Salary Negotiation Email in Response to Job Offer
If you have managed to crack the interview and you have also received the offer letter for job but the salary that you have been offered is not as per your expectations. In such a scenario, you must write a formal email to the hiring manager negotiating the salary with him. It is important that before turning down the offer, you try and negotiate it with the concerned person and if your demand is reasonable then you might end up getting it.
Here is a sample salary negotiation email in response to job offer given below. Use this template to create a formal email politely presenting your negotiation.
Sample Salary Negotiation Email in Response to Job Offer
Dear Mr. Jacob,
Thank you for extending me the offer for joining ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. for the post of Marketing Manager. The opportunity to interact with you and other executives was a delightful experience. It was a wonderful experience to know about the growth plan of the company.
After considering your offer from every angle, I feel that the salary that has been offered is lower than I had anticipated. Since I have an experience of 12 years in the field of marketing where I have worked at different levels and earned experience of planning and executing marketing plans for various companies, I strongly feel that I will be an asset for your company. My ability to design intense marketing plans and experience to execute them in effective manner will help your company grow.
I am keen on accepting this job offer but I feel that we need to discuss the salary before moving ahead with this offer. I will get in touch with you to schedule an appointment with you for a personal meeting.
Thank you again for the opportunity. I am hopeful that we will be able to reach an agreement.
Sam Brown
Other Related Formats
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Revised Job Offer Email Accommodating Demand by Candidate
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Offer Letter Format
Job Offer Letter With Probationary Period
Terms and Conditions in Job Offer Letter
How to ask for Offer Letter by Email
Offer Letter for Marketing Executive Format
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