Steps for Writing Cover Letter for Recruitment Consultant
When you are applying for a job, while submitting your resume, it is extremely important that you also write a formal cover letter with it. If you are applying for a job through a Recruitment Consultant then you must invest some time in drafting a professional cover letter with all essential details to make sure that your letter is able to deliver the information that you want the reader to know. This is the only opportunity you have to make a strong impression without your presence and you must not waste it at any cost.
Steps to Write Formal Cover Letter for Recruitment Consultant
Here are some of the steps that you can use to create a perfect letter which includes the right amount of information.
Preparing the Base
It is about getting ready with all the information so that you can frame an impressive cover letter. For this, you will need the following details:
- Be very sure of the kind of job you want to get into. Do not be confused or unsure about what you are looking for.
- Make sure your resume is drafted with all the important points, without any errors.
- Review and study your resume thoroughly before writing the letter as it will help you know what points you must discuss in your letter.
- Follow the format of a business letter. You must focus on using the right format as this would leave a strong impression on the reader. Be sure of addressing the person correctly. Font, space, paragraph etc. are to be used without any errors.
Writing the Cover Letter
- Address the Recipient Right
Address the recipient as Mr. or Ms. You must also use “Dear” as greeting in your letter. If you are not sure of the gender then use “Dear” followed by the name.
- Purpose of Writing the Letter
You must clearly state the reason for which you are writing the letter in the first paragraph. Keep it straight, clear and short so that there is no confusion.
- Give Your Introduction
Introduce yourself in 1-2 sentences. Keep it short but informative so that the recipient knows about you.
- Mention the Job Profile
Now it is time to mention the job profile for which you have applied. This will avoid any kind of confusion as far as your job application is concerned. You must keep it straight and short. Make sure you are able to express your interest in the job profile and the company in an enthusiastic and positive way. You must include all possible details related with the kind of job you are looking for.
- Sell Your Skills and Interests
In order to develop the interest of the reader in your resume, you must make sure that you include your skills, interests, qualifications and experiences in your letter in a brief yet impressive manner. The idea here is to develop the interest of the reader so that he is compelled to find out more about you. But whatever information you are sharing in this paragraph should complement the requirements of the profile. The more convincing you sound, the brighter chances you have for getting selected for the next round. You must use your skill to sell yourself in the most impressive way so that you stand out of the crowd.
- End With an Enthusiastic Note
While ending your letter, you must write a concluding paragraph which stresses on the fact that you are a suitable candidate for the profile. Thank the recipient for his time and consideration.
- Check for Errors
Before sending the letter, make sure that you take out some time to proof read the letter. This is important to make sure that your letter doesn’t contain any mistakes or errors. Check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and other format related issues to ensure that everything is perfect.
- Attach it With Resume
Once you have framed a proper letter, it is time to attach it with your resume. Make sure that your resume is correct in every sense before sending it across.
Use these steps for creating a perfect cover letter for a recruitment consultant.
Categories: Recruitment Format Tags: Consultant, Cover Letter, Recruitment
Letter of Appointment for Temporary Employee or Consultant
Letter of Appointment for Temporary Employee/ or Consultant
Temporary employees, as the term suggest, is hired for a certain time period by a company to meet the demands of a growing business. As in the field of consultancy, temporary consultants or freelancers are hired by a firm for the completion of a particular project. However, in many cases, if the temporary employee impresses with their skills, he/she is permanently hired by the company.
Below is a sample example of a Letter of Appointment offered to a temporary employee/ or consultant.
Sample Letter of Appointment for Consultant
(Company Name)
(Address of the Company)
Date: ___/___/___
Subject: Letter of appointment for consultant
Dear __________,
We are pleased to appoint you as ____________ Consultant at (Organization Name) on the basis of your application and subsequent interview with us. Please read the following terms and conditions before signing the letter.
- You will be appointed for thirty six months, with effect from 1st April 2014. However, the company will have every right to terminate you without assigning without any reason by providing a two month’s notice. It can also be extended further by either side by forwarding a similar notice.
- Your payment will be flexible. It will depend on the project cost at hand.
- You are presently posted at _________________. But if the company feels your need at other branches establishment in India or outside, you shall be liable to be posted / transferred anywhere to serve its need at the sole discretion of the Management.
- This appointment is offered only upon having convinced that you are physically and mentally fit by the authorized Medical Practitioner of the company.
- You shall at no cost publish any article or statement, deliver any lecture or make any communication to the press that concerns the company without prior permission in written.
- You shall require respecting the privacy of project documents, commercial offer, design documents, project cost & estimation, technology, software packages license, company’s polices and human assets profile of the company.
- You shall require abiding by company’s rules and regulations which are subjected to amendment from time to time.
- You shall not disclose, divulge or make public any of the company’s technical or other important information even after terminating from the company.
- In case you are found guilty of fraud, dishonest, disobedience, disorderly behavior, negligence, indiscipline, absence from duty without prior permission of the company, your services may be terminated without notice and its decision will be deemed final.
- You shall at no cost accept any present, commission or gratification in cash or kind from any person, party or firm dealing with the company.
If you accept the above mentioned terms and conditions, please sign and return to the undersigned the duplicate copy of this letter as a sign of acceptance.
Once again, we welcome you to (Organization name). We look forward to a productive collaboration with you.
Best wishes,
(Your name)
For Company (Organization name)
Designation ________________
I agree to accept the consultancy and shall abide by the terms and conditions mentioned above. I also possess the original of this letter.
Place _______________ Name _____________
Date _______________ Sign ____________
Click Here To Download Sample Letter of Appointment for Consultant
Appointment Letter for Commission Based Agent
Many companies appoint their commission based agents who act as the link between the vendors and the buyers.
Categories: HR Tags: Consultant, Letter of Appointment
Letter of Appointment as a consultant
I have Attached Letter of Appointment as a consultant
This agreement is made on the <date> day of <month year>, between Mr. /Ms. <Name> aged about <age> residing at <Address, City, Pin> [herein after referred to as Consultant] of the one part and <Name of company> having its registered office at <office address in full> [herein after referred to as the Company] of the second part.
This agreement has been entered into between the Consultant and the Company and will be effective from <effective date> for a period of ELEVEN MONTHS i.e. up to <end date>. This agreement supersedes all previous agreements.
Now this agreement witnesses the following terms and conditions agreed between the parties and are binding on both.
1. The consultant shall be engaged under the designation of <”Designation- Department”> based at <Location>.
2. The consultant will work on all working days during the tenure of the agreement, and in no circumstances may the consultant engage himself in any other business whatsoever whilst so engaged.
3. The consultant shall not indulge in any act or omission, which is likely to harm the reputation of the company. The consultant will be signing the Non Disclosure Agreement of the company.
4. The consultant shall be paid remuneration of Rs. <salary/-> < (salary in words)> per month excluding service tax on consultation on the succeeding <payroll date> of the calendar month during the agreement period.
5. The consultant shall be paid remuneration as under during the agreement period:
Mention all details of compensation to be paid; for e.g.:
- Medical coverage will be provided to the consultant and his family to the extent of Rs…../- p.a. for hospitalization expenses only, apart from Group personal accident & workmen’s compensation coverage.
- The variable salary component, termed as Performance Linked Pay (PLP) will be pegged at 20% of your annual remuneration, and will be based on metrics, covering the business, financial and performance parameters and will be based on a combination of-
a) The performance of the company as a whole (7%)
b) The performance of the Business vertical and the Region concerned (7%)
c) The performance of the Consultant (6%)
- Mobile expenses will be reimbursed as per company policy.
- Conveyance expenses will be reimbursed as per company policy.
6. The consultant shall be provided a company vehicle which is to be maintained as per company policy (if vehicle will be provided)
7. The consultant shall serve the company loyally, faithfully and diligently and shall at all times safeguard and protect the interest of the company.
8. The consultant shall not have any financial transaction with other consultants or customer/suppliers of the company.
9. The consultant shall not be entitled for benefits like gratuity, PF, and any other fringe benefits except mentioned in this agreement.
10. The consultant shall be entitled for <no. of leave days> days of leave per annum. Unavailed leave shall lapse at the end of the period of the contract.
11. Either party will be at liberty to terminate the agreement by giving one month’s notice in writing with or without assigning any reasons.
12. In the event of this agreement being terminated, the consultant shall repay the lump sum amount outstanding against him on any account whatsoever.
This agreement shall be enforceable by suit or otherwise at <location> only.
Authorised signatory
Signature of the Consultant
Click Here To Download Letter of Appointment as a consultant
Categories: HR Tags: a, Appointment, Consultant, Letter
Sample Agreement Copy between Consultant & Client
Attach a draft of the agreement.
Click Here To Download Consultancy Terms Conditions – General
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Please find attached Standard Set of Terms & Condition between Company & Recruitment Consultant.
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