Posts tagged "Revised Job Offer Email"

Revised Job Offer Email Accommodating Demand by Candidate

Companies make offer to the few selected candidates and the process is complete only when the candidate accepts it or rejects it. And sometimes the candidates also propose some changes in the offer. In such a scenario, the HR manager or concerned person can revert back with a revised job offer mail accommodating demands by candidate if they seem suitable.

Shared below is a revised offer letter email template, sample. You can use this revised employment offer letter format to create your own revised job offer email.

Revised Job Employment Offer Mail Format Accommodating Demands by Candidate


Veronica Black

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies

New York

Date: August 19, 2021


Mr. Bob Smith

42, Lakeside Apartments

New York

Sub: Revised job employment offer

Dear Mr. Smith,

We thank you for responding to the offer letter forwarded you on July 20th, 2021 for the profile of Deputy Marketing Manager. We have gone through your concerns and we really appreciate that you brought them up with our recruitment team.

After evaluating your profile and going through the remuneration demands that you have put forward, we are pleased to inform you that we have accommodated your requests. Here is the summary of the demands that have been included in your revised offer letter:

  1. Increase in gross salary from $2800 to $3000 per month.
  2. Increase in monthly allowance from $200 to $220 per month.
  3. Including health insurance of $5000.

We have attached the revised offer letter with the mail. We will look forward to receive your confirmation on the revised job offer for the profile of Deputy Marketing Manager. We request you to please send in your confirmation by August 25th, 2021 as we will not hold this offer beyond this date. In case of any queries, please feel free to get in touch with our recruitment team at 9898989898.

Thanking you.


Veronica Black

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies

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Posted by Hrformats - August 19, 2021 at 7:02 AM

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