Allotment of Unique Provident Fund Account Number
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Effective and Powerful Personality Development Tips
Every man who wants to develop his personality also wants to become popular.Everybody can be popular if he/you takes care of these few enlisted personality development tips.
Effective and Powerful Personality Development Tips
Every man who wants to develop his personality also wants to become popular. Man’s life is a burden without popularity. If we leave aside certain action, there is not much difference between a man and an animal.Everybody can be popular if he/you takes care of these few enlisted personality development tips. These personality development tips are very simple to read but they are very effective and powerful- try in your day to day life..
1.If you want to progress in life than honestly analyze the traits of your character.
2.Do not laugh at people when they are in difficulty or trouble other wise you will loose your personality in a moment.
3.This is a great way to develop your personality by listening everyone politely, even if their ideas are baseless or not of your interest.
4.During conversation do not keep talking yourself too much.
5.When ever somebody brings any gift for you, don’t forget to praise it. It does not matter even if you were expecting something else.
6.Make other feel that you love them.
7.Keep your moral high in case of defeat and be more polite on being victorious.
8.Solve your problems in a creative way. Try your best not to let these spoil your relations with your friends.
9.Enlist your bad habits and try to get rid of them.
10. We should not uplift our standard of living but also help others to do so. Try to remove the feeling of inferiority in others by loving them and by keeping good behavior towards them.
11. Be careful of what your say about others because others will say the same thing about us at different times and at different places and in this way form a public opinion about us.
12. Some people often have a favorite sentence which they repeat frequently. We should try and get rid and get rid of such a habit.
13. Independence increases our good qualities and personality and slavery bad qualities.
14. Independent thinking and freedom to work is the only source of progress and welfare.
15. Love is the greatest magic in this world. You can do every thing with help of love. Develop this art
to improve your personality.
16. Positive attitude is of great importance in our personality. No body like people who have narrowed out look. In life only that person is considered well behaved who has positive and healthy bend of mind.
17. The real beauty of man lies not in his physical appearance but in his work and good qualities. That is why it is important that we improve mental outlook to develop our personality.
18. Every individual should develop the ability to adjust with others, because basically man is a social animal, so one can not survive by living alone.
19. Some people keep repeating a particular statement and it becomes a part of their nature. At the most you may repeat a statement twice but it you do it more than that it leaves a bad impact.
Ask some Questions from yourself.
1. Do you behave with your family members in the same manner as you behave with your master or your boss?
2. Would you like to joke even in such a situation when you that it would hurt the sentiments of other.
3. Do you take care of this that no one is hurt by you?
4. Do you take care of the feelings of those who are younger than you?
Employees Provident Fund Form No 19 and 10C
Please find enclosed claim form, you can fill and signed accordingly and get attested/signed from previous employer and sent directly to the concern EPF office.
Labour Welfare Fund
I have Attached Labour Welfare Fund
The Mumbai Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953. |
APPLICABILITY: The Act is applicable to factories & establishment covered under shop & establishment act employing 5 or more employees. CONTRIBUTION:
(The above new rates are effective from December 2000 onwards as per circular dated 7/1/2002 issued by MLWF Dept.) Both the above contributions are to be remitted to the Welfare Commissioner, Kamgar Krida Maidan, Mumbai.
Provident Fund Full Details
I have Attached Provident Fund Full Details
Provident Fund Full Details
1. The Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1952
2. The Employees Family Pension Scheme, 1971
3. The Employees Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976
Calculations: P.F from Basic
Employee: 12% (P.F)
Employer: 3.67% Provident Fund (A/c 1) + 8.33% Pension (A/c 10) + 1.10% Admin Charges on
PF (A/c 2) + 0.50% EDLI (A/c 21) + 0.01% Admin Charges on EDLI (A/c 22)
=>13.61% on basic
* Pension (8.33% or 541/- which ever less)
Regular activities:
1. Time of joining: Form 2: Employee should fill, at the time of joining, nomination & Declaration form.
Form 2, includes the following
· Name of the employee
· Parent/spouse name
· Date of Birth
· Sex
· Marital Status
· AC No
· Address
· Names, address, relation, Share for each etc
Also for changing nominee names Form 2 is used. His eligibility begins on the date of joining the firm. Submitted along with form-5.
2. Withdrawers/Dead : Form 10c (pension) & 19 PF
Form 19 is used for withdrawing PF amount. Employee and parent/spouse name, name of the establishment, Ac no, Reasons for leaving service, Contribution for current financial year etc. Form 10 is used for pension withdrawal.
Form 19: Employee should fill, all information like Bank a/c, name, DOJ…with signature and then
Employer like present year contributions, DOR…for PF Fund – Due date: After 60 Days
of Resignation)
Form 10C: Employee should fill, all information like Bank a/c, name, DOJ…with signature and
then employer like present year contributions, DOR…for Pension Due date: After 60 Days of Resignation
3. Transfer : Form 13
Form 13 is used for transferring an employee AC from one company to another. Both employer and employee have to specify his name, PF AC no, Position etc and submitted with a covering letter (consolidated list of employees). Photocopy of the above is kept in PF file for transfer.
4. Employee register 3A, 6
5. For advance : Form 31
6. In case of employee expired / dead :
Process details
Form 10 D (For claiming benefits under Pension)
Employee should fill like Expired/late employee name, nomination name, details, Nomination Bank a/c…for monthly Pension
Form 20 (For Claiming EPF Contributions)
Employee should fill like Expired/late employee name, nomination name, details,
Nomination Bank a/c…for withdrawal of PF Fund (Incase of Death of a member
Form 5 IF (For Claiming EDLI benefits, nominee will get benefit)
EDLI for death case, nominee will get benefit.
7. Form 9 (Register of employers – Application for review filed under)
Monthly Remittance / Challans:
1. Challans every month before 15th (4 copies/ quadruplicate)
2. All A/c (A/c Nos-1,2,10,21&22)
3. To Bank
4. both employer & employee contribution
· Account group no eg Ma mu 1246 (state-first two alphabets /city/acc no: of the company)
· Month
· Total number of subscribers
· Total wages due for each account (wages on which calculations are done)
· Each accounts totals (consolidated amount with employer and employee share)
· Name of the establishment and address
· Name and signature of the depositor
· Name of the bank, mode and date of remittance etc
Challan is submitted tp PF office along with form-12A every month.
Monthly returns:
1. Form 12 A, with all information and employees list of contribution before 25th
2. With Form 5 (new joiners list) , form 10 (resigned employees list), challans copy
3. Information about last month employees, new & resigned employees & this month staff.
Form 5
· Name of the establishment and address
· Month
· Code no: of the factory
· A c no:
· Name of new employees
· Fathers or Husband name in case of married women
· Date of birth
· Sex
· Date of joining the fund
· Total period of pervious services as on the date of joining the fund
Form 10
· Name of the establishment and address
· Month
· Code no: of the establishment
· A c no:
· Name of member who is leaving
· Fathers or Husband name in case of married women
· Date of leaving service
· Reasons for leaving service
· Signature of authorized officer and stamp of the establishment
Cross checking the above is done with the salary statement which includes the number and name all current employees.
Form 12 A:
· Name of the establishment and address
· Currency period and month (April yr to march yr)
· Statutory rate of contribution (12%)
· Group code (NA for unexampled establishment. Establishment having more than 1000 have to keep a PF trust and have to specify the group code)
· Total wages due for each account (wages on which calculations are done)
· Amount of contribution and amount remitted (consolidated amount with employer and employee share)
· Date of remittance
· Total number of subscribers for the current month.
· Name and address of the bank in which the amount is remitted.
· Details of subscribers for E.P.F, PF, EDLI
–No of subscribers as per last month
–No of new subscribers (vide Form 5)
–No of subscribers left service (vide Form 10)
–Total no of subscribers (After adding and subtracting the new and retired employees with,
the number should tally with monthly list of employees)
Cross checking the above is done with the salary statement.
Annul returns:
1. Form 3 A (Individual Computation sheet)
2. Form 6 A (Consolidated Annual Contribution Statement)
3. before 30th April every year
Form 6A:
· Currency period and month (April yr to march yr)
· Name of the establishment and address
· Code no: of the establishment
· No: of member voluntary contributing at a higher rate
· AC No of each employee followed by their name, annual salary, annual contribution, employer contribution, refund of advance, rate of voluntary contribution.
· This grand total should tally with all form 12 A and challans totals.
Form 3A: Register
This form is filled up for each employee stating his each monthly salary, contribution, Employer share, Refund of advance, No of days/period of non contributing service, if any (eg. unauthorised leave). If the employee is resigned during that financial year then the date of leaving service and reasons for leaving service should be specified in this form. Using Form 3A, form 6 A is filled up and crosschecking is done with all challans and 12 A forms.
* Muster Roll * Wage Register * Inspection Book * Cash Book, Voucher & Ledger * PF work sheet
Form 3: Contribution Cards – Individual Computation sheet contains all PF amts month-wise.
Form 3 A: Contribution Cards – Form
Form 4: Contribution card for employees other than monthly paid employees – Form
Form 5 A: Return of Ownership to be sent to the Regional Commissioner – Form
Form 6: Return of the Contribution Cards sent to the Commissioner on the expiry of the period
of currency – Form
Form 6 A: Consolidated Annual Contribution Statement – Consolidated Computation Sheet,
contains total employees list, there total half yearly information. Form 6 is top sheet
and 6A is attachments.
Form 9: Register of employees – Application for review filed under.
Register 3: Individual Computation, there Gross salary, Basic, DA, attendance, PF, Pension
Information maintains month-wise. Form 3 is top sheet and 3A is attachments.
Labour Welfare Fund
I Have Attached Labour Welfare Fund
The Mumbai Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953. |
APPLICABILITY: The Act is applicable to factories & establishment covered under shop & establishment act employing 5 or more employees.CONTRIBUTION: Contribution is to be deducted from the salary of employees Twice in a year i.e. June & December every year at following rates:
(The above new rates are effective from December 2000 onwards as per circular dated 7/1/2002 issued by MLWF Dept.) Both the above contributions are to be remitted to the Welfare Commissioner, Kamgar Krida Maidan, Mumbai.