Posts tagged "how to write"

Claim Letter Example – How to Write a Claim Letter?

A claim letter is a complaint letter written by a consumer to a company highlighting the problem with the service or product. It is a persuasive letter which is of different kinds and types. You can find all kinds of sample of claim letters of payment, insurance, damaged goods, bank, refund payment, car accident etc. There are all sorts of claim letter examples and letter of claim format available online.

In this post, we have come up with a claim letter template along with tips to write effective claim letter. Read through this post to create your own letter or simply follow claim letter sample to create a customized letter of claim.

How to Write an Effective Claim Letter

Here are some points that must be kept in mind in order to frame a flawless claim letter:

  • Start the letter by making a claim. Be very clear with the kind of claim you are making.
  • Share details about the claim by stating facts in relation with the claim.
  • Mention the action you would want the reader to take along with the time deadlines.
  • State the documents or references you are including with the letter which can be any papers supporting the claim like warranty, receipts etc.
  • Include your contact details to help the reader get in touch with you.
  • Don’t forget to thank the reason in anticipation.

Claim Letter Sample and Example


Sim Gretta
St. Mary’s School

Date: January 06th, 2025


John Cameron
A to Z Equipment Ltd.
88, Downtown Street

Dear Mr. John,

I would like to bring to your notice that the installation of water coolers is still pending at St. Mary’s School which was mutually agreed to be completed by January 06th, 2025. Your company has failed to install the water coolers because of which there is lots of inconvenience caused to the students.

We had ordered a total of 10 water coolers with your company with invoice no. 12345 dated December 14th, 2024. Out of 10, only six water coolers have been installed and rest four are still pending for installation. We are very disappointed that you could not deliver the services you had promised.

We hope that now you can either have the job finished by January 06th, 2025 or take back the uninstalled water coolers and process the refund as they were ordered for an event that is scheduled for January 06th, 2025.

Please respond to this letter at the earliest with the action that you are going to be taking in relation with this situation.


Sim Gretta
St. Mary’s School

Click here to download Sample Claim letter in word Format

Other Related Claim Letter Formats

Employee Death Claim Letter
Payment of Gratuity Format Letter
PF Death Claim Forms
Format for Liens and Claim release Certificate

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Posted by Hrformats - January 6, 2025 at 4:21 AM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , , , , ,

How to Write Formal Confirmation Email for Attending Meeting

If you have received an invitation for attending a meeting then you must reply to the invitation. It is important to respond to the invitation so that the host is aware about your presence or absence. Sending a formal confirmation email for attending meeting is highly recommended as it is the right conduct.

Given below are some steps which must be followed to write a perfect professional email confirming your attendance at the meeting. Use these steps to write your email and you would never go wrong!!!

Always Address it Correct

You must address your email to the right person. Technically, you should write your response to the person from whom you have received the invitation or else any other name mentioned in the invitation for RSVP.

Come Straight to the Point

You must without any delay come straight to the point because of which you are writing this email. If you are attending the meeting then you must confirm your attendance. Do not forget to mention the date and time of the meeting.

Talk About Work, If Any

If you have to carry a report along or make some presentation at the meeting then you must also mention that you will come prepared with the task.

Enclosures, If Any

If you think you are required to send any attachments with the mail, include them in your email and end your letter.

These steps will surely make this task a lot easier for you and you will be able to draft a precise formal confirmation email with perfection.

Related To Confirmation Letter Formats

Job Confirmation Letter After Probation Period
Conference Attendance Verification Letter
Confirming Attendance Letter
Apprenticeship Confirmation Letter
Letter of Confirmation for Industrial Training
Meeting Confirmation Email Sample
How to Write a Meeting Confirmation Letter Reply
Appointment Confirmation Email Sample
Letter of Confirmation Management Trainee
Formal Apology Letter for Cancellation of Business Meeting
Team Building Meeting Invitation Email Sample
Sample of Circular for Staff Meeting

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Posted by Hrformats - September 1, 2016 at 1:06 PM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , ,

How to Write a Letter of Interest for Job (with Sample Letters)

If you are looking for a job then letter of intent can be a helpful tool. But before starting to write the letter, you must find out as much information possible about the company as it will help you write a letter with perfection. The more the information, the better will be your letter. Letter of interest is sent to a prospective employer(s) that may be hiring but have not come up with a particular job opening for which you can apply. Your letter helps you put forward your skills and experience that would interest the company.

Tips for writing formal letter of interest for job

This post unveils steps of writing a professionally framed letter of interest for job. Use these steps to write an impressive letter.

Address Letter to a Specific Person

Your seriousness about the job reflects in your efforts to find out the specific person whom you should address your letter when you are inquiring about the job. So be specific!!

Come to The Point

You must waste no time in introducing yourself and stating the reason because of which you are writing this letter. The purpose has to be clear in every sense.

Connect Your Qualities, Skills and Experience

Now it is the time to present your qualities, abilities, skills and experiences in connection with what the company actually looks for while hiring new employees. This would be based on the online and offline research done by you in relation with the job you are applying for. This is your chance to present yourself as a strong candidate for a particular profile and you must do it to the best.

Letter and Resume Have to Be Independent

There has to be a connection between your letter of interest and resume but don’t forget that each should be an independent document. Do not make both documents look alike. Some important information will surely be a part of both the documents but don’t make them look same in any case.

Include Your Contact Information

Do not forget to include your contact details. You must mention your email id or telephone number in case the employer wants to get in touch with you.

Check this Letter Of Intent for Business Proposal

Keep Tone Professional

The tone of the letter has to be formal and so is the information. Do not include anything unnecessary like marital status, hobbies etc. Always check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Include Resume Reference

You must include reference of your resume in your interest letter. You can say… as you can see in my resume…. This would develop the interest in the employer to read your resume.

Don’t Forget to Follow Up

Don’t think that your job is done once you have sent the letter. NO!!! You are suppose to take the follow up. This will again reflect your genuine interest in the job.

End it With a Request for Meeting

You must end your letter with a hope to meet soon. This is the right and positive way of ending your letter.

Use these steps and you will surely be able to write a perfect letter of interest for job which will increase your chances of getting one!!!

Sample of Letter Format of Interest for Job

Mathew Jacob

42 Richmond Street,

New York

Date: 27th August, 2016

Julia Mars

Human Resource Manager,

XYZ Development Bank

11, Park Avenue,

New York

Dear Ms. Julia,

I had an opportunity to interact with the customer support team of your bank while conducting a research for my project. Though my interaction was formal yet friendly but it was still a memorable experience. Their promptness to help customers and willingness to offer the best of the support was very impressive. With their conduct, it was evident that it is an integral part of Company’s value system. And this is why I am writing this letter to you because I feel my personal values might benefit your customer support team.

I understand the importance of personal accountability and I have always represented my employer and myself in a professional way. I work hard to make sure that my work and services are best. If I am hired by your company then I would ensure that I deliver highly professional and prompt customer services, just the way you expect your employees to. I am a dedicated and optimistic person and I love to work in teams.

For information on my qualification and experience, please find my resume attached with the letter. Please do not hesitate to contact me any time at 123-456-789 or email me at [email protected]. I would be happy to know the best time to meet you in person.

Thank you for your time.


Mathew Jacob

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Posted by Hrformats - August 31, 2016 at 12:26 PM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , ,

How to Write a Permission Letter

The purpose of writing a permission letter is to grant legal authorization to some person. Different people write letter of permission for different reasons. Parents write such letters to give temporary custody of their child who is a minor to someone else. Likewise employee can write it to his employer seeking permission for organizing a party at office.

This post talks about various steps that are important to be taken into consideration while framing a formal permission letter. Use these steps to create a personalized letter with right amount of information.

Steps to Write Permission Letter

  1. Decide on the Format

Such letters should be formally typed properly and not handwritten. In case, the situation is informal then you can go with handwritten format.

  1. Decide on Subject Line

You need to decide on the subject of your letter which should be short and clear so that the reader immediately understands the purpose of writing the letter. Put the subject line in bold font to increase its readability.

  1. Address it Correctly

It is extremely important for you to know to whom to address the letter. In case you are writing a letter for your child and it has to be show again and again then you can start with “To whom it may concern”. And in case you have to send the letter to some particular person then you must address it to that person with his full name and title.

  1. Mention the Purpose

Start your letter by stating the purpose in clear words. If it is a letter concerning your child then you must include your name, your child’s name and the name of the person to whom you are grating the permission. Keep it simple, straight and clear without leaving any room for any confusion or doubt. This has to be a short and crisp sentence.

  1. Mention More Details

The next step involves include some more information in relation with the permission. For instance, if this is a letter related with your child then you must mention useful details like Full name of the child, his birth date, his address, your relation with the child and other details required in that particular situation to ensure that all essential details in this regard are shared with the concerned person. Moreover, if there is any other important information that is useful like passport number in case of consent to travel, then it also needs to be mentioned in the letter. Every letter demands something specific and subjective which should be included in it.

  1. Define Scope of Permission

This is the next important step which takes into account specifying the exact scope of the permission. For instance, you are writing a medical authorization letter for your child then you must define the scope by mentioning that the consent to treatment includes minor illness and injuries and in case of any medical emergency, your consent is required along with treatment of the medical professional.

  1. Mention Validity of Authorization

The next step involves stating when the authorization expires and in case it stands valid until revoked, that must also be included in the letter.

  1. Share Your Contact Information

You must share your telephone number, email id or address before ending the letter.

  1. Sign the Letter in Presence of Witness

If it is a legal authorization then you must have the letter notarized and sign it in presence of a witness. Also have the witness sign the letter. You need to decide whether the letter requires a witness or not and then move ahead with the proceedings.

Use these steps to write a perfect permission letter on your own without missing on any important detail.

Other Related Post to Permission Letters

Request Copyright Permission Letter

Police Permission Letter for Official Event
If you are organizing an official event then writing a permission letter for event is a must.

Sample Copyright Permission Letter
If you are planning to use any kind of copyright content or any other thing in your presentation, paper or for any other purpose then you must write a professional permission letter seeking the permission from the company or person to use it.

Sample Request Letter for Permission to Interview
Whenever you are planning to interview some personality then the official way of going about it is seeking permission to interview by writing a formal request letter.

Permission Letter to Leave Office Early
There are times when you need to leave the office early. For instance, it is your wife’s birthday or you have to attend some function.

Sample Employee Termination Letter for Theft
Human Resource Manager needs to be really very smart and skilful when it comes to writing an employee termination letter for theft.

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Posted by Hrformats - May 20, 2016 at 12:55 PM

Categories: Letters   Tags: ,

How to write a Leave Letter

Sometimes we happen to step away from our current job for a couple of days or weeks or months. Due to certain reasons, we have to stay away from work to deal with a situation but we are keen on returning back on the job and resume our responsibilities. In such a situation, you must write a formal leave letter to your employer or HR manager stating the reason and the duration for which you will not be able to be present at work. Such letters are important in order to communicate your reasons to the management in an effective and clear manner so that there is no confusion and you can easily and comfortably get back to work once things are fine at your end.

Guidelines for Writing Formal Leave Letter

Given below are the steps which you can follow to create a perfect professional leave letter which contains the reason, the duration for leave along with expressing your intention to join back. Use these guidelines to write a complete formal letter without any mistakes.

Keep Notes Handy

Before you start writing the letter, you must write all the essential points that you want to include in your letter on a piece of paper. This will help you have a proper flow of information in your letter and will include all the details in a refined manner without causing any confusion.

Highlight Important Details

You must include all the important details which must include the duration for which you will not be attending the office. Also state the reason because of which you are taking such a step as it will make your letter more authentic and informative. You must also mention the date when you are expected to join your job again.

Always Thank

You must express the gratitude to the company and the employer. Saying thank you never hurts and it always leaves a positive impression.

Keep it Professional

You must make sure that your letter follows a formal format. Keep the tone polite. Check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Keep it formal, short and sweet.

Double Check

It is important to check with your employer that your letter has been received. Double check that the details are effectively communicated to him so that there is no confusion at his end.


Format of Leave Letter

Here is the format of the leave letter which must be followed:


This is the beginning of the letter which must be short and sweet. It should contain the introduction along with stating the purpose of the letter in a clear manner.


This is the main body of the letter which elaborates the purpose stated in the introductory part. It must contain more information on the reason for leaving, duration for leaving and the expected date when you can rejoin the job. This part must also include anything that you expect the employer to do like monitor something during your absence or handle some issue.


This is the end of your letter which should contain a thank you note. Keep your final sign off polite.

Mistakes to Avoid in Leave Letters

Here are some of the most common mistakes that we all make while writing formal leave letters:

  • Forget to mention contact details

Make sure that you state your contact details so that in case of emergency your boss can contact you. In case, you don’t want to be contacted, mention that in the letter.

  • Giving wrong details

We sometimes end up giving wrong details like wrong date of departure, wrong date of joining or wrong reason for leaving. All this needs to be double checked before submitting the letter.

  • Room for misinterpretation

Sometimes the details that we share are incomplete or often they are misinterpreted. Make sure whatever details you are stating are clear and don’t leave any room for misinterpretations.

  • Too much information

You don’t have to give too much information in your letter. Keep it short and simple and there are chances that you may end up giving unnecessary details. Do not make your letter longer than a page or two as it might also get quite boring for the employer to read it.

Use these steps to create a perfect leave letter which will keep things clear and simple.

Other Related Leave Email/Letter Format and Sample

Leave Extension Application for Personal Reason
Leave Extension Email for Medical Treatment
Leave Extension Application for Mother/ Father Medical Treatment
Leave Extension Email Due to Mother/ Father Death
Leave Extension Email for Maternity Leave
Leave Extension Application for Family Problems

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Posted by Hrformats - May 11, 2016 at 12:53 PM

Categories: Leave format   Tags: ,