Posts tagged "Evaluation"

Performance Review Letter with Evaluation Results

Performance review is an important HR process which is done in order to gauge the performance of an employee and compare it with the standards. This brings clarity in his working and also tells whether he needs to improve or he is performing decent.

Being the HR Manager of the company, you may have to evaluate the performance of the employees every year and then send them a letter in writing consisting complete review of their performance. If you don’t know how to go about framing such a draft then here is an example sample to help you deal with the situation. Use it as reference for writing a customized letter in a professional way.

Sample Performance Review Letter with Evaluation Results

Mathew Jacob

HR Manager,

XYZ Development Bank

42 Richmond Street,

New York

Date: 13th July, 2015

Julia Mars

11, Park Avenue,


Re: Annual Performance Evaluation for 2014-15.

Dear Mr. Mathew Jacob,

This letter brings to your notice the evaluation of your performance for the period of one year from 1st July, 2014 to 30th June, 2015. It studies and analyzes your contribution to the marketing department as senior marketing executive. It also contains remarks from your team leader on your performance and progress for this period.

Your performance has been analyzed based on the following areas: Achievement of Targets, Professional Responsibility and Professional Development.

  1. Achievement of Targets

It takes into account how well you have been performing based on accomplishment of targets that were set for you by your supervisor. It is very important to achieve these targets as it is an essential part of performance.

For 2014-2015, you have been able to accomplish all the targets. This means you have achieved the very first criterion effectively. You have performed as it was expected of you.

  1. Professional Responsibility

It takes into account your conduct as per the rules and regulations of the company. It also includes traits like dedication, commitment and loyalty towards your organization which directly or indirectly affects your working.

For this criterion, you have exceeded the criterion by delivering results beyond expectations. You have followed all the rules of the company and the instructions given by the seniors. You have worked with complete dedication and sincerity which reflects in the quality of your work.

  1. Professional Development

This criterion takes into account the promptness of attending new courses for skill development, for learning new techniques that are helpful in professional development.

For the year 2014-2015, you have attended just one seminar on marketing which means that you need to improve in this area as it is below the significant level. You are recommended to attend more workshops and training sessions that can help you improve your present skills.

  1. Overall Performance

Based on the evaluation results mentioned above, your overall performance can be ranked as satisfactory. You have achieved all the criteria effectively. The only recommendation is to attend more training programs to develop more skills.


Mathew Jacob

HR Manager,

XYZ Development Bank

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2015 at 12:31 PM

Categories: Others   Tags: , ,

Staff Evaluation Form Template

Please attaching herewith Staff Evaluation Form Template in PDF format.


Click Here To Download staff evaluation Form

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Posted by Hrformats - October 16, 2012 at 12:05 PM

Categories: HR   Tags: , ,

Employee Performance Evaluation Sheet

Herewith i have attach Employee Performance Evaluation sheet which may be helpful. Further you can add your points and criteria as per your companies requirement to evaluate employee performance.


Performance Measurement Sheet
Job Title/Designation: Administration and HR – Executive Division/Department Hr/Admin
Salary Grade/Band: G3 Manager Name UMR & JKS & SSG
Name of Employee Joining Date 14/09/09
Department Review Period 2009-10
Purpose of Appraisal Annual evaluation of current employees during the last 6 months
Scoring System
Attribute Score
Outstanding 5
Exceeds Requirements 4
Meets Requirements 3
Need Improvement 2
Unsatisfactory 1
Quality of Work 11
Accuracy, neatness and timeliness of work 4
Adherence to duties and procedures in Job Description and Work Instructions 4
Synchronization with organizations/functional goals 3
Work Habits 17
Punctuality to workplace 4
Attendance 4
Doest the employee stay busy, look for things to do, takes initiatives at workplace 5
Submits reports on time and meets deadlines 4
Job Knowledge 10
Skill and ability to perform job satisfactorily 3
Shown interest in learning and improving 4
Problem solving ability 3
Additional Comments
Interpersonal relations/ behaviour 17
Responds and contributes to team efforts 3
Responds positively to suggestions and instructions and criticism 4
Keeps supervisor informed of all details 3
Adapts well to changing circumstances 3
Seeks feedback to improve 4
Additional Comments
LEADERSHIP Max. Marks = 25
Leadership 19
Aspirant to climb up the ladder, accepts challenges, new responsibilities and roles 8
Innovative thinking – contribution to organizations and functions and personal growth 7
Work motivation 4
Additional Comments
Total Overall Score : (Out of 100 points) 74
Employee performance and learning is unsatisfactory and is failing to improve at a satisfactory rate
Employee performance and learning is acceptable and is improving at a satisfactory rate
Employee has successfully demonstrated outstanding overall performance
Additional Comments
Next Review Date
Evaluator’s Name:
Director’s Name:


Click Here To Download Appraisal or Evaluation Sheet


Thank you Letter to Employees for Hard Work

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Posted by Hrformats - July 31, 2012 at 7:10 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , ,

Probation Evaluation

I have Attached Probation Evaluation


Company Logo

Company Name




Probation evaluation


Name:                        Dept:                            


D.O.J:    __________    Date of Review:    ____________      


Department:   __________   Supervisor: ________________           








  1. 1.                       Quality of Employee’s work                                       

Comments                                                                  ______    ______________                    ________________________________________________________ 

  1. 2.                        Honest & Reliable in carrying out instructions           


Comments                                                                                              __________    ____________________________________________________________



  1. 3.                          Punctuality/Attendance                                    


Comments                                                                                ______        __________    _______________________________________________________  


  1. 4.                         Employee involvement/participation in team effort             


Comments                                                                                    ____________________    _____________________________________________   _____    



  1. 5.                         Attention to company policies and procedures                  


Comments                                                                                    _____________________   __________________________________________________       



  1. 6.                         Interpersonal relationships  and communication with co-workers                                            


Comments                                                                                    ______________          ____________________________________________________________



  1. 7.                           Taking initiative to achieve goals and complete assignments                                                               


Comments                                                                                             _______________         ________________________________________________________ 



  1. 8.                           Responsiveness to changing work requirements                  


Comments                                                                                            ___________        ___________________________________________________ 



  1. 9.                           Work ethic                                               


Comments                                                                     __________________                              _______________________________________________________  



  1. 10.                      Overall performance rating                               


Comments                                                                         _________________________________          ______________________________________               _____


Areas of Strength:


                                                                                                          ___________             _______________________________________________________  



Areas of Improvement:


                                                                                                              ________           ____________________________________________________________




Current Salary :            


Salary Increment:           


Effective Date of Salary increment:            




Supervisor’s Signature




Approval Authority

Employee’s Comments:






Employee’s Signature

For HR Use Only

Rs:2,000/- increment has been decided

Recommendations:________                                      _____     _________________________________            _____________________________________________      ________________________________________________            ______________________________________     _____  






Click Here To Download Probation Evaluation

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Posted by Hrformats - July 6, 2012 at 6:12 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: ,

Employee Performance Evaluation Form

 I have Attached Employee Performance Evaluation Form

Employee Performance Evaluation

Employee Name: _________________________________

Evaluation Date:____/____/____


A. Cooperation

1. Willingness to assist coworkers ____

2. Attitude when work needs to be repeated ____

3. Adaptability when schedule must be changed ____

4. Willingness to work extra hours ____




B. Attendance and Punctuality

1. Promptness at the start of the work day ____

2. Attendance record ____

3. Stays as late as necessary (within reason) to complete assignment and/or current activity (not a clock watcher) ____

Days Sick: ______

Days Tardy: ______




C. Initiative

1. Sees when something needs to be done and does it ____

2. Seeks help when needed ____

3. Demonstrates a “self-starter” attitude ____

4. Helps out to achieve the overall goals of the farm ____

5. Makes practical, workable suggestions for improvements ____

6. Commitment to self-improvement ____






D. Dependability

1. Can be counted on to carry out assignments with careful follow-through and follow-up ____

2. Meets predetermined targets or deadlines ____

3. Can be counted on to overcome obstacles to meet goals ____

4. Can be counted on to adapt to changes as necessary ____

5. Can be counted on for consistent performance ____

6. Is personally accountable for his/her actions ____




E. Attitude

1. Makes a positive contribution to morale ____

2. Shows sensitivity to and consideration for others’ feelings ____

3. Accepts constructive criticism positively ____

4. Shows pride in work ____




F. Judgment

1. Demonstrates good judgment in handling routine problems ____

2. Analyzes decisions before implementing them ____

3. Has the ability to work under pressure ____

4. Recognizes deficiencies and seeks help when appropriate ____




G. Specific Job Skills

1. Has appropriate knowledge of agriculture as it relates to his/her specific jobs ____

2. Has appropriate skills in operating farm equipment ____

3. Has appropriate skills in working with livestock ____

4. As new ideas or technologies are introduced, is able to learn and use them appropriately ____




H. Communications (Written or Oral)

1. Keeps farm manager and/or coworkers informed of work progress ____

2. Reports necessary information to coworkers ____

3. Keeps and maintains all necessary written information that might be required by a specific assignment ____



I. Productivity

1. Work completion is consistently high ____

2. Can be counted on for overtime or extra ____ effort as needed to meet the farm’s goals ____

3. Makes effective use of resources available to accomplish all assignments, avoiding waste ____





J. Interpersonal Relationships

1. Maintains a positive relationship with the management team ____

2. Maintains a positive relationship with other workers ____

3. Listens effectively ____

4. Is a team player and participates with others to accomplish the task at hand ____




K. Organizational Skills

1. Performs tasks in an organized and efficient manner ____

2. Handles multiple activities simultaneously ____

3. Makes effective use of time (not merely busy) ____










L. Safety

1. Performs activities in a safe manner ____

2. Understands and supports the farm safety program/policies ____

3. Encourages safety of others on a regular basis; recognizes unsafe working conditions; suggests new safety standards as appropriate ____




1. What creative contributions (new ideas, procedures, etc.) has the employee made to the farm in the past year?


2. What new skills have the employee learnt or shown improvement in this year?

3. What is the employee’s greatest strength or area of contribution to the farm this year?
4. Where could there be improvement in the employee over the next year; what specific training should be considered?
5. What changes would the employee like to see in the farming operation next year?
6. What are the employee’s personal goals for the next year?


Employee Signature:________________________________


Supervisor Signature: ______________________________
Comments on the Evaluation Process:













Authorized Signatory                                                                Date

Click Here To Download Employee Performance Evaluation Form

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Posted by Hrformats - February 4, 2012 at 9:53 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , ,

Difference between Performance Appraisal and Evaluation?

Difference between Performance Appraisal and Evaluation?

1. Definitions of Wikipedia about performance appraisal and evaluation:

A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion[1] is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor[2]. A performance appraisal is a part of guiding and managing career development. It is the process of obtaining, analyzing, and recording information about the relative worth of an employee to the organization.

2. Performance appraisal definition of

The method of evaluating an employee’s performance which involves tracking, evaluating and giving feedback on actual performance based on key behaviors/competencies established in the goals that support the achievement of the overall organizational mission.

3. Definition of job evaluation at wikipedia:

Job evaluation is the process of systematically determining a relative internal value of a job in an organization. In all cases the idea is to evaluate the job, not the person doing it. Job evaluation is the process of determining the worth of one job in relation to that of the other jobs in a company so that a fair and equitable wage and salary system can be established.

4. Dheerajgoyal ‘s point of views:

I guess the basic difference is that once is a process & another an outcome .. An appraisal has to be preceded by evaluation but the converse is not true .. An evaluation need not necessarily lead to appraisal , it may purely for providing development opportunities or a basic snapshot/track down of the current level of performance ..

5. Samvedan ‘s point of views:

Both lead to your/organization’s judgement as to the performance of the individual in question. Appraisal sounds more refined than the Evaluation, in that one is to “measure” against a yard-stick and the other is to judge (perhaps even without “measuring”.)

In that sense Appraisal tend to be understood as more “objective” and the Evaluation” appears to be more “subjective”. But this need not necessarily be so and how it will be depends upon the individual who appraises or evaluates, his training, his competence on the job and his own personality strengths and weaknesses.

Click Here To Download Difference between Performance Appraisal and Evaluation

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Posted by Hrformats - July 11, 2011 at 8:30 AM

Categories: Appraisal Overview, Compensation and Benefits, Performance management   Tags:

Job Evaluation by Classification

Job evaluation by classification

1. Classification overview

According to this method, a predetermined number of job groups or job classes are established and jobs are assigned to these classifications.

This method places groups of jobs into job classes or job grades. Each level in the grade/category structure has a description and associated job titles. Each job is assigned to the grade/category providing the closest match to the job. Separate classes may include office, clerical, managerial, personnel, etc.

The classification of a position is decided by comparing the whole job with the appropriate job grading standard. To ensure equity in job grading and wage rates, a common set of job grading standards and instructions are used.

2. Advantages of classification

• Simple.
• The grade/category structure exists independent of the jobs. Therefore, new jobs can be classified more easily than the Ranking Method.
• Uses job families/groups instead of individual jobs
• May produce same results as Point Method, but is less costly

3. Disadvantages of classification

• Classification judgments are subjective.
• The standard used for comparison (the grade/category structure) may have built in biases that would affect certain groups of employees (females or minorities).
• Not useful when jobs are very different from each other
• May be confusing to employees about why jobs are included in a class
• Some jobs may appear to fit within more than one grade/category.

4. Process of classification

The following steps should be followed to introduce a job classification scheme.

• Select a representative sample of benchmark jobs covering all the occupations to be included in the scheme.

• Analyze the jobs and prepare job descriptions.

• Decide on the number of grades required.

• Define each grade in terms of discernible difference in skill and responsibility.The lowest grade may cover simple work done under close, supervision, and each succeeding grade will recognize a higher level of difficulty, complexity or the amount of discretion allowed to make independent decision.

• Slot each benchmark job into a grade with reference to job and grade description.

• Grade the other jobs with reference to the benchmarks jobs and grade descriptions.

Click Here To Download Job Evaluation by Classification

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Posted by Hrformats - June 21, 2011 at 6:58 AM

Categories: Compensation and Benefits, Job Evaluation   Tags: ,

Job Evaluation form

Job Evaluation form

Job Title Job code

Department Department Number



Prepared by

What is the primary purpose of the job?

What are the essential functions of the job? % Time Required



What is the most complex function of the job and why?

What are the nonessential functions of the job? % Time Required : –


How much formal education is required to perform this job?

How much similar or related experience is required to perform this job?

Who does this position report to directly? (Position title, not incumbent name)

What are the nature and scope of independent decisions made in this position?

List five most important:

What type of impact does this position have on overall company performance?

How much supervision is received?

When errors occur, how do they effect the company?

What are the consequences if errors are not discovered?

What type of problems is the incumbent in this position likely to encounter?

What are the consequences if problems are not resolved?

What type of decisions is the incumbent in this position responsible to make?

Who does the incumbent in this position most frequently have contact with? List five examples each:
Contacts within company
Contacts outside company

What degree of influence does the incumbent in this position have when contacting others?

What resources is the incumbent in this position responsible for?

What are the consequences if something happens to these resources?

Does this position have responsibility for the supervision of others? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If no, please skip ahead to next section.

Assigns, reviews and checks work of others
Number of direct reports
Number of indirect reports

Working Conditions
Please check all that apply.
Regular office conditions [ ]
Exposure to extreme temperatures [ ]
Exposure to high noise levels [ ]
Exposure to fumes [ ]
Exposure to dirt [ ]
Other [ ]

Please list any physical demands required and give examples.

Click Here To Download Job Evaluation Form

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Posted by Hrformats - June 21, 2011 at 5:13 AM

Categories: Compensation and Benefits, Job Evaluation   Tags: , ,

Job Evaluation Questionnaire

Job Evaluation Questionnaire

Position Title: Level:

Please answer all questions.

1. Describe the major function of your job?

2. List the duties involved in your job function in order of the amount of time spent on each.

3. How often does the major part of your job repeat itself?

Daily 0 Weekly 0 Monthly 0 Quarterly 0 Annually 0

4. Who tells you how to do your job?

Who tells you what to do in your job?

5. Do you regularly direct the work of other people? Yes No

How many do you direct?

Who? (Position titles)

6. List unusual, or hazardous working conditions in your job. How do these conditions affect your job performance?

7. Are your actions related to the safety of others? Yes 0 No 0


8. Check the level which applies to the major duties of your job:

0 occasional lifting average weights (12–50 lbs)

0 frequent lifting average weights

0 occasional lifting heavy weights (over 50 lbs)

0 frequent lifting heavy weights

0 majority of time spent seated

0 majority of time spent on your feet

9. Check any of the following you perform and give a brief example from your major duties:

0 planning

0 coordinating

0 analyzing

0 compiling

0 calculating

0 comparing

0 copying

10. a) What kind of errors can be made in your job?

b) What is the consequence of these errors?

c) Who checks your work?

11. Describe the activities of work-required contacts as indicated in your major duties with the following
(if any):

a) students

b) other staff within your department (list)

c) staff in other departments (list)

d) people outside the University

12. What amount of experience and/or training is required for this job: (circle level)

Months: 3 6 9 12
Years: 2 3 4 5

List specific skills required to do this job.

Signature Date

Click Here To Download Job Evaluation Questionnaire

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Posted by Hrformats - June 21, 2011 at 5:08 AM

Categories: Compensation and Benefits, Job Evaluation   Tags: , ,

Candidate Evaluation Form

Please find attached file for the Candidate Evaluation Form.

Click Here To Download Interview-Assessment-Form

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Posted by Hrformats - May 18, 2011 at 6:45 AM

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