Recruitment Process
Recruitment process
1. Objectives of recruitment process
The recruitment process has the following objectives:
• To ensure that the recruitment is as per the company expectations. (e.g time, skills, etc.,)
• To attract sufficient applications from potential candidates with the required skills, qualities, experience, and competencies deemed as being necessary to the job.
• To develop and maintain processes which will assist in ensuring the appointment of the most suitable candidate.
2. Recruitment Process
2.1. Getting Recruitment Request
Need to hire a resource can be due to any of the following instances:
• Non-availability of existing resource to fulfill a new requirement.
• Replace an existing resource
• Vacancy created due to the resignation of a existing resource
• Recruitment as backup resource
• Other reasons as deemed fit by the CEO and Senior Management
A recruitment request has the job specifications detailing the job title, mandatory skills, desired skills, responsibilities, location, start date, and approximate end date of the assignment.
2.2. Make recruitment plan
Based on recruitment requests, HR dept make recruitment plan and send to Director for approval.
Recruitment plan, including the:
• Number of employees need to recruit.
• Job descriptions.
• Recruitment Sources.
• Checking Plan for candidates.
• Budget of recruitment …
2.3 Researching of workforce market
HR dept need to regularly study the labor market to determine the recruitment channels appropriate to each audience.
The following factors need to be considered when studying the labor market
• Ability to provide.
• Time to provide fast or slow.
• Cost.
• Suitable audiences.
Based on the requirements of recruitment, HR should propose suitable channels.
2.4 Contact recruitment agencies
Based on the channel recruitment approved, HR dept conduct to contact recruitment channels to:
• Determining costs.
• Determining when recruitment ads are posted.
• Conducting procedures with recruitment agents such as contracts and payment.
2.5 Issue recruitment ads
HR dept should:
• Design recruitment ads.
• In some cases, it must be sent to director for approval.
• Post information to recruiting agents or post to free recruitment channels.
• HR manger should check the information which was posted to ensure conformity with the requirements set out.
2.6 Take care of candidates
Candidates often call or email to inquire information of recruitment, and HR dept need to build up information channels to answer the requirements of candidates.
2.7 Receiving CVs from candidates
After receiving CVs, HR dept perform the next step in the process of selecting candidates.
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