Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy of A Company
Here is Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy of A Company.
The recruitment and selection decision is of prime importance as the vehicle for obtaining the best possible person-to-job fit which will, when aggregated, contribute significantly towards <Company>’s effectiveness. It is also becoming increasingly important, as the Company evolves and changes, that new recruits show a willingness to learn, adaptability and ability to work as part of a team. The Recruitment & Selection procedure should help managers to ensure that these criteria are addressed.
This policy ensures our Recruitment and Selection Policy will :
- be fair and consistent;
- be non-discriminatory;
- conform to all statutory regulations and agreed best practice.
To ensure that these policy aims are achieved, all appointing managers will receive training in effective recruitment and selection.
The Recruitment Process
The following procedure will be used when a post is to be filled. The appointing manager must:
Define the job. If it is an existing post – is an exact replacement required or is this an opportunity to revise the requirements. If it is a newly established post be clear on the exact requirements, draw up a job description and consult the appropriate Director / Human Resources Department in relation to the appropriate grade and / or salary.
Complete a Job Vacancy Form which confirms:
- details of the post
- final approval from the appropriate Director;
- in the event of the job being newly established, the approval of the Chief Executive, and confirmation from the Director of Finance, that funding is available.
Send the Job Vacancy Form to the Human Resources Department / Company Administration Office for processing. No vacancy can be processed without this authorisation.
Ensure the Job Description and Person Specification are up-to-date and offer a true representation of the vacant post, and the person you are looking for to fill this post
Collate an information package appropriate for the post. This package should include:
- job description and if appropriate, the person specification
- information on the department
- information on <Company>
- terms and conditions of employment including salary
It is important that this pack is carefully put together in order to present a professional image of the Company, therefore out-of date or poorly presented information is not suitable.
Discuss with the Human Resources Department / Admin Office / appropriate Director the most effective means of obtaining suitable permanent candidates. The following options should be explored (in this order):
- Internal advert within the Company
- Examination of previous applications, or those held on file within the Human Resources Department / Company Administration Office
- External advert within the job centre
- External advert in the local press
- External advert in the National press
- External advert in the appropriate technical / professional Journal
- In senior posts the use of a recruitment agency
Design the advertisement. All advertisements must contain as much information as possible to ensure the correct recruitment group is targeted and reduce unsuitable applications, while remaining as cost-effective as possible.
External adverts should be submitted to the appropriate Director / senior manager with costings for approval before being placed.
The Selection Process
Appropriate selection procedures must be used for each post. Procedures may vary, at its simplest this may involve a straight forward interview and skills testing. For more senior posts psychometric testing, presentations to the interview panel on a chosen topic and/or a series of individual interviews on various topics may be included.
The appointing manager will approach relevant people to assist with shortlisting and interviewing. At least two people should be involved in shortlisting and sit on the Interview Panel.
The application forms received by the closing date will be forwarded to the appointing managers for shortlisting. Applicants must be chosen against the Person Specification. It is the responsibility of the appointing manager at this stage to record (in writing) the reasons why an applicant is not shortlisted. All papers must be returned to the Human Resources Department / Company Administration Office, who will invite the candidates for interview, obtain references and make the necessary housekeeping arrangements for the interview. This will include timetabling the interviews and arranging any pre-employment checks if appropriate. Candidates who have not been shortlisted will also be informed.
At least one week prior to the interview, each panelist will receive an interview pack containing:
- copies of application forms / cv’s
- blank interview report forms;
- a copy of the job advertisement;
- a copy of the job description;
- a copy of the person specification
The appointing manager will:
- decide on the interview format and determine which areas to concentrate on with the questioning;
- decide on who will chair the Interview Panel;
- receive the references and pre-employment checks for candidates from the Human Resources Department / Company Administration Offices, and be responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of these, and for their safe return to the Human Resources Department / Company Administration Offices for destruction.
At the interview, the appointing manager will ensure that the Interview Report Form is completed as fully as possible. When interviewing, they will ensure that Equal Opportunities legislation is strictly adhered to, with no discrimination shown on any grounds.
When all candidates have been interviewed, the panel will score them appropriately, and based on this decide on the most suitable person for the post. The appointing manager will arrange to inform the successful candidate as soon as possible, agreeing a commencement date and starting salary.
All interview packs should be returned marked “private & confidential” to the Human Resources Department / Company Administration Offices for filing for future reference if necessary.
Upon return of the Interview Report Form, the Human Resources Department / Company Administration Offices will:
- telephone all unsuccessful candidates with outcome of interview within one working day, this will be confirmed in writing;
- write to the appointee, offering the post providing satisfactory references and pre-employment checks have been received
- initiate a personnel file and computer entry for the new member of staff;
- notify the Manager if the appointee refuses the offer, or if there are any other details to be cleared.
- deal with any requirements for removal expenses or the finding of temporary accommodation for the appointee.
The Human Resources Department / Company Administration Offices will arrange, in conjunction with the appointing manager an individual programme of induction for the new start which will be arranged and agreed at least one week before the appointee commences.
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