Written Warning Letter for Insufficient Adherence to Instructions

If any of your employees has not completely adhered to the work instructions then you can always write a warning letter to that employee in order to formally warn them about their actions.
In this post, we have come up with a sample warning letter for insufficient adherence to instruction that you can use for creating your own letter. This warning letter format is a simple letter which clearly includes the instructions which the employee has failed to adhere to. Use this warning letter sample for following and creating a customized draft that you can send to your employees.
Sample Warning Letter for Insufficient Adherence to Instructions
Andrew Jacob
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Date: January 20, 2024
Mr. Henry Smith
54, Richmond Apartments
New York
Sub: Warning Letter for Insufficient Adherence to Instructions
Dear Mr. Henry,
We are writing this letter to express our concern on your recent actions at the place of work. On December 4th, 2023, it has been observed that you were not dressed up appropriately for the meeting with the client that was scheduled with your manager and team members and it is a violation of the instructions shared with you by the company.
As you are aware that the dress code at Zenith Technologies is formals and therefore, wearing casual clothes or shoes is just not acceptable. And what even worsened the situation was that you were wearing casuals during the meeting with the client and this cannot be ignored.
Please take this warning seriously and make sure that you are always dressed in formals while coming to office. If you have a special reason for not dressing up appropriately then please share it. I am hopeful that you are going to keep in mind the company instructions and comply them.
Andrew Jacob
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York