Request Copyright Permission Letter Format – Permission Template
It is very important to ask for permission before using any kind of content from third party that is protected by copyright. And in order to do so, you need to write a copyright permission letter. You can use a sample letter asking permission to do something if you don’t know how to do about it. The copyright authorization letter is a formal way of seeking copyright permission. There can be a sample letter for music copyright permission or a copyright permission letter template for a story etc.
In this post we bring to you a formally drafted Sample Copyright Permission Letter. You can use this request for permission letter format to write to the third party asking for permission for using their copyright content.
Sample Request Copyright Permission Letter format
Ritika Sharma
Zenith Advertising Pvt. Ltd.
Date: February 1st, 2025
Ms. Sharmila Bose,
54, St. Arthur Road,
Dear Ms. Bose,
We came across a powerful article titled “The Future of India: 2030” which was published in the January 2025 issue of Forbes India. It was a wonderful piece of thought.
Zenith Advertising Pvt. Ltd. would like to include the article mentioned above in our yearly magazine called “Ads and Marketing” which is distributed extensively in the advertisement industry. We are aware that you are the copyright holder for the article and therefore, we would like to seek your permission for having this article included in our upcoming magazine.
If you wish to give us the permission then please sign the permission letter copies and return us one of the copies via email or regular mail.
Thanking you for your time and considering our request for permission.
Ritika Sharma
Zenith Advertising Pvt. Ltd.
Click Here to Download Request Copyright Permission Letter In word
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How to Write a Permission Letter
Police Permission Letter for Official Event
Sample Copyright Permission Letter
Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview
Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
Sample Employee Termination Letter for Theft
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Posted by Hrformats -
February 1, 2025 at 4:10 AM
Categories: Letters Tags: Authorization, Copyright, Copyright Letter, permission letter, Request Form, Request Letter, sample letter
Police Permission Letter for Official Event
If you are organizing an official event then writing a permission letter for event is a must. This permit letter ensures carrying out the function smoothly. If you are organizing an event then application for permission to organize an event is a must. Just like police permission for event there is also a police permission letter for DJ in English.
Follow the tips on How to Write a Permission Letter to create a professional draft.
Given below is a request letter to police commissioner for permission. Use this sample police permission letter format to draft a customize letter.
Letter of Permission to Police for an Official Event
Rajat Arora
Health and Wellness Society
Date: 24.12.18
The Commissioner of Police
Department of Police
Sub: Regarding permission of Marathon
Respected Sir,
I, Rajat Arora, Chairman of Health and Wellness Society, Hyderabad, would like to submit that our organization has decided to organize a “Health and Wellness Marathon” in Hyderabad on February 3rd , 2019.
We will have around 1500 people participating this event. The marathon will start from Gachibowli stadium and will end at Mehadipatnam stadium, covering a stretch of 11 kms. The event will start on Sunday morning at 7.30 a.m. and will end at 10.30 a.m. We will ensure that no rules are broken during this event and we would request your department to kindly grant us the permission to organize this event and also provide us with the necessary assistance.
I request you to please grant permission for the event at the earliest so that we can start working on the event. If you need any more details then please feel free to call me at +91-9898989898.
Thanking in anticipation
Rajat Arora
Click here to download Police Permission Letter for Official Event
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Posted by Hrformats -
December 22, 2018 at 6:26 AM
Categories: Letters Tags: Official Event, permission letter, police
Warning Letter To Employee Who Visited Client’s Premises Without Permission
Employees have to follow the discipline in whatever job they do as they are the face of the company. If the employee of your Company visits the premises of your Customer’s property without any permission then this is an offense and you must immediately write a warning letter to your employee. This letter should include all the details of the visit along with a strict warning to the employee.
We have come up with a sample warning letter addressing the employee who visited the consumer’s premise without any permission.
Adarsh Swami
Human Resource Manager
Fullerton Software Ltd.
New Delhi
Date: 02.05.2018
Mr. Rakesh Gupta
B-490, Western Plaza
New Delhi
Dear Mr. Gupta,
We have received a complaint against you from our reputed client, Mr. Shekhar Sharma, MD, Rajputana Sports Goods Pvt. Ltd. We have been informed that you visited the Finance Department of Rajputana Sports Goods Pvt. Ltd. without any permission.
We conducted the enquiry at our level and learned that neither your Manager nor your Team Leader asked you to pay a visit to the client. And the client also reported that you did not seek permission to visit their Finance Department from the concerned person.
This is to bring to your notice that at Fullerton Software Ltd., we expect our employees to follow the code of conduct they are trained with. As per the rules, no employee can visit any client without permission and if he does, we plan to take serious actions.
Consider this letter as the first and last warning for such actions will not be tolerated in future. If you have any clarifications to make, please write to us at [email protected].
Adarsh Swami
Human Resource Manager
Fullerton Software Ltd.
New Delhi
Click Here to Warning Letter – Employee Visited The Consumer’s Premises Without Permission
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Posted by Hrformats -
May 2, 2018 at 6:40 AM
Categories: Warning Letter Format Tags: Employee, permission letter, Warning Letter
How to Write a Permission Letter
The purpose of writing a permission letter is to grant legal authorization to some person. Different people write letter of permission for different reasons. Parents write such letters to give temporary custody of their child who is a minor to someone else. Likewise employee can write it to his employer seeking permission for organizing a party at office.
This post talks about various steps that are important to be taken into consideration while framing a formal permission letter. Use these steps to create a personalized letter with right amount of information.
Steps to Write Permission Letter
- Decide on the Format
Such letters should be formally typed properly and not handwritten. In case, the situation is informal then you can go with handwritten format.
- Decide on Subject Line
You need to decide on the subject of your letter which should be short and clear so that the reader immediately understands the purpose of writing the letter. Put the subject line in bold font to increase its readability.
- Address it Correctly
It is extremely important for you to know to whom to address the letter. In case you are writing a letter for your child and it has to be show again and again then you can start with “To whom it may concern”. And in case you have to send the letter to some particular person then you must address it to that person with his full name and title.
- Mention the Purpose
Start your letter by stating the purpose in clear words. If it is a letter concerning your child then you must include your name, your child’s name and the name of the person to whom you are grating the permission. Keep it simple, straight and clear without leaving any room for any confusion or doubt. This has to be a short and crisp sentence.
- Mention More Details
The next step involves include some more information in relation with the permission. For instance, if this is a letter related with your child then you must mention useful details like Full name of the child, his birth date, his address, your relation with the child and other details required in that particular situation to ensure that all essential details in this regard are shared with the concerned person. Moreover, if there is any other important information that is useful like passport number in case of consent to travel, then it also needs to be mentioned in the letter. Every letter demands something specific and subjective which should be included in it.
- Define Scope of Permission
This is the next important step which takes into account specifying the exact scope of the permission. For instance, you are writing a medical authorization letter for your child then you must define the scope by mentioning that the consent to treatment includes minor illness and injuries and in case of any medical emergency, your consent is required along with treatment of the medical professional.
- Mention Validity of Authorization
The next step involves stating when the authorization expires and in case it stands valid until revoked, that must also be included in the letter.
- Share Your Contact Information
You must share your telephone number, email id or address before ending the letter.
- Sign the Letter in Presence of Witness
If it is a legal authorization then you must have the letter notarized and sign it in presence of a witness. Also have the witness sign the letter. You need to decide whether the letter requires a witness or not and then move ahead with the proceedings.
Use these steps to write a perfect permission letter on your own without missing on any important detail.
Other Related Post to Permission Letters
Request Copyright Permission Letter
Police Permission Letter for Official Event
If you are organizing an official event then writing a permission letter for event is a must.
Sample Copyright Permission Letter
If you are planning to use any kind of copyright content or any other thing in your presentation, paper or for any other purpose then you must write a professional permission letter seeking the permission from the company or person to use it.
Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview
Whenever you are planning to interview some personality then the official way of going about it is seeking permission to interview by writing a formal request letter.
Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
There are times when you need to leave the office early. For instance, it is your wife’s birthday or you have to attend some function.
Sample Employee Termination Letter for Theft
Human Resource Manager needs to be really very smart and skilful when it comes to writing an employee termination letter for theft.
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Posted by Hrformats -
May 20, 2016 at 12:55 PM
Categories: Letters Tags: how to write, permission letter
Permission Letter from Parents for Medical
There are times when you need to appoint someone else to look after your child. It can be your child’s grandparent or other parent or even a daycare provider. In such a situation, when you are not around you need to have someone to take care of the medical needs of your child to ensure that all the medical treatments have been organized. But for some third party to do that, you need to have a formally drafted permission letter giving them the authority to provide your child with the medical care he or she needs.
To help you deal with this kind of letter writing, here is a sample permission letter from parents for medical which has been framed by professionals. Use this as reference for writing a customized draft.
Format for Permission letter from parents for medical
To Whom It May Concern:
I James Smith give permission to Mr. Susane Jacob to authorize any medical procedures for my child Ms. Julie Smith. Her birth date is January 5th, 2012.
If you need any additional information, you can contact me at 123-456-78.
I have attached a copy of my insurance with the letter.
James Smith
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Posted by Hrformats -
March 13, 2015 at 6:40 AM
Categories: Letters Tags: Formal letter, Medical, permission letter
Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
There are times when you need to leave the office early. For instance, it is your wife’s birthday or you have to attend some function. In such a case, you must write a professional permission letter addressing your HR Manager or immediate senior or team leader asking permission for leaving the office earlier than usual.
For writing a perfect permission letter, it is important to include few important things in your draft like the reason for which you need to leave early, how early you wish to leave etc. If you are still not clear about framing a formal letter then refer to the template example below which will help you frame a perfect letter with all the needful information.
Format Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
Mathew Brown
A-42, Park Avenue Street
New York
Date:23th February 2015
Sheila John
HR Manager
Amazing Technologies
1234 Park Avenue Road
New York
Dear Mrs. Sheila John,
I would like to request you to please allow me to leave 3 hours earlier on Thursday, 19th February, 2015, because I have to attend my brother’s engagement, something that I cannot afford to miss. But I promise that I will finish my job early so that nothing is left incomplete or unattended. And I also assure that I will compensate this time by staying an hour extra on Friday, Saturday and Monday so that there is no work loss to the company.
Thanks for considering my request. Thanking in anticipation
Yours sincerely,
Mathew Brown
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Posted by Hrformats -
February 24, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Categories: Letters Tags: Leave Letter, permission letter
How to Write a Letter to My Boss for Permission
Permission letter is one of the most common letters that is written with an intention to seek the permission from a person to grant an authority to take some decision or to do something. When you are writing a professional letter to your boss seeking permission for something then make sure that it is addressed to the right senior who has the power to grant you the permission. Keep the tone polite and make sure that you state everything very clearly to avoid any confusion.
Here are a few steps or guidelines that will help you create a perfect formal letter seeking permission from your boss.
- Always Mention the Subject
It is important that you make the subject of your letter clear before even starting with the letter. It is a great way of informing the reader well in advance about the subject that you are going to discuss in the letter. This will make it very easy and quick for him to read it and understand it without any confusion.
- Address it to the Right Person
When you are seeking the permission, it is essential that you pen it to the right authority. This will ensure that you are able to get the permission that you are seeking without any hassles. In case you are not very much clear about whom to address your letter to then it is always safe to write “Dear Sir or Madame” or “To Whom It May Concern.”
- Seek the Permission
Once you have begun writing the letter, the next important step is to write the thing for which you need the permission. When penning this down, you must learn to write the reasons, purpose and all other related information of the event for which you are asking for authority. Make sure that you frame your request keeping in mind all the details so that the person to whom it is addressed doesn’t find any important information missing from it.
- Mention Your Contact Information
Before ending the letter, it is important to mention your contact information in the letter which should include your phone number, mobile number or email id so that the person can get in touch with you without any problem.
- Close the Letter
Now that you are done writing the letter, close the letter with a “Thanking in anticipation” note followed by “Sincerely”. Put your name, designation along with your signature to complete the letter in a formal way.
- Keep the Tone Professional
It is very important that you maintain the tone of the letter. Keep it very much professional and to the point. No need to provide any kind of unnecessary information in your letter. It has to be short, sweet and formal.
Follow all these guidelines in framing a professional letter to your boss seeking permission for something that you wish you do.
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Request Copyright Permission Letter Format
Police Permission Letter for Official Event
If you are organizing an official event then writing a permission letter for event is a must.
Sample Copyright Permission Letter
If you are planning to use any kind of copyright content or any other thing in your presentation, paper or for any other purpose then you must write a professional permission letter seeking the permission from the company or person to use it.
Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview
Whenever you are planning to interview some personality then the official way of going about it is seeking permission to interview by writing a formal request letter.
Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
There are times when you need to leave the office early. For instance, it is your wife’s birthday or you have to attend some function.
Sample Employee Termination Letter for Theft
Human Resource Manager needs to be really very smart and skilful when it comes to writing an employee termination letter for theft.
1 comment - What do you think?
Posted by Hrformats -
February 17, 2015 at 1:02 PM
Categories: Letters Tags: Boss letter, permission letter
Sample Copyright Permission Letter
If you are planning to use any kind of copyright content or any other thing in your presentation, paper or for any other purpose then you must write a professional permission letter seeking the permission from the company or person to use it. This is the right way of dealing with copyright information to avoid hassles and be legal in your working.
To help you deal with such a condition, here is a sample copyright permission letter which you can use as a reference for writing your own personalized letter for creating a formal letter. It should contain all the information about the content you want to use, the purpose for which you want to use it. Let us have a quick look at the example template which has been designed to make this task a lot easier for you. Remember to pen it on your letter head.
Sample Copyright Permission Letter
Date: 09.02.2015
Sam Samuel
11th Garden Avenue
Dear Mr. Samuel,
I purpose of writing this letter is to request your permission to copy your research work on “The Economic Conditions Anticipated in 2030” for use in my class, Business and Economics, during the III semester. I have enclosed the copy of the excerpts of the research which I need for discussing in my class. This is a very helpful research for understanding the scenarios of economic markets and I feel my students will have a different insight towards the economic market conditions because of your research work.
I anticipate that for this class I have an enrollment of approximately 30 students in the course and I wish to provide a copy to each one of them. I am also comfortable if you could provide me with your work on a password protected electronic reserve.
Please inform me in case there is some fee for reproducing this work. I highly appreciate your assistance.
Andrew James
Faculty Member
United States School of Economics
Other Related Post to Permission Letters
Request Copyright Permission Letter
Police Permission Letter for Official Event
If you are organizing an official event then writing a permission letter for event is a must.
How to Write a Letter to My Boss for Permission
Permission letter is one of the most common letters that is written with an intention to seek the permission from a person to grant an authority to take some decision or to do something.
Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview
Whenever you are planning to interview some personality then the official way of going about it is seeking permission to interview by writing a formal request letter.
Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
There are times when you need to leave the office early. For instance, it is your wife’s birthday or you have to attend some function.
Sample Employee Termination Letter for Theft
Human Resource Manager needs to be really very smart and skilful when it comes to writing an employee termination letter for theft.
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Posted by Hrformats -
February 17, 2015 at 7:22 AM
Categories: Letters Tags: Copyright, permission letter
Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview
Whenever you are planning to interview some personality then the official way of going about it is seeking permission to interview by writing a formal request letter. Such a letter should contain the reason for which you wish to interview the person, the estimated time for which you need to interview him and the number of questions you have to ask. This makes your request letter complete and informative leaving no room for any kind of doubt.
So refer to the sample given below and create a personalized letter seeking permission to interview in a professional way.
Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview
Samantha Brown
123 52nd Park Street
Ph: 1234-56789
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02.02.15
Robert Wills
National Food Association
B 15 6th Block
Jackson Street
Dear Mr. Wills,
I am a student pursuing a three year course in Food & Nutrition at Manchester University. I received your name from my professor Dr. Richard Thomson and I would be really very thankful if I could meet with you in person.
I would like to interview you in person. Please let me know that if you are available during the first week of March, 2015 so that I can make arrangements for the interview accordingly. I have a set of approximately eight questions to ask which will roughly take 30-40 minutes of your precious time. I highly appreciate for considering my request.
I shall call you on 05.02.15 to find out if you are available on the duration mentioned above or you may leave a message for on the contact information mentioned above.
Thanking in anticipation. I am looking forward to meet with you.
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Permission letter is one of the most common letters that is written with an intention to seek the permission from a person to grant an authority to take some decision or to do something.
Sample Copyright Permission Letter
If you are planning to use any kind of copyright content or any other thing in your presentation, paper or for any other purpose then you must write a professional permission letter seeking the permission from the company or person to use it.
Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
There are times when you need to leave the office early. For instance, it is your wife’s birthday or you have to attend some function.
Sample Employee Termination Letter for Theft
Human Resource Manager needs to be really very smart and skilful when it comes to writing an employee termination letter for theft.
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Posted by Hrformats -
February 6, 2015 at 1:11 PM
Categories: Letters Tags: permission letter, Request Letter