Posts tagged "Factory"

Various Returns Under Factories Act 1948

Please find the soft copy of various returns under factories act.



Form 34 (Revised)

[Prescribed under Rule 12(a)]


For the year ending 31st December __________

1.         Registration number of Factory :

2.         Name of Factory                                  :           M/s

3.         Name of Occupier                                :           Mr.

4.         Name of the Manager                           :           Mr.

5.         District                                                 :

6.         Full Postage Address of Factory           :

7.         Nature of Industry                                :


8.         No. of days worked in the year :

9.         No. of Man Days worked during the

                        a)         Men                             :

                        b)         Women                        :

                        c)         Children                       :

  1.       Average number of workers employed :

(See explanatory note)

                        a)         Adults              (i)         Men

                                                            (ii)        Women

                        b)         Adolescent       (i)         Male

                                                            (ii)        Female

                        c)         Children           (i)         Male

                                                            (ii)        Female

  1. Total No. of Man hours worked including over time :

a)   Men                             :

b)   Women                        :

c)   Children                       :

  1. Average number of hours worked per week :

(See explanatory note)

a)                  Men                             :

b)                  Women                        :

  1. (a) Does the factory carry out process or operations

            Declared as dangerous under section 87 (see rule 116)

       (b) if so, give the following information

Name of the dangerous process of operations   Average No. of persons employed daily in each of

Carried on                                                                    the processes or operations given in col 1

1                                                                                  2





  1. Total number of workers employed during the year:

a)                  Men

b)                  Women

c)                  Children

  1. Number of workers who were entitled to annual

Leave with wages during the year

a)                  Men

b)                  Women

c)                  Children

  1. Number of workers who were granted leave during the year

a)                  Men

b)                  Women

c)                  Children

  1. a) Number of workers who were discharged, or

Dismissed from the services, or quit employment,

Or were superannuated, or who died while

Service during the year.

b) Number of such workers in respect of whom

wages in lieu of leave were paid.


18. a) Number of Safety Officers required to be

            Appointed as per notification under

            Section 40-B

      b) Number of Safety Officers appointed


  1. Is there an ambulance room provided in the

Factory as required under Section 45?


  1. a) Is there a canteen provided in the factory

required under section 46?

b) Is the canteen provided managed?

   i) Departmentally, or

   ii) Through a Contractor?


  1.  a) Are there adequate & suitable shelters or rest

Rooms provided in the factory as required under

Section 47?

b) Are there adequate and suitable much rooms

Provided in the factory as required under

Section 47?


  1. Is there a crèche provided in the factory as

Required under section 48?


23. a)   Number of Welfare Officers required to be

            Appointed under section 49?

b)      Number of Welfare Officers appointed


24. a)   Total Number of accidents (see explanatory note)

            i)          Fetal

            ii)         Non-Fetal

b) Accident in which workers returned to work

During the year to which this returns relate.

i)  Accidents (workers injured) occurring during

The previous year in which injured works

Returned to work during the year to which this

Return relates.

aa) Number of Accidents

bb) Man Days lost due to Accidents

c) Accidents (workers injured) occurring during the

Previous year in which injured workers did not

Return to work during the year to which this return relate to

            aa) Number of Accidents

            bb) Man Days lost due to Accidents


25.  a) Is a suggestion scheme in operation in the factory?

       b) If so, the number of suggestions

i)     Received during the year

ii)       Accepted during the year

d)        Amount awarded in cash prizes during the year

i)     Total amount awarded

ii)                   Value of maximum cash prizes awarded

iii)                 Value of minimum cash prizes awarded

Certified that the information furnished above is to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct.

                                                                                                                        Signature of the Manager



Explanatory Note: –

  1. The average number of workers employed daily should be calculated by dividing the aggregate number of attendance on working days (that is, man days worked) by the number of working days in the year. In reckoning attendance, attendance by temporary as well as permanent employed should be counted and all employees should be included, whether they are employed directly or under contractors. Attendance on separate shifts (e.g. night and day shifts) should be counted separately. Days on which the factory was closed for whatever cause and days on which the manufacturing processes were not carried on should not be treated as working days. Partial attendance for less than half a shift on a working day should be ignored, while attendance for half a shift or more or such day should be treated as full attendance.
  1. For seasonal factories, the average number of workers employed during the working season and off-season should be given separately. Similarly the number of days worked and average number of man-hours worked per week during the working and off-season should be given separately.
  1. The average number of hours worked per week means the total actual hours worked by all workers during the year excluding the rest intervals but including overtime work, divided by the product of total number of workers employed in the factory during the year and 52. In the case the factory has not worked for the whole year, the number of weeks during which the factory worked should be used in place of the figure52.
  1. Every person killed or injured should be treated as one separate accident. If in one occurrence six persons were injured or killed, should be counted six accidents.
  1. In item 24(a), the number of accidents, which took place during the year, should be given. In case non-fatal accidents only those accidents, which prevented workers from working for 48 hours or more, should be indicated.



Annual Return for the year 2010

Prescribed under section 18(I) of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 abd Rule 21 (4-A) of the H.P. Minimum Wages Rules, 1959

Note: Information may be given only for those categories of workers in respect of whom minimum wages have been fixed under the minimum wages act, 1948.

  1. Name of Establishment with full postal address:
  1. No. of days worked during the year:

Adults              Children

  1. No. of Man days worked during the year                      _________      ________

(Total Attendence)

  1. Average No. of persons employed daily during

The year                                                                                   _________      _________

5.         Total Wages Paid                                                                     Rs._____________

6.         Cash Value of Wages Paid in Kind

  1.        Deductions made on account of

Fine                                          Damage or Loss                                   Breach of Contract

No. of Cases


No. of Cases


No. of Cases



  1. Balance of the fine fund at the beginning of the year  __________________
  2. Disbursement from the fine fund: –

Purpose                                                                        Amount Spent

                        a) _____________________________                      ______________________________

                        b) _____________________________                      _______________________________

                        c) _____________________________                      _______________________________

                        d) _____________________________                      _______________________________

10.  Balance of fine fund at the end of the year:              _____________________________

                                                                                                            Signature of the Manager

                                                                                                            Date ……………………





  1. a) Name of the factory or establishment and postal address

b)  Code No.

c)  Industry

  1. Number of days worked during the year:
  2. a) No. of Man days worked during the year:

b) Average daily No. of persons employed during the year:


                                    Persons receiving                                              Persons receiving Rs. 1000 and

                                    Less than Rs. 1000                                           more but less than Rs. 10000



a)      Gross amount paid as remuneration to persons getting less than Rs. 1000 including deductions under section 7 (2) …………………….. of which the amount due to profit sharing bonus is ……………………….. and that due to money value of concession is ………………………………..

b)      Gross amount paid as remuneration to persons getting Rs. 1000 and more but less than 10000 including deductions under section 7 (2) ……………… of which the amount due to profit sharing bonus is …………………. And that due to money value of concession is ………………………..]

  1. Total wages paid including deductions under section 7 (2) on the following account :-

Persons receiving less               Persons receiving Rs. 1000 and

Than Rs. 1000                          more but less than Rs. 10000

a)      Basic wages including over time

Wages and non-profit sharing


b)      Dearness and other allowance

In cash

c)      Arrears of pay in respect of previous

Year paid and during the year.


  1. 5.                  Number of cases and amount realized as: –


Persons receiving less                           Persons receiving Rs. 1000  and

Than Rs. 1000                                      more but less than Rs. 10000

      No. of

Cases AmountNo. of CasesAmount

a)      Fines

b)      Deduction for Damages or Loss

c)      Deduction for Breach of Contract

6.   Disbursement From Fines fund:                         Purpose                        Amount



7. Balance of fines fund in hand at the end of the year Rs. ……………………….

                                                                                                                  Signature ………………….

                                                                                                                  Designation ……………….


  • This is the aggregate number of attendance during the year. The average daily number persons employed during the year is obtained by dividing the aggregate number of attendance during the year by the number of working days.
  • Money value of concessions should be obtained by taking difference of the cost price paid by the employer and the actual price paid by the employees for supplier of essential commodities given free or at concessional rates.



(See rule 16)


Details of payment made during the year ending 31st December 2008


Name of person to whom paid              _____________                      Amount paid _____________

1.         Date of payment                                                                                   _______________

2.         Woman Employee                                                                                _______________

3.         Nominee of woman                                                                              _______________

4.         Legal representative of woman                                                  _______________

5.         Amount for the period preceding date of expected delivery                    _______________

6.         Amount of the subsequent period                                                          _______________

7.         Under section 8 of the Act                                                                    _______________

8.         Under section 9 of the Act                                                                    _______________

9.         Under section 10 of the Act                                                                  _______________

10.       Number of the woman workers who absconded after receiving the first installment of                                      maternity benefits                                                                                              _______________

11.       Cases where claims were contested in a court of law                             _______________

12.       Result of such cases                                                                              _______________

13.       Remarks                                                                                               _______________


                                                                                                SIGNATURE OF THE EMPLOYER

Date _____________



(See Rule 16)


1 Name of the Establishment M/S
2 Address of the establishment, P.O. District

3Date of opening the establishment 4Date of closing, if closed 5Postal address of the establishment 6Name of the Employer, postal address of the Employer 7Name of Managing Agent, if any, Postal Address of Managing Agent 8Name of Agent or Representative of employer, Postal address of Representative of Employer

9Name of Manager, Postal address of Manager

10(a) Name of Medical Officer, if any attached to the establishment?

(b) Qualification of medical Officer attached to the establishment

(c) Is he resident at the establishment?

(d) If a part time employee, how often does he pay visit to the establishment? 11(a) Is there any hospital attached to the establishment?

(b) If so, how manyu beds are provided for women employees?

(c) Is there a lady Doctor?

(d) If so, what are her qualifications?

(e) Is there a qualified Midwife?

(f) Has any Crech been Provided?


                                                                                                            SIGNATURE OF THE EMPLOYER

Form 35


For the Period ending 30th June ___________

Name of Factory                                                          : M/s

Name of Occupier                                                        : Mr.

Name of the Manager                                                   : Mr.

  1. District                                                 :
  2. Full Postage Address of Factory           :
  3. Nature of Industry                                :
  4. Average No. of Employees worked      :

Men                             :

Women                        :


                                                Men __________________

                                                Women _______________


                                                Men __________________

                                                Women _______________


  1. Total Number of Hours worked at the end of  91104 hrs

31st Dec 2008 during the Half Year _______ Days

Signature of Occupier                                                                           Signature of Manager

  • The average number of workers employed daily should be calculated by dividing the aggregate number of attendance on working days (that is man days worked) by the number of working days in the last six months. In reckoning attendance, attendance by temporary as well as permanent employed should be counted and all employees should be included, whether they are employed directly or under contractors. Attendance on separate shifts (e.g. night and day shifts) should be counted separately. Days on which the factory was closed for whatever cause and days on which the manufacturing processes were not carried on should not be treated as working days.
  • Partial attendance for less than half a shift on a working day should be ignored, while attendance for half a shift or more such day should be treated as full attendance

Certified that the information furnished above is to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct.

Date …………………………..                                                                                  Signature of the Manager


Return relating to period from Jan-2008 to 31st Dec-2008

State                                                                       :

District                                                                   :

Town or Village                                                    :

Post Office                                                            :

Name of Establishment                                       :

Name of Work                                                      :

Average Numbers Employed Per day               : ____________________________________

                                Adults    (Men)                     :

                                Minors   (Women)               :


Occupational Diseases

Number of cases of injuries in respect of which final compensation has been paid during the year Amount of compensation paid Number of cases of diseases in respect of which final compensation has been paid during the year Amount of compensation paid
Death Permanent Disablement Temporary Disablement Death Permanent Disablement Temporary Disablement Death Permanent Disablement Temporary Disablement Death Permanent Disablement Temporary Disablement


Date:………………………                                                                                   Signature………………………………


Note4s: –

  1. In case where more establishment than one are owned by the same employer, a separate return should be furnished for each establishment. When in any establishment the workmen employed fall in two or more of the district categories to which the return relates, e.g. in the case of a tea estate categories A and B (v) a separate sheet should be used for the statistics of each category.
  2. Enter the class of establishment according to the process or product, e.g. cotton weaving and spinning factory, coal mine.
  3. Include all employees whether permanent or temporary who would, in the case of accidents be eligible for compensation under the act and for whom a return is required to be furnished. Numbers employed should be shown even if there are no payments of compensation to report.
  4. Include only those cases in which the final payment of compensation was made during the year. A deposit with commissioner should be treated as a payment of the employer.
  5. Include all compensation paid in respect of the cases mentioned in footnote (4), whether such compensation was paid during the year or previous to its commencement. Exclude all payments in cases in which the final payment had not been made by the end of the year to which the return relates.
  6. Only such disablement as last for more than seven days should be shown [Section (4) (I)(d) of the Act]
  7. Where the benefit actually allowed (e.g. hospital leave on full pay) is in excess of the compensation admissible under the act, only the amount of compensation so admissible should be entered in the return.
  8. Viz, anthrax, lead poisoning, phosphorus poisoning, mercury poisoning, benzene poisoning, chrome ulceration and compressed air illness only.




(See rule 16)


Prosecution during the year ending 31st December 2008


Place of employment of the women employee Number of cases instigated

Number of cases which resulted in convictionRemarks






                                                                                                SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYER

Dated: _______________________



(See Rule 16)


1 Name of [the Mine or Circus]
2 Aggregate number of women permanently or temporarily employed during the year
3 Number of women who worked for a period of not less than [eighty days] in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of delivery
4 Number of women who gave notice under section 6
5 Number of women who were granted permission to remain absent on receipt of notice of confinement
6 Number of claims for maternity benefit paid
7 Number of claims for maternity benefit rejected
8 Number of cases where pre-natal, confinement and post-natal care was provided by the management free of charge (section 8)
9 Number of claims for medical bonus paid (section 8)
10 Number of medical claims for medical bonus rejected.
11 Number of cases in which leave for miscarriage [MTP] was granted.
12 Number of cases in which leave for miscarriage [MTP] was applied for but was rejected.

a)      Number of cases in which leave for tubectomy operation under section 9A was granted.

b)      Number of cases in which leave for tubectomy operation was applied for but was rejected. 13Number of cases in which additional leave for illness under section 10 was granted 14Number of cases in which additional leave for illness under section 10 was applied for but was rejected. 15Number of women who died

a)      Before delivery.

b)      After delivery. 16Number of cases in which payment was made to persons other than the woman concerned 17Number of women discharged or dismissed while working 18Number of women deprived of maternity benefit and / or medical bonus under provision to sub section (2) of section 12 19Number of cases in which payment was made on the order of the Competent Authority or Inspector 20Remarks

N.B. – Full particulars of each case and reasons for the action taken under serials 7, 10, 12, 14, 17 and 18 should be given in Appendix below:-


                                                                                                            SIGNATURE OF THE EMPLOYER



[See Rule 82(2)]


1 Full name and address of the Principal Employer

2Name of Establishment

(a) District

(b) Postal Address

(‘c) Nature of operations / industry / work carried on 3Full name of the Manager or person responsible for supervision and control of the establishment 4No. of contractors who worked in the establishment during the year (Give details in Annexure) 5Nature of work / operation on which contract labour was employed 6Total number of days during the year on which contract labour was employed 7Total number of days maydays worked by contract labour during the year 8Maximum No. of workmen employed directly on any day during the year 9Total no. of days during the year on which direct labour was employed 10Total No. of maydays worked by directly employed workmen 11Change, if any, in the management of the establishment, its location or any other particulars furnished to the Registering Officer in the application for Registration indicating also the date

Place:  Kumarhatti


                                                                                                                                    PRINCIPAL EMPLOYER



Name and address                    Period of Contract        Nature of          Maximum                     No. of              No. of

Of the Contractor                     From  —  to o–            Work               No. of workers days                 Mondays

                                                                                                            Employed  by each       worked                        worked


            1                                              2                      3                                  4                      5                      6



[See Rule 82(1)]


HALF YEAR ENDING ON_______________________

1 Name and address of Contractor
2 Name and address of Establishment
3 Name and Address of Principal Employer

4Duration of ContractFrom                        to


5No. of days during the half year on which –

a)      the establishment of the principal employer had worked

b)      the contractors establishment had worked 6Maximum number of contract labour employed on any day during the half year:



Childern 7i)                    Daily hours of work and spread over—

ii)                   (a) Whether weekly holidays observed and on what day

(b) If so, whether it was paid for—

iii)        Number of man hours of overtime worked—

8Number of mandays worked by-



Childern 9Amount of wages paid



Childern 10Amount of deductions from wages, if any-



Childern 11Whether the following have been provided

i)                    Canteen

ii)                   Rest Rooms

iii)                 Drinking water

iv)                 Creches

v)                  First Aid

(if the answer is ‘yes’ state briefly standards provided)

Place:  Kumarhatti


                                                                                                                                    Signature of Contractor


[See Rule 5]

Annual return – bonus paid to employees for the accounting year ending on 31.03.2008

                        1. Name of Establishment and its complete postal          M/s  



                        2. Name of Industry                                                      M/s  

                        3. Name of Employer                                                  

                        4. Total Number of Employee                          

                        5. Number of employees benefited by bonus payments








Total amount payable as bonus under section 10 or 1 of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 as the cas may be Settlement if any, reached under section 18(1) or 12(3) of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 with date Percentage of Bonus declared to be paid Total amount of bonus actually paid Date on which payment made Whether bonus has been paid to all the employees if not, reason for non payment Remaarks







Paid to all eligible employee



Authorised Signatory

Ref.                                                                                                                              Date:


                        The Labour Commissioner – Cum-

                        Chief Inspector of Factories,

                        Shimla – Himachal Pradesh

Sub.                 Submission of Annual Return 2008


                        Please find enclosed herewith the following documents:

  1. Application in prescribed form-34 (Revised)
  2. Workmen’s Compensation
  3. Application form No. III
  4. Application form No. IV
  5. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form –“L”
  6. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form – “N”
  7. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form – “O”
  8. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form – “M”
  9. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 Form – “D”
  10. Half yearly Return Form – 35
  11. Principal Employer Return Form – 25

Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you.

Yours Truly,


Authorised Signatory

Click Here To Download Annual return under factory act 1948

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Posted by Hrformats - October 18, 2012 at 4:13 PM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , ,

Sample Rent Lease Agreement for Factory Building

I have attached sample rent lease agreement for factory building.




THIS DEED OF LEASE made at Ahmednagar this 15th day of   December , 2010, between …………….. son of …………….. resident of ……………… hereinafter referred to as “the Lessor” of the ONE PART and …………….. son of …………….. resident of     …………… hereinafter referred to as “the Lessee” of the OTHER PART.

WHEREAS the Lessor is the exclusive owner of piece of land bearing Plot No. ……………… situated at ……………………………………. ( more particularly described in the Schedule A hereunder written ), hereinafter referred to as the demised premises.

AND WHEREAS the Lessor has agreed to grant to the Lessee a lease in respect of the said premises for a period of ………….. years, vide Agreement of premises lease dated ………….. hereinafter referred to as “the said agreement” subject to terms and conditions laid down in the said agreement.

AND WHEREAS the lessor has made out his marketable title to the demised premises free from all encumbrances, claims or reasonable doubts.


1.                  In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the rent hereby granted and the Lessee’s covenants hereinafter mentioned, the Lessor hereby demise unto the lessee the demised premises, to hold the demised premises unto the Lessee (and his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) for a period of…………….. years commencing from the …………….. day of …………….., 2000, at a yearly rent of the year for which it is due, the first of such yearly rent shall be paid on …………….. and the subsequent rent to be paid on or before the …………….. day of every succeeding year regularly.

2.                  The lessee shall construct a suitable house and other structures on the demised premises hereby demised according to and in conformity with the map or plans hereto annexed, which has already been sanctioned by the Municipal Corporation of……………… within a period of one year from the date hereof.

3.                  The Lessee hereby agrees to the following covenants:

(a)   To pay rent hereby reserved on the day and in the manner aforesaid to the lessor.

(b)   To pay all taxes, cess, impositions, assessments, dues and 9, duties payable in respect of the demised premises and the building to be constructed thereon to the Government of ……………… or the Municipal Corporation or any other local authority or public body.

(c)   Not to sub-let, sell, dispose of or assign the demised premises or the house constructed on the demised premises without the consent of the lessor in writing.

(d)   To keep the building constructed on the demised premises in good and tenantable condition.

(e)   To permit the lessor or his duly authorised agent or agents to enter the demised premises at all convenient times for inspection of the building.

(f)     To insure and to keep insured the building that may be constructed on the demised premises against the loss or damages by d   fire, earthquake, riot or affray with an insurance company approved in writing by the lessor in the joint names of lessor and lessee for an amount which shall not be less than Rs. ………………

(g)   To use the demised premises for construction of house which will be used for residential purpose only.

(h)   Not to use the demised premises or the building constructed or any part thereof for any illegal purpose.

4.                  The Lessor hereby agrees to the following covenants:

(a)   The lessor is absolutely seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the demised premises and is having full power and absolute authority to demise unto the lessee the demised premises.

(b)   The lessee shall peacefully and quietly hold, possess and enjoy the demised premises, during the term of lease without any interruption, disturbance, claims or demand whatsoever by the lessor or any person or persons claiming under him, subject however, the lessee paying the said yearly rent on the due dates thereof and in the manner herein provided and observing and performing the covenants, conditions and stipulations herein contained and on his part to be observed and performed.

(c)   Not to unreasonably withhold his consent to any sub-lease, transfer or assignment of the demised premises, if intended to be made by the lessee.

5.                  It is hereby agreed that if default is made by the lessee in payment of the rent for any three years, or in observance and performance of any of the covenants and stipulations hereby contained and on the part to be observed and performed by the lessee, then on each such default, the lessor shall be entitled in addition to or in the alternative to any other remedy that may be available to him at his discretion, to terminate the lease and eject the lessee from the premises demised and from the building, that may have been constructed thereon; and to take possession thereof as full and absolute owner thereof, provided that a notice in writing shall be given by the lessor to the lessee of his intention to terminate the lease and to take possession of the demised premises but if the arrears of rent are paid or the lessee comply with or carry out the covenants and conditions or stipulations, within fifteen days from the service of such notice, then the lessor shall not be entitled to take possession of the said premises and building.


(a)      On the expiry of the term hereby created and subject to the observance and performance of the covenants, conditions and stipulations herein contained and on his part to be observed and performed, the lessee will have the option to renew the lease of the demised premises for a further period of ………….. years, provided he gives a notice to the effect in writing by registered post to the Lessor of his intention to do so at least three calendar months before the termination of the present lease; provided that the rent payable by the lessee to the lessor during the extended time of the lease shall be Rs. …………… per annum, which will include the rent of the demised premises and of the building constructed thereon, which an the expiry of term of the lease, shall vest in and be the absolute property of the Lessor as hereinabove mentioned. After the expiry of the said period of …………….. years, the Lessee shall not be entitled to exercise further option of renewal of the lease and shall deliver the demised premises and the building constructed thereon to the lessor in good condition as hereinbefore provided.

(b)      The Lessee shall be entitled to purchase the reversion during the subsistence of this demise, in respect of the demised premises on the payment to the Lessor, a consideration to be agreed upon between the Lessor and Lessee and the lessor shall execute conveyance in respect of the reversion of demised premises purchased by the Lessee in favour of the lessee or his nominee or nominees; provided that the lessee may be entitled to purchase a portion or portion of the reversion in respect of any portion of the demised premises, the rent hereby agreed to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor shall be proportionately reduced.

(c)      On the expiry of the term hereby created or earlier determination under the provisions hereof, the lessee will hand over the peaceful and vacant possession of the demised premises and building constructed thereon to the Lessor in a good condition.

6.                  This Lease Deed shall be executed in duplicate. The original shall be retained by the Lessor and the duplicate by the Lessee.

7.                  The stamp duty and all other expenses in respect of this Lease Deed and duplicate thereof shall be borne and paid by the Lessee.

8.                  The marginal notes and the catch lines hereto are meant only for convenience of references and shall not in any way be taken into account in the interpretation of these presents.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor has set its hand unto these presents and a duplicate hereof and the Lessee has caused its common seal to be affixed hereunder and a duplicate hereof on the day, month and year first hereinabove written.

The Schedule A above referred to

Signed and delivered by the within named lessor

Signed and delivered by the within named lessee




Click Here To Download Lease Agreement for Factory Building

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Posted by Hrformats - October 6, 2012 at 5:28 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , , ,

Revised Factory Licence Fee for Maharashtra

Please find the revised (increased) Factory License Fee for Maharashtra State with effect from 2013.

Every factory having valid licence for 2013 onward, must pay their difference fee due to increase for 2013 and onward period before Oct, 2012 to the department without any late fee.

Late fee is applicable on 5% base from November, 12 onward for every month with maximum late fee of 25%.

The late fee is applicable i.e. for 2013 at present only, if delayed beyond Oct, 12.

The chart shows the old rate and slab with new rate and slab and the difference for a year basis for easy use.

MAHARASHTRA FACTORIES LICENSE FEE WITH EFFECT FROM 2013 (Notification No: FAC. 2010/CR-6/Lab-4 dated: 05th June, 2012)
Horse Power Fee Workmen
Upto 9  10 to 20 21 to 50 51 to 150 151 to 250 251 to 500 501 to 1000 1001 to 2500 2501 & 4000 4000 & above
Nil Old 100 125 250 1000 1500 3000 6000 12000 18000 24000
New 350 750 750 3500 5250 10500 21000 42000 63000 84000
Diff 250 625 500 2500 3750 7500 15000 30000 45000 60000
Upto 10 Old 200 400 750 2000 3000 4500 9000 18000 24000 30000
New 700 2250 2250 7000 10500 15750 31500 63000 84000 105000
Diff 500 1850 1500 5000 7500 11250 22500 45000 60000 75000
Above 10 but not above 50 Old 300 700 1250 3000 4500 6000 12000 22500 27500 33000
New 1050 3750 3750 10500 15750 21000 42000 78750 96250 115500
Diff 750 3050 2500 7500 11250 15000 30000 56250 68750 82500
Above 50 but not above 100 Old 800 1250 1750 4500 6000 9000 15000 27000 30000 36000
New 2800 5250 5250 15750 21000 31500 52500 94500 105000 126000
Diff 2000 4000 3500 11250 15000 22500 37500 67500 75000 90000
Above 100 but not above 500 Old 1800 2500 3500 9000 12000 15000 22500 30000 36000 42000
New 6300 10500 10500 31500 42000 52500 78750 105000 126000 147000
Diff 4500 8000 7000 22500 30000 37500 56250 75000 90000 105000
Above 500 but not above 1000 Old 3500 4000 7500 12000 16500 19500 30000 36000 42000 48000
New 12250 22500 22500 42000 57750 68250 105000 126000 147000 168000
Diff 8750 18500 15000 30000 41250 48750 75000 90000 105000 120000
Above 1000 but not above 2000 Old 5000 7000 9500 16500 19500 24000 33000 42000 48000 54000
New 17500 28500 28500 57750 68250 84000 115500 147000 168000 189000
Diff 12500 21500 19000 41250 48750 60000 82500 105000 120000 135000
Above 2000 Old 7000 9500 16500 19500 24000 33000 42000 48000 54000 60000
New 24500 49500 49500 68250 84000 115500 147000 168000 189000 210000
Diff 17500 40000 33000 48750 60000 82500 105000 120000 135000 150000


Click Here To Download Revised Factory License Fee for Maharashtra.

3 comments - What do you think?
Posted by Hrformats - September 24, 2012 at 4:34 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , , , ,

Renewal of Factory Licence

 I have Attached Renewal of Factory Licence

1[FORM  No. 2

 [See Rule 4 (1), 7(2) and 12]







FOR YEAR/YEARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             FACTORY LICENCE NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.            Full name of the factory                                             :

2.            (a)  Full postal address and situation of the factory          :

Phone No. . . . . . . .  . . . .

(b)  Full address to which communication relating          :

to the factory should be sent

3.            Nature of manufacturing process/processes


(a)  carried on in the factory during the last twelve

months (in case of factories already in existence)        :


(b)    to be carried in the factory during the next                 :

twelve months (in case of all factories)


4.            Names and values of the products manufactured            :

during the lext twelve months

(in case of factories already in existence)


5.            (i)  Maximum number of workers proposed to be            :           Men                Women

employed on any one day during the year,

applied for


(ii)  Maximum number of workers employed on              :             Men               Women

any one day during the last twelve months

(in case of factories already in existence)


(iii)  Number of workers to be ordinarily employed         :

in the factory

6.     (a)   Nature and Total amount of power installed

(H.P. of motors)                                                               :

(i)  Installed                                                                     :

(ii)  Proposed to be installed                                         :


(b)    K.W. of Electric Factories or attached Power

Houses or Heating Circuits.

7.     Full name & residential address of the person who          :

shall be the Manager of the factory for the

purpose of the Act

8.     Full name and residential address of the Occupier i.e.     :


(i)  The Proprietor of the Factory in case of the

Private Firm / Proprietary] concern                               :

(ii)        Any one of the individual partner/name and          :

residential address of other partners.

(iii)      The Director in case of a Public Limited                    :

Company or Firm


(iv)      The Managing Director and Directors of a

Private Company                                                           :


(v)         In case of factories owned or controlled by the        :

Central Government/State Government or

any Local Authority, the person or persons

appointed to manage the affairs of the factory by

the Central Government, the State Government

or the Local Authority as the case may be

(The appointment order of such person or

occupier shall be enclosed)


9.            Full name & address of the owner of the premises           :

or building (Including the precincts thereof

referred to in Section 93)


10.    In case of a factory constructed or extended, after the      :

date of the commencement of these rules


(i)   Reference number and date of approval of the           :

plans for site, for old or new buildings and for

construction or extension of factory by the

Chief Inspector ; and ,


(ii)    Reference number and date of the arrangements,      :

if any, made for disposal of trade waste & effluents

and the name of the authority granting such approval,

copy of certificate to be enclosed.


10.      Amount of fee Rs…………………..…… (Rupees………………………………………) paid into

the ………………………… Treasury/Bank on .……………….. vide Challan/D.D/Cheque No.  …………………  (enclosed)




(SIGNATURE OF THE OCCUPIER)                                  (SIGNATURE OF THE MANAGER)

(NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)                                                (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)

Date: …………………………                                                Date. …………………………


Note : 1.  This Form should be completed in legible ink in Block letters or typed

Note : 2.  If power is not used at the time of filling up this Form, but is introduced later, the facts

should be communicated to the Inspector of Factories and Chief Inspector immediately.

Note : 3.  If any of the person named at column No. 8 is a minor, deaf and dumb, the fact should be

clearly stated.

Note : 4.  In case the column No. 8 is inadequate to fill in the required information, a separate sheet

shall be appended to the same which should be attested by the Occupier.

Click Here To Download Renewal of Factory Licence

1 comment - What do you think?
Posted by Hrformats - February 3, 2012 at 9:33 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , ,

Renewal of Factory Licence

 I have Attached Renewal of Factory Licence


1[FORM  No. 2

 [See Rule 4 (1), 7(2) and 12]







FOR YEAR/YEARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             FACTORY LICENCE NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.            Full name of the factory                                             :

2.            (a)  Full postal address and situation of the factory          :

Phone No. . . . . . . .  . . . .

(b)  Full address to which communication relating          :

to the factory should be sent

3.            Nature of manufacturing process/processes


(a)  carried on in the factory during the last twelve

months (in case of factories already in existence)        :


(b)    to be carried in the factory during the next                 :

twelve months (in case of all factories)


4.            Names and values of the products manufactured            :

during the lext twelve months

(in case of factories already in existence)


5.            (i)  Maximum number of workers proposed to be            :           Men                Women

employed on any one day during the year,

applied for


(ii)  Maximum number of workers employed on              :             Men               Women

any one day during the last twelve months

(in case of factories already in existence)


(iii)  Number of workers to be ordinarily employed         :

in the factory

6.     (a)   Nature and Total amount of power installed

(H.P. of motors)                                                               :

(i)  Installed                                                                     :

(ii)  Proposed to be installed                                         :


(b)    K.W. of Electric Factories or attached Power

Houses or Heating Circuits.

7.     Full name & residential address of the person who          :

shall be the Manager of the factory for the

purpose of the Act

8.     Full name and residential address of the Occupier i.e.     :


(i)  The Proprietor of the Factory in case of the

Private Firm / Proprietary] concern                               :

(ii)        Any one of the individual partner/name and          :

residential address of other partners.

(iii)      The Director in case of a Public Limited                    :

Company or Firm


(iv)      The Managing Director and Directors of a

Private Company                                                           :


(v)         In case of factories owned or controlled by the        :

Central Government/State Government or

any Local Authority, the person or persons

appointed to manage the affairs of the factory by

the Central Government, the State Government

or the Local Authority as the case may be

(The appointment order of such person or

occupier shall be enclosed)


9.            Full name & address of the owner of the premises           :

or building (Including the precincts thereof

referred to in Section 93)


10.    In case of a factory constructed or extended, after the      :

date of the commencement of these rules


(i)   Reference number and date of approval of the           :

plans for site, for old or new buildings and for

construction or extension of factory by the

Chief Inspector ; and ,


(ii)    Reference number and date of the arrangements,      :

if any, made for disposal of trade waste & effluents

and the name of the authority granting such approval,

copy of certificate to be enclosed.


10.      Amount of fee Rs…………………..…… (Rupees………………………………………) paid into

the ………………………… Treasury/Bank on .……………….. vide Challan/D.D/Cheque No.  …………………  (enclosed)




(SIGNATURE OF THE OCCUPIER)                                  (SIGNATURE OF THE MANAGER)

(NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)                                                (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)

Date: …………………………                                                Date. …………………………


Note : 1.  This Form should be completed in legible ink in Block letters or typed

Note : 2.  If power is not used at the time of filling up this Form, but is introduced later, the facts

should be communicated to the Inspector of Factories and Chief Inspector immediately.

Note : 3.  If any of the person named at column No. 8 is a minor, deaf and dumb, the fact should be

clearly stated.

Note : 4.  In case the column No. 8 is inadequate to fill in the required information, a separate sheet

shall be appended to the same which should be attested by the Occupier.

Click Here To Download Renewal of Factory License

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Posted by Hrformats - January 24, 2012 at 10:48 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , ,