Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Organizations often face problems when employees go on leaves without handing over their work to their co-workers. In this case, it becomes extremely difficult for others to work as they have no idea of the work in progress. In such a scenario, writing a warning letter to the concerned employee on this issue is the professional thing to do.
Given below is a sample draft of warning letter to the employee who has gone on leaves without work handover. Use this template to create your letter.
Warning Letter to Employee Gone on Leaves Without Work Handover
Harish Rana
Marketing Manager
Sinha Group of Companies
52 Gulmohar Lane
Date: 30.05.2017
Amit Tandon
H-52/A, Welengkar Apartments
Greater Kailash
Dear Amit,
You had gone for a long leave starting from 20th April, 2017 to 20th May, 2017. As it was a month-long leave, it was very much a part of your duty to hand over your work to your team members. It was quite disappointing to know that you went on the leaves without giving any brief on the projects that you were handling.
Being a part of the organization, we are sure that you are aware that during one’s absence from work, company cannot afford to put any work on hold. And any work loss because of non-handing over of work is a serious act. Department of Marketing, therefore, will look into this act with complete seriousness because it had led to many delays in the work.
We would like to warn you that if in future you repeat this behavior then the company will be compelled to take hard actions against you. You must understand that you are a team leader and you must work to set good examples for others to follow. Please consider this letter as the final warning as we would not appreciate such irresponsible behavior in our organization.
Harish Rana
Marketing Manager
Sinha Group of Companies
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Maternity Leave Expenses Disbursement Letter
Warning Letter to Employee for not following Uniform Dress Code
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Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Poor Performance Warning Letter Format
Handover Job to Colleague Email Sample
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Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Employee, Warning Letter
Formal Alcohol Consumption Warning Letter During Working Hours
When you are working for a company, it is mandatory for you to comply with the rules and regulations of that company. It is obvious that you are supposed to abide by the ethnics your company believes in. If you are the HR Manager of your organization and you have come across a complaint of an employee reporting to work in a drunken state then writing a formal warning letter for alcohol consumption during working hours is the right thing to do.
We bring to you a sample format for writing a formal alcohol consumption warning letter. Use this template to create a customized letter as per your subjective needs.
Sample Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Abhishek Dutta
HR Manager,
Zenith Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
4AA, Pali Hill, St.Andrews Road, Bandra West
Date: 15th March, 2017
Robin Aniston
52/A, Reverie Apartments
Has Brown Residential Colony
Dear Mr. Aniston,
This is to bring to your notice that we have received a complaint against you that you reported to work in a drunken state. On 15th March, 2017, Saturday, you resumed your work post lunch in a drunken state which is strictly against the company policy. Not only that, you were suggested to leave the office by your team mates but you created a ruckus at the office and had a heated argument with your team leader, Mr. Jacon Smith.
As you are aware that our company is very particular about the conduct of our employees and the same has been mentioned in the rules of the company. As per our policy, any employee reporting to work in the influence of alcohol or any other drug will attract punishment. The power to fine, punish or terminate the employee strictly lies in the hands of the management.
As this is the very first complaint against you in the service of last three years, the management has decided to issue the final warning to you. If any such case is repeated in future then you will have to face immediate termination. Please consider this letter as a serious warning as we would not entertain such a kind of behavior.
You have always been a responsible individual and our company is proud of your performance. We would never like to lose an employee like you. In case you are facing any complications at professional or personal end, we would be happy to help you by arranging a session with our counselor who will assist you with dealing with the difficult times.
Hope you will be more cautious with your conduct.
Abhishek Dutta
HR Manager,
Zenith Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Alcohol, Letter of Warning, Warning Letter
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
In a company, different types of problems arise with time. One such problem is when a person misbehaves with a senior. In such a situation, as the HR manager or owner of the company, you must write a formal warning letter to that particular employee which highlights his action and also bring to his notice that he needs to correct it.
If you have to write such a letter than given below is a formal format of warning letter for misbehavior with senior. You can use this example sample to create a personalized letter with all details. Such letters are suppose to be short and precise, consisting of just the right amount of information.
Sample Warning letter for misbehavior with senior
Julia Mars
HR Manager
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
11, Park Avenue,
New York
Date: 23th April, 2016
Mathew Jacob
42 Richmond Street,
New York
Sub: Warning Letter
Dear Mathew,
This is to inform that on 15th April, 2016 we had received a complaint against you stating about your involvement in improper behavior with your senior, Mr. Robin Smith. You have also failed to follow the instructions that were given to you.
The above misconduct is a serious offense as per company norms and attracts strict against you.
It would be in your interest to apologize for your misconduct in a written apology letter to your senior. Consider this letter as first and last warning for your actions. This is a final opportunity for you to improve your conduct and if you fail to do so then you will attract strict action against you.
Julia Mars
HR Manager
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats
Letter to Employee for Misbehaving at Workplace
Employee Warning Letter for Negligence of Duty
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
First Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Poor Performance Warning Letter Format
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Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Misbehavior, Warning Letter
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Every company has some employees which fail to adhere to the rules and regulations of the organization and in order to control this deviation, company has to write formal warning letters to such employees highlighting this mistake and warning them for correcting their actions.
If being the manager of your company you also have to write professional warning letters or memo to your employee then use this sample template to create a customized formal letter with important details.
Format for Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Julia Mars
HR Manager
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
11, Park Avenue,
New York
Date: 18th April, 2016
Mathew Jacob
42 Richmond Street,
New York
Sub: Warning Letter
Dear Mathew,
This is to bring to your notice that the last month you have proceeded on leave without any prior permission from your supervisor. Such an action is considered as gross negligence of duties and is completely unprofessional in capacity of your profile.
As per company’s policy, remaining absent from duties without prior information is a misconduct and attracts strict action. You are advised to take this warning seriously and make sure that such an action is not repeated in future.
You are advised to submit a formal written explanation on your uninformed and unauthorized leaves on receiving this letter or once you resume your work.
Consider this letter as urgent and respond as soon as possible.
Julia Mars
HR Manager
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats
Warning Letter to Employee for not following Uniform Dress Code
Employee Performance Issue Letter Example
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
First Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Process of Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Circular for No Smoking and Tobacco in Office
Warning Letter To Employee Who Visited Client’s Premises Without Permission
Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Employee, Memo Format, Warning Letter
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Every company has some ethnics which every employee is suppose to be following. If the employee fails to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the company then serious actions can be taken against them; they can even be terminated.
If you are an HR Manager of your company and some employee is found consuming alcohol during working hours then you must issue him a warning letter stating the consequences. You must warn him in a strict way and make sure that you are able to deliver the message that in case the warning is not taken seriously then he can face strict punishment or action. Here is a formal example designed to help you frame a customized letter. It consists of all the essential points that are required to be included in your letter.
Template of Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Julia Mars
HR Manager,
XYZ Development Bank
42 Richmond Street,
New York
Date: 13th July, 2015
Mathew Jacob
46 Agastha Apartments,
Herald Street,
New York
Dear Mr. Jacob,
On 10th July, 2015, you reported late for duty at 10.30 a.m. when your shift starts sharp at 9 a.m. and you were in a drunken state. Because you smelled of alcohol, you were advised by your team leader, Mr. John Smith, advised you to go back home when he noticed your weird behavior at the reception of the company. Instead of following his advice, you misbehaved with him and abused him. As you were quite loud, your behavior and abusive words were noticed by two other staff members, Mr. Adam Gibbs and Ms. Samantha Brown. Mr. Gibbs tried to calm you down but you did not pay any attention and you moved to your working station.
As mentioned in your appointment letter that as per company’s rules and regulations, coming to office under the influence of alcohol or any other substance abuse is a punishable act. The company has the authority to terminate the employee who fails to adhere to company ethics. You have not only disobeyed the company rules but you have also misbehaved and abused a fellow employee which is again against the regulations.
This is the last and final warning to you and in case you are found drunk or under the influence of any such substance then you will be terminated without any notice. The company is issuing a warning because you have been an amazing performer and there has been no complaint against you since you have joined the company.
In case, there is some issue that is bothering you then we can arrange a meeting with the company counselor who will help you sort your life. For any queries, contact me at [email protected].
Julia Mars
HR Manager,
XYZ Development Bank
Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats
Warning Letter to Employee for Cigarette Smell
Employee Warning Letter for Negligence of Duty
Warning Letter to Employee for Careless Attitude
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
First Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Poor Performance Warning Letter Format
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Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Alcohol, Employee Working Hour, Warning Letter
Warning Letter Format to Employee for Poor Performance
There are all kinds of employees in an organization. Some are amazing performers, some are average and some are poor at delivering the desired performance. If you have such an employee in your company which is unable to deliver expected results then you must write a warning letter asking him to work with dedication and commitment so that he is able to perform. You must also mention that the supervisor or the manager has previously mentioned the same thing to him and brought in notice the dull performance.
Being the manager you must learn how to frame such a letter. Here is a sample format to help you create a personalized letter with all the inputs needed. You can use it as a warning letter to the employee and ask him to increase his performance.
Sample warning letter to employee for poor performance
Date: 27th June, 2015
Mr. Jacob Smith
Sales Executive
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Sub.: Warning Letter
Dear Mr. Smith,
This is to bring to your notice that since the time you have joined the company, your performance levels have been below expectations. Every quarter you are given a target by your team leader and you have always failed to achieve it. As a result, you have been listed under the category of poor performers which means that you have failed to perform the duties and attained the targets due to negligence and lack of commitment.
You have been counseled and motivated by Mr. Andrew John, Sales Manager for improving your performance on regular basis. But despite all the efforts, you have been unable to show any improvement which makes yourself liable for required action.
The management hereby warns to work on increasing your performance levels and if you fail to do so then appropriate action will be taken against you.
You are further informed to submit explanation on your poor performance in written once you have received this letter.
Kindly treat this as very urgent.
Julia Robbins
HR Manager
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats
Warning Letter to Employee for not following Uniform Dress Code
Warning Letter to Employee for Cigarette Smell
Employee Performance Issue Letter Example
Employee Warning Letter for Negligence of Duty
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
First Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Poor Performance Warning Letter Format
Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Employee, Warning Letter
Process of Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning letters are written by employer in order to bring in notice Here is the process of writing a first warning letter to employee which ensures a disciplined behavior.
Step 1
Show you concern over the deficiency in performance. Mention about the indiscipline noticed by some person over the behavior or actions of the other.
Step 2
Mention about the specific expectations for performance which have been laid out by the organization. There can be a reference of the clause mentioned in the terms and conditions mentioned by the company.
Step 3
Ask the employee to present clarifications and answers in response to the letter stating the reasons for such behavior.
Step 4
Do mention the time deadline within which the employee is suppose to respond. If he fails to respond then he will assumed as the offender and required action will be taken against him.
Step 5
Make sure it is signed by the authorized person for authenticity.
This is a short and simple process for writing a professional and crisp warning letter to employee containing all important information and details.
Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats
Warning Letter to Employee for not following Uniform Dress Code
Letter to Employee for Misbehaving at Workplace
Employee Warning Letter for Negligence of Duty
Warning Letter to Employee for Careless Attitude That Caused Financial Loss
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
First Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Poor Performance Warning Letter Format
Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Employee, Warning Letter
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Sometimes employees cause serious damages to company’s property, assets and reputation or being undisciplined. In such cases, it is essential for companies to warn them for deductions to recover the damages from them and make them more responsible and vigilant towards them in future. Follow the sample format for Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction to write a customized formal letter stating all important points.
Here is the template for your reference.
Sample of Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Ana Jackson
Designation: HR Executive
Date: 01.08.2014
Dear Ana,
This is a written warning being issued to you for being negligent in handling company documents resulting in leakage of important information.
We have noticed that you had left important documents related with employees on the reception on July 28th, 2014. As you are responsible for handing these confidential papers and files, this kind of irresponsible behavior can cause major loss to the organization.
Due to this incident, 2 days salary will be deducted from your monthly salary for July. We hope that you will be more responsible in handling the confidential documents of the firm.
Adam Grant
Managing Director
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Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Employee, Salary Format, Warning Letter
Warning Letter for Inaccuracy in Job
Warning Letter for Inaccuracy in Job
Quality performance is exactly what an organization expects from its employees. A company runs on its human workforce and its success or failure depends on the same. The general bottom line is an organization can fulfill its objectives only if its man power is dedicated to performing. However, no two organization’s performance can be the same. Hence they need to be scaled according to their own potentiality. While during the evaluation process, if it is brought to notice that there are repeated instances of poor performance or inaccuracy in job, a warning letter is forwarded to the employee reminding of the consequences that might lead him/her into. It serves as a written warning in a formal tone to help the employee bring out the output he/she previously did.
We have provided a sample example of a warning letter for your convenience.
Sample Warning Letter for Inaccuracy in Job
(Company Name)
(Address of the Company)
Date: ___/___/___
(Employee Name)
Subject: Warning letter for inaccuracy in job
Dear (Name),
This letter is to inform you that the company has been monitoring your performance during the past few months and have found your inconsistency in meeting the set targets. Since you have already been briefed in the orientation program that fulfillment of daily targets is the driving force behind the company’s growth, your attitude is unacceptable. We have huge expectations from you and wish you feel free to communicate the reason behind the inaccuracy and poor performance.
You will be under strict scanner in the coming months and be landed on a decision upon taking into consideration your performance during this period. If the same result persists on your part, you will be subjected to strict action in form of termination.
Yours sincerely,
(Your name)
Click Here To Download Warning Letter for Inaccuracy in Job
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Every employer educates his employees about the HR policies, leave policy, and attendance letter at the time of on boarding.
Categories: HR Tags: Inaccuracy in Job, Warning Letter
Warning Letter to Employee for Damage
This is in continuance to the charge-sheeted issued to you on (date). As a result of the inquiry held against those charges, the management has proved it to be correct.
According to the seriousness of the act committed, an employee is normally dismissed from service with immediate effect. However, considering it to be your first time, the management has decided to go easy on you. We have decided to give you one final chance for improvement. We are letting you off easy by imposing a fine of Rs. (amount) upon you as penalty to the damage caused.
Manager/ Competent Authority
C.C: The Accounts Dept
Categories: HR Tags: Warning Letter