Posts tagged "First warning letter"

First Warning Letter to Employee Sample

First warning letters are sent to employees who have failed to adhere themselves with the rules and regulations of the company and have gotten involved in events or processes that are not accepted by the management. As the name suggests, first warm letter is a formal warning from the company to the employee on his or her actions. There can be different reasons for employee warning letter templates. But mostly the sample first warning letter to employee for bad attitude, misconduct, negligence, poor performance, absence etc. are the most common of all.

Shared below is the First Warning Letter format in Word. You can use this first warning letter to employee sample to create a personalized letter subjective to the situation at your end.

First Warning Letter to Employee Template


Sushmita Gupta
Human Resource Manager
ABC Technologies

Date: January 25th, 2025


Mr. Aryan Sharma
54, Harrison Apartments,

Dear Mr. Sharma,

I am writing this letter as your first warning for reporting late at work.

It has been reported that you are coming almost an hour late to office every day. We always appreciate our employees who understand the value of time and coming to office at time. Therefore, you are being warned to not come late at work and if you failed to report at work on time, the Management will be compelled to take a serious action against you.

It has also been found that you are avoiding swiping your attendance card when you come to office as well as when you are off for the day which is making it difficult for the system to record your attendance.

We are hopeful that you will be punching your card on daily basis and you will also be reporting to work on time. Failing to do so can lead to strict actions against you.


Sushmita Gupta
Human Resource Manager
ABC Technologies

Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats

Letter to Employee for Misbehaving at Workplace
Warning Letter to Employee for Cigarette Smell
Employee Performance Concern Letter Example
Warning Letter to Employee for Negligence of Duty
Warning Letter to Employee for Careless Attitude That Caused Financial Loss
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Process of Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Circular for No Smoking and Tobacco in Office

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Posted by Hrformats - January 25, 2025 at 4:12 AM

Categories: Warning Letter Format   Tags: , , , ,

Letter Format to Employee for Misbehaving at Workplace

Unprofessional behavior is never appreciated and when an employee misbehaves at workplace, it sometimes attract warning from the management. If an employee has misbehaved in your company then you can always write a warning letter to employee for unprofessional behavior. Just like any other warning letter format, the sample warning letter for misbehavior warns the employee in a formal manner.

This post includes the sample letter to employee for behaving badly at workplace. You can use this sample warning letter for misbehavior for writing an employee warning letter for bad attitude as required by your situation.

Sample Letter to Employee for Behaving Badly at Workplace


Simon Smith

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies


Date: November 25th, 2021


Mr. Andy Jacob

54, Richmond Villas


Dear Andy,

I am writing this letter to inform you that the management has noticed consistent complaints on your unprofessional behavior at workplace. In last couple of months, there have been many episodes wherein you were found to talk rudely to your colleagues and yelling at your juniors.

It was on last Monday itself that you were found yelling at Mr. Charles for not doing his job right. This reaction from your end is not justified as it creates an unhealthy environment at work. You were also found making bad comments about one of your colleagues at the canteen. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

You have been a dedicated employee of our company but through this letter, we are informing you that you must change your actions or else you will have to deal with serious consequences. If you continue to behave in this manner then you might as well lose your job.

We are hopeful that you will take this as a serious warning and will amend your actions.


Simon Smith

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies

Resources Related To Warning Letter Formats

Warning Letter to Employee for not following Uniform Dress Code
Warning Letter for Misbehavior with Senior
Employee Warning Letter for Negligence of Duty
Warning Letter for Usage of Mobile Phone on Workplace
First Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letters for not attending Office regularly
Warning Letter to Employee for Salary Deduction
Writing Warning Letter to Employee
Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance
Warning Letter For Alcohol Consumption During Working Hours
Warning Mail on Resignation Without Notice Period Completion
Warning Letter to Employee Taking Leave Without Handing Over Work
Warning Letter to Employees Refusing to Work
Writing a Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Attendance
Warning Letter or Memo To Employee
Poor Performance Warning Letter Format

Search Sample Formats:

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Posted by Hrformats - November 25, 2021 at 5:17 AM

Categories: Warning Letter Format   Tags: , , , , , , ,