Formats of Tamil Nadu Labour Office Forms
Please find the attachment. Hope it will give you some idea. Better to get all the forms with the statutory form sellers in your area or ask for the forms to maintain the records under T.N.Labour Act. They will issue the entire set.
ABSTRACT Acts and Rules-Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Rules, 1948-Simplification of Registers and Forms discontinuance of obsolete and redundant periodicals-minimizing the number of Registers and Forms Amendment to rules-Preliminary Notification-Confirmed. Labour and Employment ( C ) Department G.O.Ms.No.3 Read:
Read also:
—- ORDER: In the G.O. first read above, the Government have issued Preliminary Notification to amend the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Rules 1948 and objections and suggestions were invited from the persons likely to be affected by that amendments. 2. As no objection and suggestions with regard to the amendments has been received, the Government have decided to confirm the Preliminary Notification. 3. The appended Notification will accordingly be published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette both in English and Tamil. 4. The Tamil Development Culture and Religious Endowments (Translation) Department , Chennai 9 is requested to supply the Tamil Translation to the Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai 79, directly 5. The Works Manager, Government Central Press, is requested to send 5 copies of the Gazette in which the Notification is published for record of the Government and 5 copies to the Commissioner of Labour, Chennai.6. (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) RAMESH KUMAR KHANNA, To The Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai 79 The Secretary to Government , Tamil Development Culture and Religious Endowments (Translation) Department, Chennai.9. Commissioner of Labour, Chennai 6. Copy to: The Law Department, Chennai 9. All Sections in Labour & Employment Department ,Chennai 9. Sf/Sc. Forwarded/By order. Section Officer. APPENDIX. NOTIFICATION. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of Section 49 of the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Act 1947 (Tamil Nadu Act XXXVI of 1947), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following amendments to the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Rules, 1948, the draft of the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (3) of section 49 of the said Act.. AMENDMENTS. In the said Rules.- (1) in rule 11.- (a) in sub-rule(2), in clause(b), the expression “sub-rule(3) or” shall be omitted; (b) in sub-rule(3),- (i) in clause (a),- (A) for the expression “of Fines in Form B”, the expression “prescribed under sub-rule(4)” shall be substituted; (B) in the proviso, for the words “Form B”, the expression “the Register prescribed under sub-rule (4)” shall be substituted; (ii) in clauses (b) and (c), for the words “Register of Fines” the expression “Register prescribed under sub-rule(4)” shall be substituted; (c) for sub-rule 4 excluding the proviso, the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:- “4 Every employer shall maintain a Register of Fines, Deductions for Damages or Loss and advances in Form P.”; (d) in the proviso to sub-rule(4), for the words “Form C”, the words “Form P” shall be substituted; (e) in sub-rule(5), for the words “Form M”, the words “Form R” shall be substituted; (f) after sub-rule(5), the following sub-rule shall be added, namely:- “(6) Wage Slip in Form T shall be issued by every employer, to every person employed, every month, a day prior to the disbursement of wages or at least on the date of disbursement or if the wages are paid daily, along with the wages, duly signed by him or any other authorized person and also the signature of the concerned person employed shall be obtained. The copies of wage slip issued shall be maintained by the employer and produced to the Inspector on demand”.; (2) in rule 13, in sub-rule (4),- i. for the words “Form D” , words “ Form P prescribed under sub-rule(4) of rule 11” shall be substituted; ii. in the proviso, for the words “Form D”, the words” the register in Form P” shall be substituted; (3) in rule 16,- (i) for sub-rule(1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:- “(i) Every employer shall maintain a register of employment in Form Q”; (ii) sub-rules (2) and (3) shall be omitted; (iii)in sub-rule(4), for the words “Form J” wherever they occur, the words “Form S” shall be substituted”; (iv)sub-rule(9) shall be omitted; (4) rule 16-AA shall be omitted; (5) Forms B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J, K,M and N shall be omitted; (6) after Form L, the following Forms shall be added, namely:- RAMESH KUMAR KHANNA, /True copy/ Section Officer. |
1 |
Form – Q Register of Employment (TN Shop & Estab Act) |
2 |
Form – P Register of Advance Paid, Dedutions for Damages or Losses and Fines (TN Shop & Estab Act) |
3 |
Form – T Wage Slip / Leave Card (TN Shop & Estab Act) |
4 |
Form – R Register of salary (TN Shop & Estab Act) |
Click Here To Download G0M3 dated401
I have attached FORM Q
FORM- Q REGISTER OF EMPLOYMENT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SNo | Name of the person employed | Date of entry into service | Age/Date of birth | Designation | SICK LEAVE | CASUAL LEAVE | HOLIDAYS WITH WAGES | SICK LEAVE | CASUAL LEAVE | HOLIDAYS WITH WAGES | SICK LEAVE | CASUAL LEAVE | HOLIDAYS WITH WAGES | Daily Hours of Work done icluding overtime (if any) | Total Hours of overtime Worked | Total Hours of Work done during the Month | Total no of days maternity leave availed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |||||||||||||||||
I have attached Form S
PART II | ||||||||||||||||||||
RATES OF WAGES | ||||||||||||||||||||
PART I | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||
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Categories: HR Tags: All Formats, Labour, Need, Of Tamil Nadu, Office Forms.
Role & Responsibility of Welfare Officer under Factory Act Rules
Here are the Duties and Responsibilities of Labour Welfare Officer.
Role & Responsibility of Welfare Officer under Factory Act Rules
- to encourage provision of amenities such as canteens, shelters for rest, creches, adequate latrine facilities, drinking water, sickness and benevolent scheme payments, pension and superannuation funds, gratuity payments, granting of loans and legal advice to workers;
- to help the factory management in regulating the grant of leave with wages and explain to the workers the provisions relating to leave with wages and other leave privileges and to guide the workers in the matter of submission of application for grant of leave for regulating authorised absence;
- to advise on provision of welfare facilities, such as housing facilities, foodstuffs, social and recreational facilities, sanitation, advice on individual personnel problems and education of children;
- to bring to the notice of the factory management the grievances of workers, individual as well as collective, with a view of securing their expeditious redress and to act as a liaison officer between the management and labour;
- to establish contacts and hold consultations with a view to maintaining harmonious relations between the factory management and workers;
- to study and understand the point of view of labour in order to help the factory management to shape and formulate labour policies and to interpret these policiesto the workers in a language they can understand;
- to watch industrial relations with a view of using his influence in the event of a dispute between the factory management and workers and to help to bring about a settlement by persuasive effort;
- to advise on fulfillment by the management and the concerned departments of the factory of obligations, statutory or otherwise, concerning regulation of working hours, maternity benefit, medical care, compensation for injuries and sickness and other welfare and social benefit measures;
- to promote relations between the concerned departments of the factory and workers which will bring about productive efficiency as well as amelioration in the working conditions and to help workers to adjust and adapt themselves to these working environments;
- to encourage the formation of Works and Joint Production Committees, Cooperative Societies and Welfare Committee, and to supervise their work;
- to advise the factory management on questions relating to training of new starters, apprentices, workers on transfer and promotion, instructors and supervisors, supervision and control of notice board and information bulletins to further education of workers and to encourage their attendance at technical institutes; and
- to suggest measures which will serve to raise the standard of living of workers and in general promote their well- being.
- Welfare Officers not to deal with disciplinary cases or appear on behalf of the management against workers.- No Welfare Officer shall deal with any disciplinary cases against workers or appear before a conciliation officer in a court or tribunal on behalf of the factory management against a worker or workers.
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Contract Labour Agreement Format
I have Attached Contract Labour Agreement Format
This agreement made at MARSMAN INDIA LTD., Gat No. 581/582 , At Post Janori, Mumbai Agra Road, Tal- Dindori, Dist – Nashik – 422006 on this day of 20.11.2008 between M/s B.M.A SERVICES. Proprietor Mr. Mohan Bapurao Adhangale, Address-Dattaprasad Apt., Near Bhole Mangal Karyalaya, Uttam Nagar, Nashik, hereinafter referred as a Contractor and M/s. MARSMAN INDIA LTD, Nashik, hereinafter referred to as “Principal”.
Where the ‘Principal’ is engaged in the construction manufacture of various construction & mining equipments and where as this work can better be executed by an independent contractor and the principal is desirous of giving out the work to some reliable person and whereas the contractor is engaged in this type/nature of work and whereas he has represented to the principal to this effect and is desirous to undertake and execute on contract basis.
Contd… 2
*** 2 ***
- The contractor agrees to execute, fulfill and discharge the work and obligations hereinafter provided in the manner hereinafter agreed to the entire satisfaction of the ‘Principal’.
- That the contractor will execute and efficiently handle the work entrusted to him in accordance with the directions and specific instructions as having been correctly executed and efficiently handled until it is approved by the principal.
- That the principal will, if it suits to his convenience give the House Keeping, Gardening and Packing Related work to the Contractor.
- That the contractor will decide the number of workmen to be engaged for execution of work and will alone be entitled to dictate such workers about the manner of the execution without any interference or instructions or intervention whatsoever of the principal. The Principal will not have connection with workers engaged of by the contractor neither he nor any of his officials will supervise/dictate/Control to the workers the manner of execution completion of the job.
- The Principal will have the privities of contract with the contractor only and will give instructions to him and will have nothing to do or concerned with the conditions of employment of the workers working for contractor.
- The Principal will not be entitled to retain any control, supervision or the manner of the selection, discharge dismissal or retrenchment or reemployment of the workers engaged/employed by the contractor.
- Contractor will appoints any Outsiders, Not from any Local State.
- Contractor will take responsibility to provide the decided fix strength of employees on day-to-day basis.
- If required contractor will employ more employees on Daily wages.
10. Contractor employed his own supervision and he will be answerable against any absenteeism. Contractor will reply to Supervisor, W.M, and G.M. in any dispute of employee.
11. That the contractor will be liable for due observation and implementation of the statutory conditions or requirements of labor and factory laws as applicable to his workmen i.e. P.F., ESIC, Professional Tax and All Government. Liabilities. The contractor should submit the P.F., ESIC, P. T., & Government. In case ESIC is not applicable, then The Workmen’s Compensation Act should be applicable. Liabilities paid up challan along with the bill for job work.
Contd… 3
*** 3 ***
12. The contractor will get him registered under Shops and Establishment Act and/or contract labor abolition and regulation Act, or any other law applicable and maintain all required documents requests and records of workers.
13. The contractor is responsible to provide his workers a working Dress (dress should not be similar as regular workers of the principal) and Industrial safety shoes as per Act, otherwise the same will be provided by principal and cost for the same will be deducted from contractor’s next bill.
14. That all company rules applicable i.e. company timing & ISO process, house keeping etc. will be applicable to all workers engaged the contractor which should be strictly obeyed and maintained.
15. The contractor will be free to work anywhere else or to undertake any contract provided that he will remain responsible to the principal for the due and efficient execution of the jobs entrusted to him.
16. In case, the contractor or his workers are allowed to work at the premises of the Principal, the contractor will have no right or lien whatsoever upon the premises and contractor and his workers will move out of the premises at the instance of the Principal.
17. The Principal will not, in any manner be responsible for any act, omission or commission, accident and injury of the workers engaged by the contractor and no claim in this respect will lie against the Principal, his heirs, or engaged/employed by the contractor which the Principal is obliged to discharge by virtue of any statute or any provision of law and rules due to more fact of the workers of the contractor working at the principal premises or otherwise the contractor will be liable to indemnity/reimburse to the principal all the money paid in addition to the expenses incurred by him.
18. That the duration of this contract is for a period of One year from the date of these covenants though the parties will have a right to extend the period to any extent to which the parties may mutually agree in writing before the expiry of the stipulated period.
19. That either party may terminate the contract even before the stipulated period by giving to another party notice in writing. Notice from contractor should be before minimum 1 month for termination and notice from principal should be minimum 1 month from termination. Otherwise outstanding all amounts will be forfeited by the principal, and contractor cannot claim any charges from principal.
Contd… 4
*** 4 ***
20. In the event of non-compliance or breach of any terms of the contract or unsatisfactory or inefficient working, the principal will be at the liberty to revoke the contract by a week’s notice in writing.
21. The 10% amount will be deducted from each month bill and the same will be refunded in next month bill.
22. Penalty @ 4 % per day is recovered if work is not completed in stipulated time limit.
23. Contractor will have to adjust his work force in 3 shifts (i.e. IST IIND, and IIIRD) as per principal’s requirement or workload & for final welding contract or has depute his welders in night shift as per requirement of company
24. Both parties have studied all the terms & conditions mentioned in the above contract and agreed for the same.
25. In witness where of this agreement is executed on 20.11.08
1. Marsman India Ltd., Janori. 1st Party (Principal)
- 2. 2nd Party (Contractor)
Mr. Mohan Adangale
(B.M.A.Services )
This agreement made at MARSMAN INDIA LTD., Gat No. 581/582 , At Post Janori, Mumbai Agra Road, Tal- Dindori, Dist – Nashik – 422006 on this day of 01.04.2011 between M/s SCORPION ENTERPRISES. Proprietor Mr. Mohan Bapurao Adhangale, Address-Dattaprasad Apt., Near Bhole Mangal Karyalaya, Uttam Nagar, Nashik, hereinafter referred as a Contractor and M/s. MARSMAN INDIA LTD, Nashik, hereinafter referred to as “Principal”.
Where the ‘Principal’ is engaged in the construction manufacture of various construction & mining equipments and where as this work can better be executed by an independent contractor and the principal is desirous of giving out the work to some reliable person and whereas the contractor is engaged in this type/nature of work and whereas he has represented to the principal to this effect and is desirous to undertake and execute on contract basis.
Contd… 2
*** 2 ***
- The contractor agrees to execute, fulfill and discharge the work and obligations hereinafter provided in the manner hereinafter agreed to the entire satisfaction of the ‘Principal’.
- That the contractor will execute and efficiently handle the work entrusted to him in accordance with the directions and specific instructions as having been correctly executed and efficiently handled until it is approved by the principal.
- That the principal will, if it suits to his convenience give the House Keeping, Gardening and Packing Related work to the Contractor.
- That the contractor will decide the number of workmen to be engaged for execution of work and will alone be entitled to dictate such workers about the manner of the execution without any interference or instructions or intervention whatsoever of the principal. The Principal will not have connection with workers engaged of by the contractor neither he nor any of his officials will supervise/dictate/Control to the workers the manner of execution completion of the job.
- The Principal will have the privities of contract with the contractor only and will give instructions to him and will have nothing to do or concerned with the conditions of employment of the workers working for contractor.
- The Principal will not be entitled to retain any control, supervision or the manner of the selection, discharge dismissal or retrenchment or reemployment of the workers engaged/employed by the contractor.
- Contractor will appoints any Outsiders, Not from any Local State.
- Contractor will take responsibility to provide the decided fix strength of employees on day-to-day basis.
- If required contractor will employ more employees on Daily wages.
10. Contractor employed his own supervision and he will be answerable against any absenteeism. Contractor will reply to Supervisor, W.M, and G.M. in any dispute of employee.
11. That the contractor will be liable for due observation and implementation of the statutory conditions or requirements of labor and factory laws as applicable to his workmen i.e. P.F., ESIC, Professional Tax and All Government. Liabilities. The contractor should submit the P.F., ESIC, P. T., & Government. In case ESIC is not applicable, then The Workmen’s Compensation Act should be applicable. Liabilities paid up challan along with the bill for job work.
Contd… 3
*** 3 ***
12. The contractor will get him registered under Shops and Establishment Act and/or contract labor abolition and regulation Act, or any other law applicable and maintain all required documents requests and records of workers.
13. The contractor is responsible to provide his workers a working Dress (dress should not be similar as regular workers of the principal) and Industrial safety shoes as per Act, otherwise the same will be provided by principal and cost for the same will be deducted from contractor’s next bill.
14. That all company rules applicable i.e. company timing & ISO process, house keeping etc. will be applicable to all workers engaged the contractor which should be strictly obeyed and maintained.
15. The contractor will be free to work anywhere else or to undertake any contract provided that he will remain responsible to the principal for the due and efficient execution of the jobs entrusted to him.
16. In case, the contractor or his workers are allowed to work at the premises of the Principal, the contractor will have no right or lien whatsoever upon the premises and contractor and his workers will move out of the premises at the instance of the Principal.
17. The Principal will not, in any manner be responsible for any act, omission or commission, accident and injury of the workers engaged by the contractor and no claim in this respect will lie against the Principal, his heirs, or engaged/employed by the contractor which the Principal is obliged to discharge by virtue of any statute or any provision of law and rules due to more fact of the workers of the contractor working at the principal premises or otherwise the contractor will be liable to indemnity/reimburse to the principal all the money paid in addition to the expenses incurred by him.
18. That the duration of this contract is for a period of three years from the date of these covenants though the parties will have a right to extend the period to any extent to which the parties may mutually agree in writing before the expiry of the stipulated period.
19. That either party may terminate the contract even before the stipulated period by giving to another party notice in writing. Notice from contractor should be before minimum 1 month for termination and notice from principal should be minimum 1 month from termination. Otherwise outstanding all amounts will be forfeited by the principal, and contractor cannot claim any charges from principal.
Contd… 4
*** 4 ***
20. In the event of non-compliance or breach of any terms of the contract or unsatisfactory or inefficient working, the principal will be at the liberty to revoke the contract by a week’s notice in writing.
21. The 10% amount will be deducted from each month bill and the same will be refunded in next month bill.
22. Penalty @ 4 % per day is recovered if work is not completed in stipulated time limit.
23. Contractor will have to adjust his work force in 3 shifts (i.e. IST IIND, and IIIRD) as per principal’s requirement or workload & for final welding contract or has depute his welders in night shift as per requirement of company
24. Both parties have studied all the terms & conditions mentioned in the above contract and agreed for the same.
25. In witness where of this agreement is executed on 01.04.2011
1. Marsman India Ltd., Janori. 1st Party (Principal)
- 3. 2nd Party (Contractor)
Mr. Mohan Adangale
Click Here To Download Contract Labour Agreement Format
Labour Welfare Fund
I have Attached Labour Welfare Fund
The Mumbai Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953. |
APPLICABILITY: The Act is applicable to factories & establishment covered under shop & establishment act employing 5 or more employees. CONTRIBUTION:
(The above new rates are effective from December 2000 onwards as per circular dated 7/1/2002 issued by MLWF Dept.) Both the above contributions are to be remitted to the Welfare Commissioner, Kamgar Krida Maidan, Mumbai.
Contract Labour Form in India
Download the latest Contract Labour Form II in India.
[See rule 18 (1)]
Certificate of Registration
No……………. Date…………
Government of India
Office of Registering Officer
A certificate of registration containing the following particulars is hereby granted under sub-section (2) of Sec.7 of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the rule made thereunder to………………………………………………………
1. Nature of work carried on in the establishment.
2. Names and addresses of contractors.
3. Nature of work in which contract labour is employed or is to be employed.
4. Maximum number of contract labour to be employed on any day through each contractor.
5. Other particulars relevant to the employment of contract labour.
Signature of Registering officer with seal
Questionnaire on Labour Laws
I have Attached Questionnaire on Labour Laws. The questionnaire is based on central Acts and the chances of deviation for your states is remote.
MCQs on Industrial and Labour Laws
- Appointment of Welfare Officer under Factories Act, 1948 is compulsory where_______ employees are employed.
( (a) 50 (b) 500 (c) 1000 (d) 100)
- Crèche is mandatory under the Factories Act where ______________ workers are employed
( (a) 30 (b) 100 (c) 30 women (d) 250)
- A canteen for use of workers providing subsidized food is statutory under the Factories Act where _____________ workers are employed.
( (a) 250 (b) 1000 (c) 100 (d) 150)
- Under Factories Act, appointment of a Safety Officer is mandatory where the no. of employees exceeds ________
( (a) 1000 (b) 500 (c) 100 (d) 50)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, 1951 a Welfare Officer is required to be appointed where the no. of workers is __________
( (a) 100 (b) 300 (c) 500 (d) 1000)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, crèche is to be set up where ______________ women workers are employed or the no. of children of women workers exceeds ________
( (a) 50 and 20 (b) 30 and 20 (c) 50 and 30 (d) 30 and 5)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, canteen is compulsory where ________ workers are working
( (a) 100 (b) 250 (c) 500 (d) 150)
- An adult worker under the Factories Act is eligible for leave with wages @ I day for every________ days worked during the preceding year
( (a) 50 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 240)
- Under the Factories Act no worker is permitted to work for more than _____ hours in a day
( (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 24)
- Under the Factories Act, white washing of the factory building should be carried out in every _________ months
( (a) 12 (b) 24 (c) 26 (d) 14)
- Repainting or re varnishing under the Factories Act is required to be carried out in every ________ years
( (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 3 (d) 1)
- Certification of Standing Orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 is mandatory where ________ workers are employed
( (a) 500 (b) 1000 (c) 250 (d) 100)
- In order to be eligible for maternity benefit under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, a woman worker should have worked for not less than_________ days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of delivery
( (a) 160 (b) 240 (c) 30 (d) 80
- Under the Maternity Benefit Act, a woman worker is eligible for ______ weeks leave with wages
( (a) 6 (b) 24 (c) 15 (d) 12)
- In case of miscarriage, a woman worker shall be allowed______ weeks leave with wages
( (a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 24)
- Under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 payment of wages of establishments employing not more than 1000 employees shall be paid within _______ of the wage month
( (a) 10th day (b) 7th day (c) 2nd day (d) 15th day)
- Under the Payment of Wages Act, payment of wages of establishments employing not less than 1000 employees shall be paid within __________ of the wage month ( (a) 7th day (b) 15th day (c) 2nd day (d) 10th day)
- An employee is eligible to get bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 if he had worked for not less than ________ days in the preceding year
( (a) 30 (b) 240 (c) 160 (d) 190 )
- An employee whose salary does not exceed ____________ is eligible for Bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act.
( (a) Rs 3500 (b) Rs 2500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 10000 )
- The statutory minimum bonus is ________
( (a) 8.33% (b) 10% (c) 24% (d) 20%)
- Maximum bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act is _______
( (a) 8.33% (b) 10% (c) 24% (d) 20% )
- In order to be eligible for Gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, an employee should have a minimum continuous service of __________
( (a) 10 years (b) 5 years (c) 7 years (d) 3 years)
- Under the Payment of Gratuity Act, the rate of gratuity is _________ salary for every completed year of service
( (a) 20 days (b) 30 days (c) 15 days (d) 2 months)
- A news paper employee is eligible for gratuity if he has ______ years continuous years of service
( (a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 3 )
- Employees who are drawing salary not more than __________ are covered under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.
( (a) Rs 15000 (b) Rs 7500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 3500)
- Employees’ share of contribution under the ESI Act is ________
( (a) 12% (b) 8.33% (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75% )
- The employer’s share of contribution under the ESI Act is _____
( (a) 12 % (b) 8.33 % (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employees who are getting a daily average wages up to ________ are exempted from contributing employees’ share of ESI contribution.
( (a) Rs 70 (b) Rs 50 (c) Rs 100 (b) Rs 384.60 )
- Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is applied to establishments employing not less than _______
( (a) 10 employees (b) 20 employees (c) 50 employees (d) 100 employees )
- An employee whose salary at the time of joining does not exceed _________ shall become a member of the provident fund under the Act.
( (a) Rs 10000 (b) Rs 7500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 5000 )
- Employees’ share of provident fund contribution is __________
( (a) 12 % (b) 8.33% (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75% )
- Employer’s share of contribution to the provident fund is ________
( (a) 8.33% (b) 12% (c) 3.67 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employer’s contribution to Employees Pension Scheme is _______
( (a) 8.33% (b) 12% (c) 3.67 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employer’s contribution to Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance is __________ ( (a) 3.67 % (b) 1.1 % (c) 0.5 % (d) 0.05 % )
- Prior intimation to the appropriate Govt to lay off, retrench or close down an establishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 where there are ________ workers
( (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 500 )
- Prior permission from the appropriate Govt to lay off, retrench or close down an establishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act where there are ________ workers
( (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 500 )
- Forming of a Works Committee under the Industrial Disputes Act, is mandatory where the no. employees is _________
( (a) 1000 (b) 100 (c) 500 (d) 250 )
- Lay off compensation is to be paid @ _________ of average wages
( (a) 15 days (b) 50% (c) 60% (d) 75 % )
- The minimum no. of workers required to register a Trade Union under the Trade Unions Act, 1926 is _________
( (a) 10% (b) 50% (c) 33 % (d) 10% or 100 whichever is less )
- Continuous Service under major labour legislations means _______________ ( (a) work of 240 days if work is above the ground and 190 days if work is below the ground (b) work of 240 days (c) work of 180 days ( d) work of 160 days )
- _______________________prohibits discrimination in fixing salary to men and women engaged in the work of similar nature
( (a) Minimum Wages Act, 1948, (b) Payment of Wages Act, 1936, (c) Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act (d) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 )
- Subsistence Allowance @ __________ shall be paid if suspension extends to a period beyond 90 days
( (a) 50% (b) 75% (c) 90% (d) 100% )
- The wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 shall include ______________ ( (a) CTC (b) a basic rate of wages and dearness allowance variable according to cost of living (c) basic rate of wages, DA, HRA and CCA (d) A consolidated amount decided by the employer )
- ______________ absolves the employer’s liability under the Maternity Benefit Act and Workmen’s Compensation Act.
( (a) Employees Provident Fund Act (b) Industrial Employment (Standing Order ) Act (c) Employees State Insurance Act (d) Industrial Disputes Act
- Any amount due from an employer under settlement or award can be recovered following the procedures laid down in ______________
( (a) The Standing Orders (b) section 15 of the Payment of Wages Act (c) Minimum Wages Act (d) section 33 (C) of the Industrial Disputes Act.
Categories: HR Tags: Labour, Laws, on, Questionnaire
Questionnaire on Labour Laws
I have Attached Questionnaire on Labour Laws
MCQs on Industrial and Labour Laws
- Appointment of Welfare Officer under Factories Act, 1948 is compulsory where_______ employees are employed.
( (a) 50 (b) 500 (c) 1000 (d) 100)
- Crèche is mandatory under the Factories Act where ______________ workers are employed
( (a) 30 (b) 100 (c) 30 women (d) 250)
- A canteen for use of workers providing subsidized food is statutory under the Factories Act where _____________ workers are employed.
( (a) 250 (b) 1000 (c) 100 (d) 150)
- Under Factories Act, appointment of a Safety Officer is mandatory where the no. of employees exceeds ________
( (a) 1000 (b) 500 (c) 100 (d) 50)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, 1951 a Welfare Officer is required to be appointed where the no. of workers is __________
( (a) 100 (b) 300 (c) 500 (d) 1000)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, crèche is to be set up where ______________ women workers are employed or the no. of children of women workers exceeds ________
( (a) 50 and 20 (b) 30 and 20 (c) 50 and 30 (d) 30 and 5)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, canteen is compulsory where ________ workers are working
( (a) 100 (b) 250 (c) 500 (d) 150)
- An adult worker under the Factories Act is eligible for leave with wages @ I day for every________ days worked during the preceding year
( (a) 50 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 240)
- Under the Factories Act no worker is permitted to work for more than _____ hours in a day
( (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 24)
- Under the Factories Act, white washing of the factory building should be carried out in every _________ months
( (a) 12 (b) 24 (c) 26 (d) 14)
- Repainting or re varnishing under the Factories Act is required to be carried out in every ________ years
( (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 3 (d) 1)
- Certification of Standing Orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 is mandatory where ________ workers are employed
( (a) 500 (b) 1000 (c) 250 (d) 100)
- In order to be eligible for maternity benefit under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, a woman worker should have worked for not less than_________ days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of delivery
( (a) 160 (b) 240 (c) 30 (d) 80
- Under the Maternity Benefit Act, a woman worker is eligible for ______ weeks leave with wages
( (a) 6 (b) 24 (c) 15 (d) 12)
- In case of miscarriage, a woman worker shall be allowed______ weeks leave with wages
( (a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 24)
- Under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 payment of wages of establishments employing not more than 1000 employees shall be paid within _______ of the wage month
( (a) 10th day (b) 7th day (c) 2nd day (d) 15th day)
- Under the Payment of Wages Act, payment of wages of establishments employing not less than 1000 employees shall be paid within __________ of the wage month ( (a) 7th day (b) 15th day (c) 2nd day (d) 10th day)
- An employee is eligible to get bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 if he had worked for not less than ________ days in the preceding year
( (a) 30 (b) 240 (c) 160 (d) 190 )
- An employee whose salary does not exceed ____________ is eligible for Bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act.
( (a) Rs 3500 (b) Rs 2500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 10000 )
- The statutory minimum bonus is ________
( (a) 8.33% (b) 10% (c) 24% (d) 20%)
- Maximum bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act is _______
( (a) 8.33% (b) 10% (c) 24% (d) 20% )
- In order to be eligible for Gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, an employee should have a minimum continuous service of __________
( (a) 10 years (b) 5 years (c) 7 years (d) 3 years)
- Under the Payment of Gratuity Act, the rate of gratuity is _________ salary for every completed year of service
( (a) 20 days (b) 30 days (c) 15 days (d) 2 months)
- A news paper employee is eligible for gratuity if he has ______ years continuous years of service
( (a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 3 )
- Employees who are drawing salary not more than __________ are covered under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.
( (a) Rs 15000 (b) Rs 7500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 3500)
- Employees’ share of contribution under the ESI Act is ________
( (a) 12% (b) 8.33% (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75% )
- The employer’s share of contribution under the ESI Act is _____
( (a) 12 % (b) 8.33 % (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employees who are getting a daily average wages up to ________ are exempted from contributing employees’ share of ESI contribution.
( (a) Rs 70 (b) Rs 50 (c) Rs 100 (b) Rs 384.60 )
- Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is applied to establishments employing not less than _______
( (a) 10 employees (b) 20 employees (c) 50 employees (d) 100 employees )
- An employee whose salary at the time of joining does not exceed _________ shall become a member of the provident fund under the Act.
( (a) Rs 10000 (b) Rs 7500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 5000 )
- Employees’ share of provident fund contribution is __________
( (a) 12 % (b) 8.33% (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75% )
- Employer’s share of contribution to the provident fund is ________
( (a) 8.33% (b) 12% (c) 3.67 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employer’s contribution to Employees Pension Scheme is _______
( (a) 8.33% (b) 12% (c) 3.67 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employer’s contribution to Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance is __________ ( (a) 3.67 % (b) 1.1 % (c) 0.5 % (d) 0.05 % )
- Prior intimation to the appropriate Govt to lay off, retrench or close down an establishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 where there are ________ workers
( (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 500 )
- Prior permission from the appropriate Govt to lay off, retrench or close down an establishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act where there are ________ workers
( (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 500 )
- Forming of a Works Committee under the Industrial Disputes Act, is mandatory where the no. employees is _________
( (a) 1000 (b) 100 (c) 500 (d) 250 )
- Lay off compensation is to be paid @ _________ of average wages
( (a) 15 days (b) 50% (c) 60% (d) 75 % )
- The minimum no. of workers required to register a Trade Union under the Trade Unions Act, 1926 is _________
( (a) 10% (b) 50% (c) 33 % (d) 10% or 100 whichever is less )
- Continuous Service under major labour legislations means _______________ ( (a) work of 240 days if work is above the ground and 190 days if work is below the ground (b) work of 240 days (c) work of 180 days ( d) work of 160 days )
- _______________________prohibits discrimination in fixing salary to men and women engaged in the work of similar nature
( (a) Minimum Wages Act, 1948, (b) Payment of Wages Act, 1936, (c) Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act (d) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 )
- Subsistence Allowance @ __________ shall be paid if suspension extends to a period beyond 90 days
( (a) 50% (b) 75% (c) 90% (d) 100% )
- The wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 shall include ______________ ( (a) CTC (b) a basic rate of wages and dearness allowance variable according to cost of living (c) basic rate of wages, DA, HRA and CCA (d) A consolidated amount decided by the employer )
- ______________ absolves the employer’s liability under the Maternity Benefit Act and Workmen’s Compensation Act.
( (a) Employees Provident Fund Act (b) Industrial Employment (Standing Order ) Act (c) Employees State Insurance Act (d) Industrial Disputes Act
- Any amount due from an employer under settlement or award can be recovered following the procedures laid down in ______________
( (a) The Standing Orders (b) section 15 of the Payment of Wages Act (c) Minimum Wages Act (d) section 33 (C) of the Industrial Disputes Act.
Categories: HR Tags: Labour, Laws, on, Questionnaire
Questionnaire on Labour Laws
I have Attached Questionnaire on Labour Laws
MCQs on Industrial and Labour Laws
- Appointment of Welfare Officer under Factories Act, 1948 is compulsory where_______ employees are employed.
( (a) 50 (b) 500 (c) 1000 (d) 100)
- Crèche is mandatory under the Factories Act where ______________ workers are employed
( (a) 30 (b) 100 (c) 30 women (d) 250)
- A canteen for use of workers providing subsidized food is statutory under the Factories Act where _____________ workers are employed.
( (a) 250 (b) 1000 (c) 100 (d) 150)
- Under Factories Act, appointment of a Safety Officer is mandatory where the no. of employees exceeds ________
( (a) 1000 (b) 500 (c) 100 (d) 50)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, 1951 a Welfare Officer is required to be appointed where the no. of workers is __________
( (a) 100 (b) 300 (c) 500 (d) 1000)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, crèche is to be set up where ______________ women workers are employed or the no. of children of women workers exceeds ________
( (a) 50 and 20 (b) 30 and 20 (c) 50 and 30 (d) 30 and 5)
- Under Plantation Labour Act, canteen is compulsory where ________ workers are working
( (a) 100 (b) 250 (c) 500 (d) 150)
- An adult worker under the Factories Act is eligible for leave with wages @ I day for every________ days worked during the preceding year
( (a) 50 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 240)
- Under the Factories Act no worker is permitted to work for more than _____ hours in a day
( (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 24)
- Under the Factories Act, white washing of the factory building should be carried out in every _________ months
( (a) 12 (b) 24 (c) 26 (d) 14)
- Repainting or re varnishing under the Factories Act is required to be carried out in every ________ years
( (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 3 (d) 1)
- Certification of Standing Orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 is mandatory where ________ workers are employed
( (a) 500 (b) 1000 (c) 250 (d) 100)
- In order to be eligible for maternity benefit under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, a woman worker should have worked for not less than_________ days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of delivery
( (a) 160 (b) 240 (c) 30 (d) 80
- Under the Maternity Benefit Act, a woman worker is eligible for ______ weeks leave with wages
( (a) 6 (b) 24 (c) 15 (d) 12)
- In case of miscarriage, a woman worker shall be allowed______ weeks leave with wages
( (a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 24)
- Under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 payment of wages of establishments employing not more than 1000 employees shall be paid within _______ of the wage month
( (a) 10th day (b) 7th day (c) 2nd day (d) 15th day)
- Under the Payment of Wages Act, payment of wages of establishments employing not less than 1000 employees shall be paid within __________ of the wage month ( (a) 7th day (b) 15th day (c) 2nd day (d) 10th day)
- An employee is eligible to get bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 if he had worked for not less than ________ days in the preceding year
( (a) 30 (b) 240 (c) 160 (d) 190 )
- An employee whose salary does not exceed ____________ is eligible for Bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act.
( (a) Rs 3500 (b) Rs 2500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 10000 )
- The statutory minimum bonus is ________
( (a) 8.33% (b) 10% (c) 24% (d) 20%)
- Maximum bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act is _______
( (a) 8.33% (b) 10% (c) 24% (d) 20% )
- In order to be eligible for Gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, an employee should have a minimum continuous service of __________
( (a) 10 years (b) 5 years (c) 7 years (d) 3 years)
- Under the Payment of Gratuity Act, the rate of gratuity is _________ salary for every completed year of service
( (a) 20 days (b) 30 days (c) 15 days (d) 2 months)
- A news paper employee is eligible for gratuity if he has ______ years continuous years of service
( (a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 3 )
- Employees who are drawing salary not more than __________ are covered under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.
( (a) Rs 15000 (b) Rs 7500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 3500)
- Employees’ share of contribution under the ESI Act is ________
( (a) 12% (b) 8.33% (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75% )
- The employer’s share of contribution under the ESI Act is _____
( (a) 12 % (b) 8.33 % (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employees who are getting a daily average wages up to ________ are exempted from contributing employees’ share of ESI contribution.
( (a) Rs 70 (b) Rs 50 (c) Rs 100 (b) Rs 384.60 )
- Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is applied to establishments employing not less than _______
( (a) 10 employees (b) 20 employees (c) 50 employees (d) 100 employees )
- An employee whose salary at the time of joining does not exceed _________ shall become a member of the provident fund under the Act.
( (a) Rs 10000 (b) Rs 7500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 5000 )
- Employees’ share of provident fund contribution is __________
( (a) 12 % (b) 8.33% (c) 1.75 % (d) 4.75% )
- Employer’s share of contribution to the provident fund is ________
( (a) 8.33% (b) 12% (c) 3.67 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employer’s contribution to Employees Pension Scheme is _______
( (a) 8.33% (b) 12% (c) 3.67 % (d) 4.75 % )
- Employer’s contribution to Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance is __________ ( (a) 3.67 % (b) 1.1 % (c) 0.5 % (d) 0.05 % )
- Prior intimation to the appropriate Govt to lay off, retrench or close down an establishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 where there are ________ workers
( (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 500 )
- Prior permission from the appropriate Govt to lay off, retrench or close down an establishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act where there are ________ workers
( (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 500 )
- Forming of a Works Committee under the Industrial Disputes Act, is mandatory where the no. employees is _________
( (a) 1000 (b) 100 (c) 500 (d) 250 )
- Lay off compensation is to be paid @ _________ of average wages
( (a) 15 days (b) 50% (c) 60% (d) 75 % )
- The minimum no. of workers required to register a Trade Union under the Trade Unions Act, 1926 is _________
( (a) 10% (b) 50% (c) 33 % (d) 10% or 100 whichever is less )
- Continuous Service under major labour legislations means _______________ ( (a) work of 240 days if work is above the ground and 190 days if work is below the ground (b) work of 240 days (c) work of 180 days ( d) work of 160 days )
- _______________________prohibits discrimination in fixing salary to men and women engaged in the work of similar nature
( (a) Minimum Wages Act, 1948, (b) Payment of Wages Act, 1936, (c) Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act (d) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 )
- Subsistence Allowance @ __________ shall be paid if suspension extends to a period beyond 90 days
( (a) 50% (b) 75% (c) 90% (d) 100% )
- The wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 shall include ______________ ( (a) CTC (b) a basic rate of wages and dearness allowance variable according to cost of living (c) basic rate of wages, DA, HRA and CCA (d) A consolidated amount decided by the employer )
- ______________ absolves the employer’s liability under the Maternity Benefit Act and Workmen’s Compensation Act.
( (a) Employees Provident Fund Act (b) Industrial Employment (Standing Order ) Act (c) Employees State Insurance Act (d) Industrial Disputes Act
- Any amount due from an employer under settlement or award can be recovered following the procedures laid down in ______________
( (a) The Standing Orders (b) section 15 of the Payment of Wages Act (c) Minimum Wages Act (d) section 33 (C) of the Industrial Disputes Act.
Categories: HR Tags: Labour, Laws, on, Questionnaire
Labour Welfare Fund
I Have Attached Labour Welfare Fund
The Mumbai Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953. |
APPLICABILITY: The Act is applicable to factories & establishment covered under shop & establishment act employing 5 or more employees.CONTRIBUTION: Contribution is to be deducted from the salary of employees Twice in a year i.e. June & December every year at following rates:
(The above new rates are effective from December 2000 onwards as per circular dated 7/1/2002 issued by MLWF Dept.) Both the above contributions are to be remitted to the Welfare Commissioner, Kamgar Krida Maidan, Mumbai.
Labour Licence preparation & Procedure and forms
Attach herewith the Labour Licence preparation & Procedure and forms.