Recruitment Plan
This is sample / example of Recruitment Plan
1. Quantity of recruitment
• Identify number of employee / staff recruited per department
• Design a table with columns: No, department, Position, Number of employee, date got new employee, remarks
2. Design of recruitment materials
• Testing tools for the above positions are available?
• If not, company should have plan to fulfill above materials
• Job description of the above positions are available?
3. Sources of recruitment
• You should design a table with columns: No, position, channel, budget, who follow?, remark
• You can identify recruitment sources by internal or external
• What are channels for recruitment?
• You should identify suitable channel for each position.
4. Selection plan
• Who receive CVs? and when do?
• Who review CVs? and when do?
• Who organize to check professional and skills of candidate? and when do?
• Who interview? and when do?
• Who make final decision? and when do?
You should design a table with columns: No, working contents, who follow, who support, date, remark.
5. Recruitment budget
Identify what is budget of this recruitment.
6. Notes (if any)
Make by————–HR Manager————–CEO
Categories: Recruitment Format Tags: Recruitment Plan