Letter of Confirmation – Management Trainee
Letter of Confirmation – Management Trainee.
November 10 2013
(Employee Number)
Dear Mr./Ms. ___________________,
We congratulate you on the successful completion of your training in our company!
We are happy to confirm your service as (designation) with our company with immediate effect from (date). You will be placed in ___________ management grade of Business Leaders of our company as per the following terms and conditions:
1. Basic Salary: Your basic salary will be Rs. _________/- (Rupees______only) per annum. You will also be entitled to further review of your compensation in accordance to the company practice which is linked to your performance and the discretion of the management.
2. H.R.A. / Accommodation: You will be paid 60% of your basic salary as house rent allowance. However, if you choose company accommodation, the same will be regulated by the relevant policy mentioned in our Company Leased Accommodation (C.L.A.) policy on our official website (link).
3. Special Allowance: You will be entitled for a special allowance of Rs. _________/- (Rupees______only) per annum.
4. Food Coupons: You will be entitled to food coupons worth Rs. _____/- per month. However, you may opt out of this by referring your choice to the HR manager. For details on where these coupons are applicable, you may refer our directory on our website (link).
5. Leave Travel Assistance: You will be entitled to Rs. ___________/-(Rupees_______only) for each completed year of service in accordance to the rules, payable on a yearly basis.
6. Domiciliary Medical Expenses: You will be entitled to Rs. ___________/-(Rupees_______only) for each completed year of service in accordance to the rules, payable on a monthly basis.
7. Hospitalization: You would also be covered under the Company’s Hospitalization scheme. You may refer our Hospitalization policy on our website (link) for more details.
8. Provident Fund: The Company contributes 12% of basic salary towards Provident Fund. As such, similar deduction will be subtracted from your salary.
9. Superannuation: Superannuation program is conducted by the company for the employees too. 15 % of the basic salary per annum is contributed towards superannuation fund till the age of 58 years. The benefits of the contribution are applicable as per the terms of the scheme. If you are interested, you may refer to Mr. (person in charge) for further information on the Superannuation Program of our company.
10. Gratuity: You will be entitled to an equivalent of 15 days of your last salary drawn for every completed year of service. This will be in accordance to the terms of the scheme and subjected to a maximum of Rs.3, 50,000/-. You will be eligible for the gratuity after 5 years of completed service.
11. Corporate Attire: You will be entitled to select corporate attire worth Rs. ________/- from the options provided by the Company annually. If you would like to enjoy this service, the Company will contribute 50% of this amount and the balance will be deducted from your salary. You may refer our Corporate Attire Policy on our website (link) for more details.
12. a) You appointment can be terminated on either side with three months notice or payment of salary (basic) instead.
b) The Company reserves every right to terminate your service without providing any specific reason for termination. However, it will give you three months notice or pay salary (basic) instead.
c) The Company also reserves the right to terminate your services without any prior notice or salary compensation on the grounds of misconduct, reasonable suspicion of misconduct, disloyalty, commission of any act involving moral turpitude, or any act of indiscipline or inefficiency or for loss of confidence on your part.
13. You will be posted at ___________ and will need to report to ___________or any other person nominated by the company. But this is not static. You are liable to be transferred to any other Departments / Divisions / Factories of the Company, anywhere in India. Your service may be later on assigned by the Company to any other Company of the (Organization Name) Group. You may also be assigned with other duties that may be required of you in any Branch or Office of the Company and/or its subsidiaries or to any of its other Associate Companies.
14. Your appointment will be finalized upon your examination and when found fit. The management will have every right to get you medically examined by any qualified medical practitioner during the tenure of your service. If you are found medically unfit, you will lose your lien on the job.
15. References from your former employers will also affect the appointment procedure.
16. Your retirement age from the Company will be the superannuating age of 58 years. You are hence expected to provide evidence of your date of birth at the time of joining.
17. All the general rules, practices and policies of the Company are liable to change from time to time. However, you will be expected to abide by the changes.
18. In case of laws enacted by the State/Central Government, you would be entitled to such benefits at the discretion of the management.
19. You will be expected to maintain the highest order of discipline and secrecy with the Company and/or its Subsidiaries or Associate Companies. In case of any breach of discipline/trust, the company is liable to terminate your service with immediate effect. You will also required to sign a Secrecy Agreement that mentions that all inventions, improvements, discoveries made by you either alone or with other persons, will become the sole property of the company. You are required to ensure that the patent protections obtained for such inventions/improvements in India or elsewhere are assigned to the company.
20. You will be expected to respect, obey and conform to all the regulations issued by the Company from time to time. You shall not be a part of any other employment, conduct business whatsoever or hold any office of profit or accept any other emoluments without previous consent in writing of the Company during your tenure in the company. If found guilty, you will be terminated with immediate effect.
21. The company also reserves the right to send you for specialized training within India or overseas to enable you to perform better. If such necessity occurs, you will require executing a training bond with the Company.
22. This offer is completely based on the information furnished in your application for employment. However, if the management finds any incorrect information, your employment based on this letter of appointment is liable to be terminated without any prior notice and compensation.
23. The emoluments/benefits due to you will be liable/subject to tax in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and Rules made there under as also other applicable laws, if any, as may be in force from time to time.
24. The Company also takes care of all the statutory compliances. It ensures compliance with various statutes in your area of operations that includes the Insider Trading Regulations as well.
25. Your appointment is effective from the date of joining. We expect you to see you not later than (date).
Kindly sign the copy of this letter as acceptance of the above terms and conditions and return the same to us.
We welcome you to (Organization Name) and wish you all the luck for a bright career with us.
Best Regards,
(Name of the Business Leader)
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