10 Interesting Ways to Make Worst Impression at Your Job Interview
Know about what things to avoid to save yourself making worst impression at the job interview. While going for a job interview, we want to deliver a wonderful performance so that we get noticed and we get picked in the hiring process. And in order to be successful, we sometimes end up getting nervous and miss on hitting the target.
This post unveils 10 important things which you must avoid making to save yourself from making a bad impression at the interview. With little vigilance, you can easily avoid them all and make sure that you are ahead of your competitors.
1. Reaching Late or Not Reaching at All
One of the most common reasons because of which people ruin their interviews even before they have begun is by arriving late for the interview or not arriving at all because of various reasons. Make sure that you are prepared to reach your destination on time. Confirm your interview in advance as it is the professional thing to do. Take extra time in hand so that even if you get stuck in traffic, you are still able to make it on time. But be careful that you don’t arrive way too early.
2. Being Rude
Usually we all make sure that we are nice to each and every person we meet when we reach the company office. But sometimes some of us act as if they are doing a big favor by arriving for the interview and this reflects in their behavior. This kind of behavior can make things difficult for you.
3. Not Selling Yourself
It is very important for you to communicate your qualities, skills and talents to the interviewer because only then he will hire you. Interview is the only way to sell yourself and let the interviewer know what qualities make you a suitable candidate for the job.
4. Dressing Like a Slob
You need to know beforehand that what is the dress code for the interview so that you don’t end up dressing too much or too casual. The best thing to do is to ask the person who has scheduled the interview about what is the dress code so that you can dress according to the job profile, industry and the company.
5. Checking Time and Phone
Once your interview has started, you must make sure that you have switched off your phone and kept it aside. Don’t try and look at your watch. If there is something for which you are running late, do not panic or else you would mess up your interview. And most importantly, do not ever say in the middle of the interview that you have to make a call. You must be focusing on your interview without getting distracted.
6. Don’t Always Speak Your Heart
You must never speak what you really think. In case you start speaking bad about your last employer or your boss then you are in deep trouble. The interviewer is going to think that you would do the same to his company and would never select you. Make sure that you only speak positive things during your interview and keep all the negativity aside.
Check this: Video Interviewing Platforms India
7. Going Unprepared
If you are planning to simply get up and go then this is the worst thing you are going to do. You must prepare yourself before the interview. Know about the position, the company, the industry and other related things so that if you are asked anything about any of these points, you have a strong answer to give. Take some time and Google about the company, match your qualifications with the job.
8. Not Speaking the Truth
Some of us exaggerate or lie about our experience or our academic degrees just to create a strong background but what we forget is that while doing a background check, if employer gets to know about our manipulations then we are going to lose the offer. So make sure that you speak the truth, minus all the exaggerations and incorrect information.
9. Leaving the Deal Unclosed
While wrapping up, interviewer generally asks if you have anything to say. Use it as a chance to express gratitude for considering you for the profile. The idea is to communicate that you are sincerely interested in the job.
10. Missing on Follow Up
We often forget to thank the interviewer for the interview or write a follow up message and this is considered quite unprofessional. Make sure you do send a hand written thank you note or email to deliver a positive impression.
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