9 Things You Should Avoid Wearing to a Job Interview
Find out about important things that you must never wear to a job interview in order to mark the right impression. When you are dressing up for interview, the focus is on creating the right impression because what you deliver in those few minutes, verbally and non-verbally will be responsible for your success or failure. Therefore, what you wear to the job interview is of utmost importance. For dressing smartly, you don’t need to spend loads of money buying the right clothes but keeping in mind a few things mentioned in the post below, you can save yourself from fashion faux pas to crack the deal and be a winner.
Read on to find out the 9 things that should always be avoided when you are going for a job interview, for a positive and professional impression.
- Casual Tees or Tops Under Blazer
You might think that by wearing blazer for the interview, you are sorted but what is equally important is what you wear underneath. For women, it is important that the plunging neckline is decently covered. Likewise men should avoid wearing a t-shirt underneath as it doesn’t look formal.
- Headphones
You might not realize that you have entered the interview office premises wearing headphone. From head to toe, you are dressing in fine formals but with earphones hanging around create a negative impression. They show that you are neither focused nor serious about the job interview. So before you enter the premises, keep them in your bag.
- Heavy Makeup
In order to impress, don’t end up wearing heavy makeup. You must look natural. Do not wear dark eye shadow or heavy foundation or very dark lipstick. Tinted lip balm with light coat of mascara promises an elegant look. For a summery day, you can have a refreshing look with a touch of powder.
- Loud Scents
You must avoid wearing strong perfume or cologne. Make sure that it should never be the first or the last thing that the interviewer notices about you. There is no harm in smelling good but keeping it too strong should be avoided.
- Casual Summer Clothing
You cannot wear a heavy formal suit for job interviews in summer season but then what to wear for summer interviews. Surely, no shorts, tank tops, dresses or casual t-shirts with flip flops. These are serious NO options. You can wear in smart tailored khakis. Match them with summery light colored polo t-shirts or elegant button down shirt. Team them up with decent pair of shoes.
- Old Fashioned Clothes
If you feel that your wardrobe has old fashioned clothes then you really need to buy some modern clothes that you can wear to the interview. Avoid wearing outdated clothes. The same rule applies to your shoes as wells. Make sure your clothes and shoes create a balanced and modern overall look. Be a smart shopper and don’t spend too much on wardrobe makeover.
- Striking Tie
If you are dressing in your best tie thinking that it is going to make a statement then make sure you don’t pick a tacky piece. Do not be very experimenting and keep your choices to stripes, paisleys or bold soothing colors that will promise a classy look.
- Too Many Accessories
Whether you are a man or a woman, you must always keep your accessories to minimum. Wearing too much jewelry is not a great idea. Wear elegant studs as they will look simple and classy. Do not wear any kind of heavy neckpiece or too big sunglasses or anything that is striking. Likewise for men, wearing tie pin along with loud cufflinks is not a great idea.
- Un-ironed Clothes
Make sure the clothes you are wearing are properly ironed. Wearing tidy and properly pressed clothes add a crispy and professional look to your personality. This would take a few minutes but will help you create the right impression.
Use these tips when it comes to wearing the right attire for the job interview. The above mentioned fashion disasters must be avoided at every cost so that you are able to impress everyone on the panel.
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