Process of Writing Warning Letter for Domestic Enquiry

A domestic Inquiry in a company is an internal inquiry made into some alleged misconduct by a company’s employee. The purpose of conducting such an enquiry is to find out whether the alleged misconduct is proven or not. In case the misconduct is proven then action has to be taken to recommend a punishment that is right for the offence committed. At the domestic inquiry, the employer presents his case and the employee is awarded an equal chance to put up his defense against the charges.
Here is a sample for your reference.
Sample of Warning Letter for Domestic Enquiry
Sterling Stones Pvt. Ltd.
Adams Garden,
New York.
Date: 05/11/14
Mr. George Shalom
Employment No. 1234
Marketing Department
Dear Mr. Shalom,
It is alleged against you that you Mr. Shalom, Emp. No.1234, Designation: Assistant Manager (Marketing) had found sharing confidential details of the department with personnel of other department.
This act of your as constitutes misconduct according to the certified Standing Orders of the Company, as read
“Clause No. 5.a. The confidential details of the company shall be kept confidential and must not be shared with anyone else, without a reason. “
Therefore, your are hereby required to submit a written explanation stating as to why a suitable action should not be taken against you for the above said misconduct.
Your written explanation should reach to the management within 48 hrs of receipt of this notice. Failing to do so, it will be assumed that you have no explanation to offer and an action deemed fit shall be taken against you.
Shery Jackman
Manager (Human Resources)
(The signatory)
Warning Letter To Employee Who Visited Client’s Premises Without Permission
Employees have to follow the discipline in whatever job they do as they are the face of the company.
required letter of misbehavior with seniors