How to Write Formal Confirmation Email for Attending Meeting
If you have received an invitation for attending a meeting then you must reply to the invitation. It is important to respond to the invitation so that the host is aware about your presence or absence. Sending a formal confirmation email for attending meeting is highly recommended as it is the right conduct.
Given below are some steps which must be followed to write a perfect professional email confirming your attendance at the meeting. Use these steps to write your email and you would never go wrong!!!
Always Address it Correct
You must address your email to the right person. Technically, you should write your response to the person from whom you have received the invitation or else any other name mentioned in the invitation for RSVP.
Come Straight to the Point
You must without any delay come straight to the point because of which you are writing this email. If you are attending the meeting then you must confirm your attendance. Do not forget to mention the date and time of the meeting.
Talk About Work, If Any
If you have to carry a report along or make some presentation at the meeting then you must also mention that you will come prepared with the task.
Enclosures, If Any
If you think you are required to send any attachments with the mail, include them in your email and end your letter.
These steps will surely make this task a lot easier for you and you will be able to draft a precise formal confirmation email with perfection.
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