Sample Suspension Letter to Employee for Lateness

Employee Suspension Letter for Lateness

If an employee is usually late for work and has not started coming on time despite warnings, it is time to write a Letter of Suspension for Absenteeism to him or her. It is extremely important for employees to report at work on time and if someone fails to do so then a suspension letter is what you need to frame.

This post includes a Sample Suspension Letter to Employee for Lateness. You can use this Suspension Letter Sample for drafting your own letter quick and easy.

Format for Suspension Letter for Lateness


Adam Smith

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies

New York

Date: December 22nd, 2022


Mr. Richard Brown

55, Henry Street

New York

Sub: Suspension from work

Dear Mr. Richard,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that you have been suspended from work for ten days effective December 22nd, 2022. The reason for the suspension is your lateness to work on regular basis.

It has been observed that from last two months you have been reporting to work late. As you are aware that the reporting time for everyone at Zenith Technologies is 9 am and we are very particular about timely reporting of our employees but you have time and again reported to work beyond 10 am. Your supervisor, Mr. Jacob Black, has given you many warnings about the same and has also submit you in writing for the reason for late reporting at the office but you have failed to do so.

The management is not appreciative of this kind of conduct and therefore, we have been compelled to suspend you from work. We are hopeful that after the suspension, you will report to work every day at 9 am without any failure.

In case you have anything to explain from your end, please feel free to get in touch with the HR Department.


Adam Smith

HR Manager Zenith Technologies

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