the juniors. All these things are not acceptable at our organization.
You are required to investigate his performance and behavior and take immediate action against him by September 10th, 2021 or else the Management will have to come in the picture and take required disciplinary action against him.
Thank you.
Simon Smith
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats
Sample Letter to Express Concern about Team Member
Warning Letter to Employee for Cigarette Smell
Warning Letter to Employee for Negligence of Duty
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
First Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Poor Performance Warning Letter Format
Performance Review Letter with Evaluation Results
Performance review is an important HR process which is done in order to gauge the performance of an employee and compare it with the standards. This brings clarity in his working and also tells whether he needs to improve or he is performing decent.
Being the HR Manager of the company, you may have to evaluate the performance of the employees every year and then send them a letter in writing consisting complete review of their performance. If you don’t know how to go about framing such a draft then here is an example sample to help you deal with the situation. Use it as reference for writing a customized letter in a professional way.
Sample Performance Review Letter with Evaluation Results
Mathew Jacob
HR Manager,
XYZ Development Bank
42 Richmond Street,
New York
Date: 13th July, 2015
Julia Mars
11, Park Avenue,
Re: Annual Performance Evaluation for 2014-15.
Dear Mr. Mathew Jacob,
This letter brings to your notice the evaluation of your performance for the period of one year from 1st July, 2014 to 30th June, 2015. It studies and analyzes your contribution to the marketing department as senior marketing executive. It also contains remarks from your team leader on your performance and progress for this period.
Your performance has been analyzed based on the following areas: Achievement of Targets, Professional Responsibility and Professional Development.
- Achievement of Targets
It takes into account how well you have been performing based on accomplishment of targets that were set for you by your supervisor. It is very important to achieve these targets as it is an essential part of performance.
For 2014-2015, you have been able to accomplish all the targets. This means you have achieved the very first criterion effectively. You have performed as it was expected of you.
- Professional Responsibility
It takes into account your conduct as per the rules and regulations of the company. It also includes traits like dedication, commitment and loyalty towards your organization which directly or indirectly affects your working.
For this criterion, you have exceeded the criterion by delivering results beyond expectations. You have followed all the rules of the company and the instructions given by the seniors. You have worked with complete dedication and sincerity which reflects in the quality of your work.
- Professional Development
This criterion takes into account the promptness of attending new courses for skill development, for learning new techniques that are helpful in professional development.
For the year 2014-2015, you have attended just one seminar on marketing which means that you need to improve in this area as it is below the significant level. You are recommended to attend more workshops and training sessions that can help you improve your present skills.
- Overall Performance
Based on the evaluation results mentioned above, your overall performance can be ranked as satisfactory. You have achieved all the criteria effectively. The only recommendation is to attend more training programs to develop more skills.
Mathew Jacob
HR Manager,
XYZ Development Bank
Categories: Others Tags: Evaluation, Formal letter, Performance
Guide To Manage Part-Time Employees in Summers
Summers are the times when you can hire lots of part-time employees who can be really beneficial for your business. There are various stores and restaurants that hire seasonal staff which includes college interns. If you are also doing so then here is an article unfolding the useful tips on managing the part-time summer employees in an effective way. Make sure you read this comprehensive guide and keep it organized or else it can turn into a big mess for you.
Follow these tips to make optimum utilization of these seasonal job seekers. Here are some points that you must consider.
It Begins With Faith
Faith is the first and foremost point. It is difficult for managers to trust seasonal employees as they know that they are in the company for a couple of months and hence they cannot resist themselves from keeping a check on them. But then this adversely affects the performance of the employees. So make sure that you trust them and they will be able to deliver better performance. You must have confidence that you have hired the right person.
Do Not Pay Pennies
It is just not fair to pay these part-time workers pennies because they are joining you just for summer time. A fair pay is important to motivate the workers and to keep them committed and energetic. You must pay them a competitive price for their work so that they don’t feel exploited. Also make sure that you take into account the laws on minimum wages, taxes etc. so that you are following all the laws.
Keep Standards High
It is all about expectations. The more you expect from your employees, the harder they work in order to meet your expectations. Do think that because there are joining you for a couple of weeks so they are not going to perform. In fact you must think that they are the fresh and energetic lot and they have the potential to set new records. If you are able to express your high expectations then they will work hard to meet them.
Train Them
It is extremely important that when you are hiring new summer interns you train them. Without giving them a basic training about how your company functions, what role they need to play, what responsibilities they need to shoulder, it will become very difficult for them to understand the working and deliver expected performance. But when you train them and educate them about all of these points, they are able to deliver better performance.
Make Them a Part of the Team
As the summer employees are going to be around for a couple of months, it is important that they are treated as the part of the organization. For that you must introduce them with the other team members so that they feel comfortable. You can have a small introduction session where you can have them introduced with your staff. You must also give them name tags or IDs to bring a consistency.
Design Projects for More Commitment
Instead of giving them just any task, you must allot them small summer projects so that they work with greater commitment and focus. You need to understand that they are coming to you to learn something, to gain some experience. You must not allot them with simply anything but a proper project which will help them stay committed to their work and they will make sure that they are able to complete it with desired output. This way they will be able to learn something and have this experience added to their resume.
Allow Them Experience Various Aspects
Do not just limit them to one thing. As they are here for a small time, they feel disconnected. To help them learn better, you must help them touch different aspects of the working instead of just one thing. This will help them have a macro view of the company’s working which will help them have better understanding of business processes. This will bring more clarity in the way they look at companies and their working.
Don’t Miss on Feedback
When you have a seasonal employee in your company, you must always ask him for feedback on different things to get a different view on the present status. This is a good way of bringing in notice the problem areas in your company and resolve the conflicting situations that are adversely affecting the performance of your organization.
Categories: Employee Benefits Tags: Employees, Management, Performance
Special Skills an Account Manager Needs for a Successful Performance at Job
An account manager has an important role to play in a company. He is the one who is responsible for handing customer queries and also assisting them with the services they require and also introduce them with the new services. This profile includes all the tasks involved in responsibly setting up the accounts for the customers and clients and manage their complete accounts on regular basis. Not only this, you are also needed to keep all the schedules organized and also meet all the financial management needs of the post. Not only this, there are various other qualities that you require to possess to deliver the best performance at this post.
This article talks about all the special skills that you must possess as an account manager at some company so that you are able to impress your management and clients with your smart services. Let us have a look at each of these special skills that need to be a part of your personality in order to be successful in your career.
- Good Listener: To be able to listen to clients patiently, understand their needs, know their suggestions in order to develop best action plans.
- Multi-task Performer: To be able to perform various things at the same time by prioritizing them as per their importance.
- Time Management Skills: To be able to allot time to different things.
- Deliver Good Customer Service: By satisfying their queries and doubts with ease.
- Quality Centric Approach: Should not make compromises of any kinds in delivering best quality of work, despite urgency.
- Ability to Form Relationship: To be able to build a strong relationship with clients and co-workers to work with coordination.
- Effective Communication Skills: To convey complicated financial problems to the clients in the simplest language possible. He should be good at speaking, writing and expressing things in the best way.
- Adaptable and Flexible: Ability to deal with complex situations with flexibility in working and adapting to the changes needs.
- Proactive Approach: To have a proactive approach towards problems.
- Problem Solver: To be able to solve problems by taking in account all the situational factors.
- Feeling of Empathy: Should be able to empathize with clients by understanding the severity of their problems.
- Planning Skills: To be able to create short term and long term plans to deal with problems in an effective manner.
- Inquisitiveness: To learn new things and to pose questions on things which don’t seem clear.
- Client Development Skills: To be able to develop a prospect into client and then be able to build a strong and long-term relationship with him.
- Trainer: Ability to train other co-workers to become competent.
- Awareness: About the products and services offered by the company along with knowledge about the happenings in the market. He should also be aware about the competition in the industry.
- Project Management Skills: To plan and execute the project in the most effective way.
- Sales Techniques: He should be able to market and sale the company products in the smart manner.
- Passion: He needs to be passionate about his subject.
All these skills are equally essential along with educational qualifications and experience to become a skilled account manager. This will help you deliver your services with greater effectiveness and become successful in your career.
Categories: Job Interview Tags: Account Manager, Job, Performance
How to improve employee engagement and performance?
For businesses to survive the tough times and face the threats and challenges in the market with a more positive attitude, it is very important for them to keep their employees positive. They need to increase employee engagement so that they are emotionally attached with the organization and are able to synergize their personal goals with the aims and objectives of the company. Employees who are engaged with their companies are able to put in the best of their efforts to enhance their performance levels in order to help the company grow and make more profits. They strive to achieve their targets with a positive approach and always stay committed and focused.
But the point is how to instill that feeling of engagement in the hearts of employees which can motivate them to perform better with time.
Tips to Improve Employee Engagement and Performance
Well here are a few tips that will help you foster employee engagement with ease and better results. Follow these tips to bring that desired change:
For an employee to engage, he must be informed about the goals and desired expectations of the company so that he can focus at the target with more attention. Roll out the mission, strategy and vision of your company to all the employees. Make sure that you communicate the goals and targets in a very simple and effective manner so that your team can feel motivated and guided.
The best way to make every person feel attached with the company is to make them work as a team. This helps in enhancing the ties with the company and increasing interpersonal interactions. A healthy team spirit is a must for the success of an organization. Develop a strong bond amongst the workers and leaders.
Make your employees feel like an important part of the big family by sharing with them facts and figures related with goal accomplishments, profits etc. Sharing information makes them feel important and are able to relate their work with the results.
Communication is the soul of every relationship. Always appreciate and promote open communication at all levels so that the flow of new ideas, information and feedback is smooth and effective. This will reduce confusions and foster healthier associations. Everyone will learn to take criticisms positively.
To strengthen strong association and employee engagement, culture of trust plays a very important role. Teammates must trust one another and the leader must trust his team. This will infuse them with a sense of belongingness which is very important for enhancing the performances of every single person in the company.
Feedback is very important for every person as it helps them follow the right path to success. But the important of feedback is more when it is immediate. Leaders must make sure that they analyze the performance of their team and generate feedback as quickly as possible. This will motivate the worker to perform better and work with more enthusiasm.
Workers must be made to feel like an important link in the process. They must be valued for their hard work, opinion and ideas. This will encourage them to come up with better ideas and performances as for them the company will be like a big family. Treating employees like assets is the best way to make them feel important and desired.
Do not hesitate in appreciating your workers as it the biggest motivation for them. They feel charged and happy when their efforts are noticed and acknowledged. This infuses them with greater zeal and passion to work and achieve higher goals.
All these points are very useful in engaging workers and improving their performances. HR Managers must work to inculcate this sense of belonging amongst their employees so that they stay attached with the company and work with full dedication to achieve the targets.
Categories: HR Tags: Employee, Engagement, Performance
Helpful Phrases for Performance Appraisals
Often we see many senior executives groping for ideas and searching for effective words during a Performance Review Process. I am sure many will find ‘phrases.pdf’ to be a handy reference guide.
Helpful Phrases
– Develops realistic tolerance levels
– Keeps accurate records
– Provides explicit documentations
– Focuses on results
– Achieves optimal outcomes
– Exceeds the norm
– Establishes effective systems for record retention
– Capably manages records retention program giving proper attention to legal, tax and operational concerns
Is highly skilled in electronic records management
– Avoids burdening management with administrative details
Analytical Skills
Coaching and Counseling
Communication Skills
– Excels in tedious research
– Applies sound analytical thinking
– Is very methodical in solving problems
– Is highly respected by employees for sharing concerns, problems and opportunities
– Lends support and guidance to employees
– Gives helpful guidance to employees
Assists employees in career assessment
– Excels in effective and positive communications
– Keeps meetings action-oriented
– Asks penetrating questions
– Is an empathetic listener
– Effectively communicates with co-workers
Computer Skills
– Focuses on core competencies
– Demonstrates strong personal effectiveness
– Attends seminars and workshops to improve personal competence
– Keeps alert to new computer hardware
– Keeps abreast of new software applications
– Makes effective use of on-line resources
– Is extremely cooperative with associates
– Builds cooperation
– Promotes productive cooperation
– Displays a harmonious and cooperative spirit
Cost Management
Decision Making
– Controls expenses without lowering accomplishments
– Displays sound judgment in managing and controlling expenses
– Effectively commits resources of staff, founds and time
– Successfully develops creative strategies
– Welcomes ideas from subordinates
– Is receptive to new ideas
– Is willing to change
– Excels in nurturing new ideas
– Understands “ambiguity and change” and how these critical concepts impact the organization
– Makes decisions with confidence
– Concentrates on developing solutions
– Encourages decision making at lowest possible level
– Provides subordinates with the resources needed to accomplish results
– Encourages subordinates to solve their own problems
– Creates a high degree of trust with subordinates
– Fully accepts all responsibilities and meets deadlines
– Can be relied upon to accomplish the best possible results
– Generates greater success in highly complex situations
– Is eager to participate in professional development programs
– Displays an ability to turn weaknesses into strengths
– Encourages employees to become promotable
Environmental, Safety and Security
Evaluation Skills
Goals and Objectives
– Closely follows all safety regulations
– Excels in accident prevention management
– Adheres to all security policies
– Accurately assesses potential
– Rates on the basis of performance and not personality
– Effectively rates job performance
– Effectively communicates objectives
– Sets compelling personal goals
– Keeps employees focused on achieving goals
and not the individual
– Carefully limits all evaluations to on-the-job performance
– Understands accomplishments, strengths and weaknesses of employees
– Is continuously planning for improvement
– Promotes improvement-oriented ideas
– Uses constructive criticism to improve performance
– Establishes goals for improvement of performance targets
– Displays improved potential for advancement
– Explores new opportunities
– Requires minimum supervision
– Extremely active and eager to try new approaches
– Excels in developing innovative and creative solutions
– Seeks continuous innovation
– Excels in innovative thinking
Interpersonal Skills
– Excels in effective human relations
– Recognizes the needs of others
– Excels in obtaining enthusiastic commitments
– Develops positive working relationships
– Promotes harmony among associates
– Promotes participative approaches
– Excels in making appropriate judgments
– Can be trusted to use good judgment
– Exercises sound judgment on behalf of others
– Clearly understands purposes, objectives, practices and procedures of department
– Demonstrates a strong, functional knowledge
– Keeps well informed on business, political and social issues
Learning Ability
Loyalty and Dedication
– Is able to quickly gain the support of others
– Inspires confidence and respect
– Leads with authority and respect
– Shows appreciation for contributions and achievements
– Promotes harmony and teamwork
– Is eager to enhance skill levels
– Benefits from all learning situations
– Is committed to continuous learning
– Is continuously learning through educational and professional improvement programs
– Takes pride in job
– Is highly devoted to achieving objectives
– Displays a high degree of honesty, loyalty and integrity
Management Ability
Mental Skills
– Effectively uses contemporary management concepts / ideas
– Encourages participative management
– Is a powerful asset to the organization
– Identifies major management problems
– Is a polished and effective executive
– Avoids managing by crisis
– Recognizes the differences between managing and doing
– Effectively manages change
– Copes constructively with emotions
– Avoids overreacting
– Keeps anger undr control
e- Confronts reality
– Uses common sense to reach workable conclusions
– Displays imaginative thinking
– Excels in heuristic thinking
– Thinks futuristically
Negotiating Skills
Oral Expression
– Displays strong achievement drive
– Is realistically enthusiastic
– Accentuates the positive
– Displays energy and vitality in performing daily responsibilities
– Views problems as opportunities
Is results/outcomes oriented
– Excels in negotiating fair resolutions
– Is a key facilitator
– Reconciles differences without creating resentment
– Handles confrontations with tact
– Excels in impromptu speaking situations
– Communicates with ease and a natural style
– Speaks with enthusiasm and confidence
Personal Qualities
– Makes the most of organizational energy and potential
– Demonstrates a systematic approach in carrying out assignments
– Exerts a positive influence on the organizational climate
– Has a calm, even temperament
– Is sincere
– Possesses all traits associated with excellence
– Persuades with tact
– Writes with persuasion
– Persuades without antagonizing
Presentation Skills
– Effectively plans work schedules to balance peak and slack periods
– Keeps comfortably ahead of work schedule
– Excels in developing tactical action plans
– Is very skilled in turning theory into action plans
– Plans for the unexpected
– Focuses on the future
– Displays high management potential
– Is capable of assuming greater challenges
– Displays a high energy potential
– Is enhancing growth potential through additional education and training
– Delivers presentations with enthusiasm and energy
– Is able to present dry and technical information
– Continuously strives to improve presentation skills
Problem Solving
– Excels in eliminating unproductive activities
– Recognizes the need to concentrate on people rather than tasks
– Is able to distinguish between crucial and trivial
– Sees the big picture
– Places organizational needs ahead of personal convenience
– Displays a practical approach to solving problems
– Effectively solves problems rather than symptoms
– Works well with others in solving problems
– Demonstrates consistently distinguished performance
– Is an abundant producer
– Sustains a high achievement level
Project Management
– Continuously seeks to broaden professional horizons
– Develops the skills needed to maintain the highest standards of professional excellence
– Develops enduring professional relationships
– Projects poise and authority
– Writing reflects a polished professional appearance
– Clearly establishes project goals and objectives
– Keeps management fully informed of a project’s progress
– Is able to keep programs and projects running smoothly
– Is fully committed to quality assurance
– Excels in detecting flaws or imperfections
– Strives for state-of-the-art perfection
– Effectively matches goals to resources
– Effectively assesses employee resources, strengths and competences
– Makes optimum use of department resources
– Effectively uses all information sources
– Accepts full responsibility for results
– Continues to seek and accept responsibility
– Seizes responsibility without causing seizures in either subordinates or himself/herself
– Eagerly seeks formidable challenges
– Successfully handles multiple demands from superiors and subordinates
– Copes effectively with pressures and tensions
– Maintains coolness despite annoyances
– Works effectively in high pressure situations
– Keeps calm and professional under the toughest circumstances
– Handles crises with composure
– Recognizes stress-related problems
– Recognizes the importance of sound physical and mental health for top performance
Supervisory Skills
Tact and Diplomacy
Team Skills
– Effectively motivates subordinates to exert the effort necessary to attain organizational goals
– Brings out the best in employees
– Makes certain that employees have a clear understanding of their responsibilities
– Makes maximum use of personnel and equipment
– Keeps employees challenged through job enrichment
– Develops a climate providing motivation, participation and opportunities for employee initiative
– Promotes a comfortable, friendly organizational atmosphere
– Avoids over-supervising
– Capably manages diverse personalities
– Supervises firmly and fairly
– Disciplines without causing resentment
– Is skilled in conflict resolution
– Applies all rules and regulations fairly
– Copes effectively with misunderstandings
– Handles sensitive situations with confidence
– Is very tactful when facing confrontation
– Displays trust and mutual understanding
– Conveys sincere appreciation at every opportunity
– Capitalizes on the talents of all team members
– Makes maximum use of the diverse talents of team members
– Is a strong team builder
– Excels in developing harmony and greater productivity
Technical Skills
Time Management
– Builds a strong sense of technical teamwork and purpose
– Effectively blends management skills with technical expertise
– Keeps informed of new technologies in office automation
– Avoids becoming involved in endless details
– Makes effective use of supervisors’ time and resources
– Works smarter, not harder
– Doesn’t “major in the minors”
– Has the ability to perform a wide range of assignments
– Is very capable of handling a multitude of situations
– Is able to provide broad organizational support in many areas
– Is intrinsically comfortable with ambiguity and change
Writing Ability
– Develops vision statements that reflect realistic solutions
– Displays visionary leadership skills
– Displays long-range/long-term vision
– Develops strategic vision
– Excels in visionary strategies
– Writes in a positive manner to reflect favorably upon the organization
– Possesses a large vocabulary
– Is highly skilled in preparing reports and proposals
Categories: HR Tags: Appraisals., Performance, Phrases For
Staff Performance Appraisal Form
Please find attached format of Performance Appraisal. I hope this will help you to measure the performance of all your employees.
Click Here To Download Performance Appraisal Form T01 to M02
Categories: HR Tags: Appraisal, Form, Performance, T01 to M02