Permission Letter from Parents for Medical

There are times when you need to appoint someone else to look after your child. It can be your child’s grandparent or other parent or even a daycare provider. In such a situation, when you are not around you need to have someone to take care of the medical needs of your child to ensure that all the medical treatments have been organized. But for some third party to do that, you need to have a formally drafted permission letter giving them the authority to provide your child with the medical care he or she needs.
To help you deal with this kind of letter writing, here is a sample permission letter from parents for medical which has been framed by professionals. Use this as reference for writing a customized draft.
Format for Permission letter from parents for medical
To Whom It May Concern:
I James Smith give permission to Mr. Susane Jacob to authorize any medical procedures for my child Ms. Julie Smith. Her birth date is January 5th, 2012.
If you need any additional information, you can contact me at 123-456-78.
I have attached a copy of my insurance with the letter.
James Smith
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