Various Returns Under Factories Act 1948
Please find the soft copy of various returns under factories act.
Form 34 (Revised)
[Prescribed under Rule 12(a)]
For the year ending 31st December __________
1. Registration number of Factory :
2. Name of Factory : M/s
3. Name of Occupier : Mr.
4. Name of the Manager : Mr.
5. District :
6. Full Postage Address of Factory :
7. Nature of Industry :
8. No. of days worked in the year :
9. No. of Man Days worked during the
a) Men :
b) Women :
c) Children :
- Average number of workers employed :
(See explanatory note)
a) Adults (i) Men
(ii) Women
b) Adolescent (i) Male
(ii) Female
c) Children (i) Male
(ii) Female
- Total No. of Man hours worked including over time :
a) Men :
b) Women :
c) Children :
- Average number of hours worked per week :
(See explanatory note)
a) Men :
b) Women :
- (a) Does the factory carry out process or operations
Declared as dangerous under section 87 (see rule 116)
(b) if so, give the following information
Name of the dangerous process of operations Average No. of persons employed daily in each of
Carried on the processes or operations given in col 1
1 2
- Total number of workers employed during the year:
a) Men
b) Women
c) Children
- Number of workers who were entitled to annual
Leave with wages during the year
a) Men
b) Women
c) Children
- Number of workers who were granted leave during the year
a) Men
b) Women
c) Children
- a) Number of workers who were discharged, or
Dismissed from the services, or quit employment,
Or were superannuated, or who died while
Service during the year.
b) Number of such workers in respect of whom
wages in lieu of leave were paid.
18. a) Number of Safety Officers required to be
Appointed as per notification under
Section 40-B
b) Number of Safety Officers appointed
- Is there an ambulance room provided in the
Factory as required under Section 45?
- a) Is there a canteen provided in the factory
required under section 46?
b) Is the canteen provided managed?
i) Departmentally, or
ii) Through a Contractor?
- a) Are there adequate & suitable shelters or rest
Rooms provided in the factory as required under
Section 47?
b) Are there adequate and suitable much rooms
Provided in the factory as required under
Section 47?
- Is there a crèche provided in the factory as
Required under section 48?
23. a) Number of Welfare Officers required to be
Appointed under section 49?
b) Number of Welfare Officers appointed
24. a) Total Number of accidents (see explanatory note)
i) Fetal
ii) Non-Fetal
b) Accident in which workers returned to work
During the year to which this returns relate.
i) Accidents (workers injured) occurring during
The previous year in which injured works
Returned to work during the year to which this
Return relates.
aa) Number of Accidents
bb) Man Days lost due to Accidents
c) Accidents (workers injured) occurring during the
Previous year in which injured workers did not
Return to work during the year to which this return relate to
aa) Number of Accidents
bb) Man Days lost due to Accidents
25. a) Is a suggestion scheme in operation in the factory?
b) If so, the number of suggestions
i) Received during the year
ii) Accepted during the year
d) Amount awarded in cash prizes during the year
i) Total amount awarded
ii) Value of maximum cash prizes awarded
iii) Value of minimum cash prizes awarded
Certified that the information furnished above is to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct.
Signature of the Manager
Explanatory Note: –
- The average number of workers employed daily should be calculated by dividing the aggregate number of attendance on working days (that is, man days worked) by the number of working days in the year. In reckoning attendance, attendance by temporary as well as permanent employed should be counted and all employees should be included, whether they are employed directly or under contractors. Attendance on separate shifts (e.g. night and day shifts) should be counted separately. Days on which the factory was closed for whatever cause and days on which the manufacturing processes were not carried on should not be treated as working days. Partial attendance for less than half a shift on a working day should be ignored, while attendance for half a shift or more or such day should be treated as full attendance.
- For seasonal factories, the average number of workers employed during the working season and off-season should be given separately. Similarly the number of days worked and average number of man-hours worked per week during the working and off-season should be given separately.
- The average number of hours worked per week means the total actual hours worked by all workers during the year excluding the rest intervals but including overtime work, divided by the product of total number of workers employed in the factory during the year and 52. In the case the factory has not worked for the whole year, the number of weeks during which the factory worked should be used in place of the figure52.
- Every person killed or injured should be treated as one separate accident. If in one occurrence six persons were injured or killed, should be counted six accidents.
- In item 24(a), the number of accidents, which took place during the year, should be given. In case non-fatal accidents only those accidents, which prevented workers from working for 48 hours or more, should be indicated.
Annual Return for the year 2010
Prescribed under section 18(I) of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 abd Rule 21 (4-A) of the H.P. Minimum Wages Rules, 1959
Note: Information may be given only for those categories of workers in respect of whom minimum wages have been fixed under the minimum wages act, 1948.
- Name of Establishment with full postal address:
- No. of days worked during the year:
Adults Children
- No. of Man days worked during the year _________ ________
(Total Attendence)
- Average No. of persons employed daily during
The year _________ _________
5. Total Wages Paid Rs._____________
6. Cash Value of Wages Paid in Kind
- Deductions made on account of
Fine Damage or Loss Breach of Contract
No. of Cases
No. of Cases
No. of Cases
- Balance of the fine fund at the beginning of the year __________________
- Disbursement from the fine fund: –
Purpose Amount Spent
a) _____________________________ ______________________________
b) _____________________________ _______________________________
c) _____________________________ _______________________________
d) _____________________________ _______________________________
10. Balance of fine fund at the end of the year: _____________________________
Signature of the Manager
Date ……………………
- a) Name of the factory or establishment and postal address
b) Code No.
c) Industry
- Number of days worked during the year:
- a) No. of Man days worked during the year:
b) Average daily No. of persons employed during the year:
Persons receiving Persons receiving Rs. 1000 and
Less than Rs. 1000 more but less than Rs. 10000
a) Gross amount paid as remuneration to persons getting less than Rs. 1000 including deductions under section 7 (2) …………………….. of which the amount due to profit sharing bonus is ……………………….. and that due to money value of concession is ………………………………..
b) Gross amount paid as remuneration to persons getting Rs. 1000 and more but less than 10000 including deductions under section 7 (2) ……………… of which the amount due to profit sharing bonus is …………………. And that due to money value of concession is ………………………..]
- Total wages paid including deductions under section 7 (2) on the following account :-
Persons receiving less Persons receiving Rs. 1000 and
Than Rs. 1000 more but less than Rs. 10000
a) Basic wages including over time
Wages and non-profit sharing
b) Dearness and other allowance
In cash
c) Arrears of pay in respect of previous
Year paid and during the year.
- 5. Number of cases and amount realized as: –
Persons receiving less Persons receiving Rs. 1000 and
Than Rs. 1000 more but less than Rs. 10000
No. of |
Cases AmountNo. of CasesAmount
a) Fines
b) Deduction for Damages or Loss
c) Deduction for Breach of Contract
6. Disbursement From Fines fund: Purpose Amount
7. Balance of fines fund in hand at the end of the year Rs. ……………………….
Signature ………………….
Designation ……………….
- This is the aggregate number of attendance during the year. The average daily number persons employed during the year is obtained by dividing the aggregate number of attendance during the year by the number of working days.
- Money value of concessions should be obtained by taking difference of the cost price paid by the employer and the actual price paid by the employees for supplier of essential commodities given free or at concessional rates.
(See rule 16)
Details of payment made during the year ending 31st December 2008
Name of person to whom paid _____________ Amount paid _____________
1. Date of payment _______________
2. Woman Employee _______________
3. Nominee of woman _______________
4. Legal representative of woman _______________
5. Amount for the period preceding date of expected delivery _______________
6. Amount of the subsequent period _______________
7. Under section 8 of the Act _______________
8. Under section 9 of the Act _______________
9. Under section 10 of the Act _______________
10. Number of the woman workers who absconded after receiving the first installment of maternity benefits _______________
11. Cases where claims were contested in a court of law _______________
12. Result of such cases _______________
13. Remarks _______________
Date _____________
(See Rule 16)
1 | Name of the Establishment | M/S |
2 | Address of the establishment, P.O. District |
3Date of opening the establishment 4Date of closing, if closed 5Postal address of the establishment 6Name of the Employer, postal address of the Employer 7Name of Managing Agent, if any, Postal Address of Managing Agent 8Name of Agent or Representative of employer, Postal address of Representative of Employer
9Name of Manager, Postal address of Manager
10(a) Name of Medical Officer, if any attached to the establishment?
(b) Qualification of medical Officer attached to the establishment
(c) Is he resident at the establishment?
(d) If a part time employee, how often does he pay visit to the establishment? 11(a) Is there any hospital attached to the establishment?
(b) If so, how manyu beds are provided for women employees?
(c) Is there a lady Doctor?
(d) If so, what are her qualifications?
(e) Is there a qualified Midwife?
(f) Has any Crech been Provided?
Form 35
For the Period ending 30th June ___________
Name of Factory : M/s
Name of Occupier : Mr.
Name of the Manager : Mr.
- District :
- Full Postage Address of Factory :
- Nature of Industry :
- Average No. of Employees worked :
Men :
Women :
Men __________________
Women _______________
Men __________________
Women _______________
- Total Number of Hours worked at the end of 91104 hrs
31st Dec 2008 during the Half Year _______ Days
Signature of Occupier Signature of Manager
- The average number of workers employed daily should be calculated by dividing the aggregate number of attendance on working days (that is man days worked) by the number of working days in the last six months. In reckoning attendance, attendance by temporary as well as permanent employed should be counted and all employees should be included, whether they are employed directly or under contractors. Attendance on separate shifts (e.g. night and day shifts) should be counted separately. Days on which the factory was closed for whatever cause and days on which the manufacturing processes were not carried on should not be treated as working days.
- Partial attendance for less than half a shift on a working day should be ignored, while attendance for half a shift or more such day should be treated as full attendance
Certified that the information furnished above is to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct.
Date ………………………….. Signature of the Manager
Return relating to period from Jan-2008 to 31st Dec-2008
State :
District :
Town or Village :
Post Office :
Name of Establishment :
Name of Work :
Average Numbers Employed Per day : ____________________________________
Adults (Men) :
Minors (Women) :
Accidents |
Occupational Diseases |
Number of cases of injuries in respect of which final compensation has been paid during the year | Amount of compensation paid | Number of cases of diseases in respect of which final compensation has been paid during the year | Amount of compensation paid | ||||||||
Death | Permanent Disablement | Temporary Disablement | Death | Permanent Disablement | Temporary Disablement | Death | Permanent Disablement | Temporary Disablement | Death | Permanent Disablement | Temporary Disablement |
Adult |
Date:……………………… Signature………………………………
Note4s: –
- In case where more establishment than one are owned by the same employer, a separate return should be furnished for each establishment. When in any establishment the workmen employed fall in two or more of the district categories to which the return relates, e.g. in the case of a tea estate categories A and B (v) a separate sheet should be used for the statistics of each category.
- Enter the class of establishment according to the process or product, e.g. cotton weaving and spinning factory, coal mine.
- Include all employees whether permanent or temporary who would, in the case of accidents be eligible for compensation under the act and for whom a return is required to be furnished. Numbers employed should be shown even if there are no payments of compensation to report.
- Include only those cases in which the final payment of compensation was made during the year. A deposit with commissioner should be treated as a payment of the employer.
- Include all compensation paid in respect of the cases mentioned in footnote (4), whether such compensation was paid during the year or previous to its commencement. Exclude all payments in cases in which the final payment had not been made by the end of the year to which the return relates.
- Only such disablement as last for more than seven days should be shown [Section (4) (I)(d) of the Act]
- Where the benefit actually allowed (e.g. hospital leave on full pay) is in excess of the compensation admissible under the act, only the amount of compensation so admissible should be entered in the return.
- Viz, anthrax, lead poisoning, phosphorus poisoning, mercury poisoning, benzene poisoning, chrome ulceration and compressed air illness only.
(See rule 16)
Prosecution during the year ending 31st December 2008
Place of employment of the women employee | Number of cases instigated |
Number of cases which resulted in convictionRemarks
Dated: _______________________
(See Rule 16)
1 | Name of [the Mine or Circus] | |
2 | Aggregate number of women permanently or temporarily employed during the year | |
3 | Number of women who worked for a period of not less than [eighty days] in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of delivery | |
4 | Number of women who gave notice under section 6 | |
5 | Number of women who were granted permission to remain absent on receipt of notice of confinement | |
6 | Number of claims for maternity benefit paid | |
7 | Number of claims for maternity benefit rejected | |
8 | Number of cases where pre-natal, confinement and post-natal care was provided by the management free of charge (section 8) | |
9 | Number of claims for medical bonus paid (section 8) | |
10 | Number of medical claims for medical bonus rejected. | |
11 | Number of cases in which leave for miscarriage [MTP] was granted. | |
12 | Number of cases in which leave for miscarriage [MTP] was applied for but was rejected. |
a) Number of cases in which leave for tubectomy operation under section 9A was granted.
b) Number of cases in which leave for tubectomy operation was applied for but was rejected. 13Number of cases in which additional leave for illness under section 10 was granted 14Number of cases in which additional leave for illness under section 10 was applied for but was rejected. 15Number of women who died
a) Before delivery.
b) After delivery. 16Number of cases in which payment was made to persons other than the woman concerned 17Number of women discharged or dismissed while working 18Number of women deprived of maternity benefit and / or medical bonus under provision to sub section (2) of section 12 19Number of cases in which payment was made on the order of the Competent Authority or Inspector 20Remarks
N.B. – Full particulars of each case and reasons for the action taken under serials 7, 10, 12, 14, 17 and 18 should be given in Appendix below:-
[See Rule 82(2)]
1 | Full name and address of the Principal Employer |
2Name of Establishment
(a) District
(b) Postal Address
(‘c) Nature of operations / industry / work carried on 3Full name of the Manager or person responsible for supervision and control of the establishment 4No. of contractors who worked in the establishment during the year (Give details in Annexure) 5Nature of work / operation on which contract labour was employed 6Total number of days during the year on which contract labour was employed 7Total number of days maydays worked by contract labour during the year 8Maximum No. of workmen employed directly on any day during the year 9Total no. of days during the year on which direct labour was employed 10Total No. of maydays worked by directly employed workmen 11Change, if any, in the management of the establishment, its location or any other particulars furnished to the Registering Officer in the application for Registration indicating also the date
Place: Kumarhatti
Name and address Period of Contract Nature of Maximum No. of No. of
Of the Contractor From — to o– Work No. of workers days Mondays
Employed by each worked worked
1 2 3 4 5 6
[See Rule 82(1)]
HALF YEAR ENDING ON_______________________
1 | Name and address of Contractor | |
2 | Name and address of Establishment | |
3 | Name and Address of Principal Employer |
4Duration of ContractFrom to
5No. of days during the half year on which –
a) the establishment of the principal employer had worked
b) the contractors establishment had worked 6Maximum number of contract labour employed on any day during the half year:
Childern 7i) Daily hours of work and spread over—
ii) (a) Whether weekly holidays observed and on what day
(b) If so, whether it was paid for—
iii) Number of man hours of overtime worked—
8Number of mandays worked by-
Childern 9Amount of wages paid
Childern 10Amount of deductions from wages, if any-
Childern 11Whether the following have been provided
i) Canteen
ii) Rest Rooms
iii) Drinking water
iv) Creches
v) First Aid
(if the answer is ‘yes’ state briefly standards provided)
Place: Kumarhatti
Signature of Contractor
[See Rule 5]
Annual return – bonus paid to employees for the accounting year ending on 31.03.2008
1. Name of Establishment and its complete postal M/s
2. Name of Industry M/s
3. Name of Employer
4. Total Number of Employee
5. Number of employees benefited by bonus payments
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Total amount payable as bonus under section 10 or 1 of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 as the cas may be | Settlement if any, reached under section 18(1) or 12(3) of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 with date | Percentage of Bonus declared to be paid | Total amount of bonus actually paid | Date on which payment made | Whether bonus has been paid to all the employees if not, reason for non payment | Remaarks |
8.33% |
Rs. |
Paid to all eligible employee |
Authorised Signatory
Ref. Date:
The Labour Commissioner – Cum-
Chief Inspector of Factories,
Shimla – Himachal Pradesh
Sub. Submission of Annual Return 2008
Please find enclosed herewith the following documents:
- Application in prescribed form-34 (Revised)
- Workmen’s Compensation
- Application form No. III
- Application form No. IV
- Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form –“L”
- Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form – “N”
- Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form – “O”
- Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Form – “M”
- Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 Form – “D”
- Half yearly Return Form – 35
- Principal Employer Return Form – 25
Kindly do the needful and oblige.
Thanking you.
Yours Truly,
Authorised Signatory
Form 27a Monthly Return Under Factories Act
Attached herewith Form 27 A this is a monthly return fill up every month before 10th.
Form 27 A | |||||||||
Monthly Return | |||||||||
[ See rule 119 (2) ] | |||||||||
Salary statement for the month ended……………………………… | |||||||||
This return is to be submitted by all factories electronically | |||||||||
General information | |||||||||
1 | Name and address of factory, street, | ||||||||
city, district | |||||||||
2 | Name and designation of owner /employer | ||||||||
3 | Name and designation of manager | ||||||||
4 | Contact details of employer | Telephone | Fax | ||||||
Mobile | |||||||||
5 | Contact details of manager | Telephone | Fax | ||||||
Mobile | |||||||||
6 | Unique Factory Number | ||||||||
7 | Registration number and its expiry date under | Registration Number | Expiry Date | ||||||
Factoris Act | |||||||||
8 | Legal Status of establishment | a.Proprietorship | |||||||
b.Partnership | |||||||||
c.Private Limited Company | |||||||||
d.Public Limited Company | |||||||||
e.Cooperative Firm | |||||||||
f.Family Business | |||||||||
g.Other | |||||||||
9 | Ownership | a. National | |||||||
b.Foreign | |||||||||
c.Joint National and Foreign | |||||||||
10 | Type of employment as per the Schedule | write down approriate type among the | |||||||
in the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 | Schedule | ||||||||
(Examplaes : Engineering, Loundry, Plastics etc.) | |||||||||
11 | Date of commencement of factory | ||||||||
Workforce | |||||||||
Workers over 18 years | Workers over 15 years but < 18 years | Workers below15 years | Total | ||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | ||
12 | Managers and supervisors (whose wage < 10,000) | ||||||||
13 | Number of permanent employees | ||||||||
14 | Contract workers | ||||||||
15 | Temporary workers | ||||||||
Casual workers | |||||||||
Badli workers | |||||||||
16 | Apprentices | ||||||||
Trainees | |||||||||
17 | Family members | ||||||||
Paid | |||||||||
Unpaid | |||||||||
Innovative Model to Calculate Return on Training Investment
I have Attached Innovative Model to Calculate Return on Training Investment
Most Companies Lack Adequate Diet of ROTI
Research indicates that the ‘transfer of learning’ from management and executive training programmes to the workplace hovers in
the pitiful range of 10-30%. Even so, the amount of resources in time and money invested in such training continues to grow. This
begs the question: are organisations addressing the issue of Return on Training Investment (ROTI) adequately? If not, why not?
Why are training investments not assessed for accountability and returns, as other investments? This question is particularly
timely for organisations in India. The market for management and executive training in India is primed for explosive growth,
propelled by the arrival of topranked institutions such as Harvard, Duke, and Wharton. Indian organisations will soon be blitzed
with marketing efforts from these top-ranked providers of executive training, and we can expect to see increasing numbers of
Indian managers and executives receiving premium-priced training from these and other institutes. The key question: Will
organisations attempt to address the issue of ROTI from these programmes? Most probably, they will not, offering the stock
argument that ROTI is a complex and nebulous idea, and that they don’t have the capability to do so. This argument has only
limited merit; even if organisations don’t have the capability to measure ROTI comprehensively, some of the steps involved could
be assessed, providing insights into the value of training programmes.
It is important to recognise that the end goal of a typical training programme is not simply learning, but rather, the application of
learning in the workplace. To understand why some managers successfully “act” on their learning after attending a programme
and why others don’t, organisations must appreciate that a training programme is part of a process, rather than a discrete event.
This process includes at least two steps before the training programme: Recognition (recognition of the need for training),
Matching (matching the right managers to the right programme), and at least three steps after the training programme:
Application (application of the learning in the workplace), Impact (assessment of the impact made by the application of the
learning), and Return (measurement of ROI based on impact to the organisation, taking into consideration all relevant costs.) The
pre-programme steps are not necessarily complex and can typically be achieved by currently available expertise in most
organisations through their HR or other relevant departments. The post-programme steps of ROTI are more involved. First, they
require managers to return from training programmes with clear “action plans” that include a schedule for applying one or more
aspects of the learning. Second, organisations need to ensure that they have access to the expertise needed to help assess
application of the learning in the workplace, and evaluate its impact so that ROTI can be addressed. For organisations that have
never addressed ROTI, enforcing all the steps could be difficult initially. However, at the very least, both pre-programme steps can
be enforced, and the first post-programme step can be checked. Most important, data collected on the first two pre-programme
steps can be tied to managers’ successful (or not so successful) application of learning in the workplace, and help shed light on
why the application of learning may vary across managers. These efforts can lay the foundation to ultimately address ROTI, and
ensure training—like other investments—is also subjected to scrutiny, and is assessed for accountability and returns.
Categories: HR Tags: Calculate, Innovative, Investment, Model, on, Return, to, Training
New Monthly Return Under Factories Act in Maharashtra
I am attaching format of monthly return (Form 27A) introduced for the first time under Maharashtra Factories (Amendment) Rules 2012 notified on 3.1.2012 to be filed by all factories electronically by 10th of each month. It will be noticed that wages sheet giving employee-wise details of wages has also to be filed with the return. In case of factories having less than 10 employees and covered under Section 85 shall file monthly return in respect of 3 months at the end of the quarter.
Please visit website of Directorate of Industrial Safety & Health:
Government of Maharashtra Directorate Industrial Safety and Health Department
Form 27 A | |||||||||
Monthly Return | |||||||||
[ See rule 119 (2) ] | |||||||||
Salary statement for the month ended……………………………… | |||||||||
This return is to be submitted by all factories electronically | |||||||||
General information | |||||||||
1 | Name and address of factory, street, | ||||||||
city, district | |||||||||
2 | Name and designation of owner /employer | ||||||||
3 | Name and designation of manager | ||||||||
4 | Contact details of employer | Telephone | Fax | ||||||
Mobile | |||||||||
5 | Contact details of manager | Telephone | Fax | ||||||
Mobile | |||||||||
6 | Unique Factory Number | ||||||||
7 | Registration number and its expiry date under | Registration Number | Expiry Date | ||||||
Factoris Act | |||||||||
8 | Legal Status of establishment | a.Proprietorship | |||||||
b.Partnership | |||||||||
c.Private Limited Company | |||||||||
d.Public Limited Company | |||||||||
e.Cooperative Firm | |||||||||
f.Family Business | |||||||||
g.Other | |||||||||
9 | Ownership | a. National | |||||||
b.Foreign | |||||||||
c.Joint National and Foreign | |||||||||
10 | Type of employment as per the Schedule | write down approriate type among the | |||||||
in the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 | Schedule | ||||||||
(Examplaes : Engineering, Loundry, Plastics etc.) | |||||||||
11 | Date of commencement of factory | ||||||||
Workforce | |||||||||
Workers over 18 years | Workers over 15 years but < 18 years | Workers below15 years | Total | ||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | ||
12 | Managers and supervisors (whose wage < 10,000) | ||||||||
13 | Number of permanent employees | ||||||||
14 | Contract workers | ||||||||
15 | Temporary workers | ||||||||
Casual workers | |||||||||
Badli workers | |||||||||
16 | Apprentices | ||||||||
Trainees | |||||||||
17 | Family members | ||||||||
Paid | |||||||||
Unpaid | |||||||||
Click Here To Download New Monthly Return Under Factories Act
PF 3A Return Format
I have attached the ecr file for pf e return and If you could use the e-Return tool of EPFO, it will be lot easier to generate Form 3A.
Guidelines | |
1 | At the time of conversion in CSV format you can remove the headers also remove guidelines sheet |
2 | Members ID duplication protected – We cannot enter the same member id again |
3 | Date field format – dd/mm/yyyy |
4 | Relationship with the Member – Select the option for new members |
5 | Gender – Select the option for new members |
6 | Reason for leaving – Select the option for the exit members if applicable |
7 | For more details refer ECR_ForEmployers_FileStructure.pdf file |
Click Here To Download PF 3A Return Format
New monthly return under Factories Act
I have Attached New monthly return under Factories Act
Form 27 A | |||||||||
Monthly Return | |||||||||
[ See rule 119 (2) ] | |||||||||
Salary statement for the month ended……………………………… | |||||||||
This return is to be submitted by all factories electronically | |||||||||
General information | |||||||||
1 | Name and address of factory, street, | ||||||||
city, district | |||||||||
2 | Name and designation of owner /employer | ||||||||
3 | Name and designation of manager | ||||||||
4 | Contact details of employer | Telephone | Fax | ||||||
Mobile | |||||||||
5 | Contact details of manager | Telephone | Fax | ||||||
Mobile | |||||||||
6 | Unique Factory Number | ||||||||
7 | Registration number and its expiry date under | Registration Number | Expiry Date | ||||||
Factoris Act | |||||||||
8 | Legal Status of establishment | a.Proprietorship | |||||||
b.Partnership | |||||||||
c.Private Limited Company | |||||||||
d.Public Limited Company | |||||||||
e.Cooperative Firm | |||||||||
f.Family Business | |||||||||
g.Other | |||||||||
9 | Ownership | a. National | |||||||
b.Foreign | |||||||||
c.Joint National and Foreign | |||||||||
10 | Type of employment as per the Schedule | write down approriate type among the | |||||||
in the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 | Schedule | ||||||||
(Examplaes : Engineering, Loundry, Plastics etc.) | |||||||||
11 | Date of commencement of factory | ||||||||
Workforce | |||||||||
Workers over 18 years | Workers over 15 years but < 18 years | Workers below15 years | Total | ||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | ||
12 | Managers and supervisors (whose wage < 10,000) | ||||||||
13 | Number of permanent employees | ||||||||
14 | Contract workers | ||||||||
15 | Temporary workers | ||||||||
Casual workers | |||||||||
Badli workers | |||||||||
16 | Apprentices | ||||||||
Trainees | |||||||||
17 | Family members | ||||||||
Paid | |||||||||
Unpaid | |||||||||
Click Here To Download New monthly return under Factories Act
Annual Return Under Factories Act
I have Attached Annual Return Under Factories Act
FORM 27 (Annual Return) [see rule 119 (1)]
For the year ending________________________________________
General information
1 |
Name and address of factory – | ||||||||||||||
street, city, Taluka, district | |||||||||||||||
2 |
Name | and |
designation |
of |
occupier | |||||||||||||||
3 |
Name | and |
designation |
of |
manager | |||||||||||||||
4 |
Contact details of occupier | Telephone | Fax | ||||||||||||
Mobile |
5 |
Contact details of manager | Telephone | Fax | ||||||||||||
Mobile |
6 |
Registration number of factory | ||||||||||||||
7 |
License under Factories Act | License Number |
Renewed |
upto | |||||||||||||||
8 |
Installed HP | ||||||||||||||
9 |
Legal organization | (a) sole proprietor | (b) | partnership |
(c) private |
company (d) public company | |||||||||||||||
(e) cooperative (f) family business (g) govt./semi | |||||||||||||||
government(h) other | |||||||||||||||
10 |
Ownership | (a) national | (b) | foreign | (c) | joint | national |
and |
foreign | |||||||||||||||
11 |
Manufacturing | process | as |
per |
3 digit code as per attached Classification |
of |
NIC 2008 | Manufacturing Processes | ||||||||||||||
12 |
Plan approval number and date ( | Number | Date | ||||||||||||
in chronological order) | |||||||||||||||
13 |
Does | the | factory | have |
a |
Yes/No If yes, what is the date of issue of |
the |
Certificate of Stability? | certificate? | ||||||||||||||
14 |
Permanent |
serial No. of factory |
Workforce | |||||||||||||||
15 |
Mention maximum number of workers employed for any | ||||||||||||||
day of the year | Male | Female | |||||||||||||
Permanent employees | |||||||||||||||
i) Managers and supervisors | |||||||||||||||
ii) Workers | |||||||||||||||
a) Workers over 18 years | |||||||||||||||
b) Workers over 14 years but < 18 years | |||||||||||||||
Total- | |||||||||||||||
16 |
Contract workers | ||||||||||||||
17 |
Daily wage workers | ||||||||||||||
i) Temporary workers | |||||||||||||||
ii) Casual workers | |||||||||||||||
18 |
i) Apprentices | ||||||||||||||
– 3 – |
ii) Trainees
Total of Sr.No.15 to 18
19 Family members of the owner of the factory
a) Paid
b) Unpaid
20 a) Security/watchmen
b)Name of Security Agency/ Security Guard Board
c) Mathadi workers
21 |
For permanent workers, how many years of | service? |
Less than 1 year | ||
1 year to <5years | ||
5 years to <10 years | ||
More than 10 years |
Yes |
No |
(If so,number) |
22 Does the factory employ its own security guards as direct employees?
23 Does the factory employ its own Mathadi workers as direct employees?
24 Does the factory employ its own cleaning staff as direct employees?
25 Are any contract workers inter-State migrant workers?
26 |
What was the date of the last | Date | |||||
inspection | by | a |
factory |
inspector? | |||||||
27 |
What was the date of the last | Date | |||||
spot safety audit by a factory | |||||||
inspector? | |||||||
28 |
What was the date of the last | Date | |||||
occupational, | health | and |
safety |
audit conducted by an internal | |||||||
auditor? | |||||||
29 |
What was the date of the last | Date | |||||
occupational, | health | and |
safety |
audit conducted by an external | |||||||
auditor? | |||||||
30 |
What was the date of the last | Date | |||||
examination | by | a |
competent |
person? | Equipment/machinery examined ______________ | ||||||
What was examined on that | |||||||
date? (Indicate) | |||||||
31 |
Does the factory hold any | Yes/No | |||||
OSHA 18001,ISO | 14001 |
or |
If YES, which certification(s) and what was the last | ||||
other similar certification? | date of certificate renewal? | ||||||
32 |
Does the factory have a Code of | Yes/No | |||||
Conduct as required by buyers | If YES, what was the last date of inspection by a | ||||||
of the factories’ products? | buyer or buyer’s representative? |
– 4 –
Dangerous operations and hazardous processes
33 |
Which of the operations among | Indicate all operations that are conducted |
Dangerous Operations Schedule | ||
are conducted in the factory? | If none of the operations listed in the schedule are | |
conducted, write NIL. | ||
34 |
Is your factory in the list of | |
Industries involving hazardous | ||
processes as defined under | ||
section 2 (cb) of the factories | If none, write NIL. | |
Act 1948? | ||
If yes, which are the hazardous | ||
processes that are carried out in | ||
the factory |
Storages of Hazardous Substances
35. | Do | you | store | any |
hazardous |
(i) | chemicals as listed in Schedule 1 | |||||||
annexed to CIMAH Rules 2003, | ||||||||
in your factory? If so, give the | If none write NIL | |||||||
list. | ||||||||
(ii) | Do | you | store | quantities |
of |
hazardous chemicals equal to or | ||||||||
above threshold limits as listed | If none write NIL | |||||||
in column 3 of Schedule 2 | ||||||||
annexed to CIMAH Rules 2003, | ||||||||
in your factory? If so, give the | ||||||||
list along with inventory. | ||||||||
Does your factory fall under | Yes/No | |||||||
MAH category? | ||||||||
(iii) | If your factory falls under MAH | |||||||
category, | ||||||||
(a) Have you submitted site | Give date of submission | |||||||
notification report? | ||||||||
(b) Have you prepared and | Give date of preparation | |||||||
submitted | ON | site |
emergency |
plan? | ||||||||
(c)Have you updated ON site | Give Date when last updated and submitted. | |||||||
emergency plan? | ||||||||
(d)Dates of Mock drill along | Give Dates of Mock drill along with scenario, | |||||||
with scenario, carried out in the | carried out in the year. | |||||||
year. | ||||||||
(iv) | Do | you | store | quantities |
of |
hazardous chemicals equal to or | ||||||||
above threshold limits as listed | ||||||||
in column 4 of Schedule 2 | ||||||||
annexed to CIMAH Rules 2003, | ||||||||
in your factory? If So, give the | ||||||||
list along with inventory. | ||||||||
(a) Have you prepared and | Give date of submission | |||||||
submitted Safety Report? | ||||||||
(b)Have you carried |
out safety |
Give date and date of submission of compliance |
– 5 –
audit internally in a year? If not | report. |
(c)Have you carried out safety | |
audit externally? | Give date and date of submission of compliance |
report. |
Safety and health
36 Does the factory have a written Yes/No
safety and health policy? If YES, how is this communicated to workers?
(a) notice board
(b) circular
(c) other
If YES, what language is used?
(a) Marathi
(b) Hindi
(c) English
37 Does the factory have written Yes/No
safety guidelines for workers. If YES, how is this communicated to workers?
(a) notice board
(b) circular
(c) other
If YES, what language is used? | ||||
(a) | Marathi | |||
(b) | Hindi | |||
(c) | English | |||
38 |
Does the factory have an onsite | Yes/No | ||
emergency plan? | If YES, evacuation plan is displayed throughout the | |||
factory for all workers to see? | ||||
If YES, is there regular onsite emergency mock | ||||
drills involving evacuation drills? | ||||
If YES, what was the date of the last mock drill? | ||||
39 |
Does the factory have safety | Yes/No | ||
officers? | If YES, how many as on reporting date? _______ | |||
If yes, Whether he is a qualified Safety Officer as | ||||
per Rules? | ||||
40 |
Does the factory have a safety | Yes/No | ||
committee? | If | YES, how many workers are | member of the | |
safety committee? ______ | ||||
how many management representatives are | ||||
members? | ||||
If YES, how often does it meet? |
41 Does the factory have at least 2 Yes/No exits on each floor in each
building it occupies?
42 Are fire extinguishers placed Yes/No
throughout the factory? | If YES, how many extinguishers | ||||||
Sr.No. | Type | capacity | Quantity | ||||
1. |
Foam type | ||||||
2. |
Dry power | ||||||
3. |
Co2 | ||||||
4. |
Any other | ||||||
If YES, how many workers have been trained to use | |||||||
extinguishers? | |||||||
43 |
Does the factory have | first | aid | Yes/No |
– 6 –
boxes? | If YES, how many throughout the factory? _______ | ||||
If YES, how often are they checked for their | |||||
contents?__________ | |||||
44 |
Do any workers have a first aid | If YES, how many? | |||
certificate? | |||||
45 |
Does the factory have a | Yes/No | |||
HIV/AIDS policy? | |||||
46 |
Does the factory provide workers | If YES, which items are provided? | |||
with | personal | protective | Head protection | ||
equipments (PPE’s) ? | Foot protection | ||||
Eye protection | |||||
Ear protection | |||||
Hand protection | |||||
Body protection | |||||
Respiratory protection |
47 Are workers required to pay for Yes/No
any | protective |
clothing |
or |
If YES, which items? | ||||||
equipment? | ||||||||||
48 |
Has | the |
factory |
reported |
any |
Yes/No | ||||
accidents to the factory inspector | If YES, how many non-fatal? __________ | |||||||||
during the reporting period? | how many fatal? __________ | |||||||||
49 |
Has | the |
factory |
reported |
any |
Yes/No | ||||
occupational | diseases |
to |
the |
If YES, | how many non-fatal? __________ | |||||
factory |
inspector |
during |
the |
how many fatal? __________ | ||||||
reporting period? | ||||||||||
50 |
Has | the |
factory |
reported |
Yes/No | |||||
dangerous |
occurrence |
to |
the |
If YES, how many __________ | ||||||
factory |
inspector |
during |
the |
reporting period? | ||||||||||
51 |
Are | safety posters |
displayed in |
Yes/No | ||||||
the factory? |
Welfare facilities
Yes | No |
52 Does the factory provide drinking water for workers?
53 Does the factory have a crèche?
54 (a)Does the factory have a canteen?
(b) Is the canteen managed by-
(i) Departmentally or
(ii) Through a contractor or (iii)By co-operative society.
55 Is a lunch room provided?
56 Does the factory provide a locker for workers?
57 Is there a changing room for workers?
– 7 –
58 Is there a rest room or shelter for workers?
59 Is there a Occupational Health Centre?
60 Is the occupational health centre open to members of the worker’s family?
61 Is there an ambulance room?
62 Is there a full-time doctor in attendance?
63 Is there a part- time doctor?
64 Is there a full-time nurse in attendance?
65 Is there a part-time nurse?
66 Does the factory have separate toilets for men and women?
67 How many latrines for men?
68 How many urinals for men?
69 How many latrines for women?
70 Are the above facilities available to contract workers?
71 Is there a welfare officer?
If yes, number of welfare officers? ________________________
Wages and benefits | ||
72 | Are workers required to work | Yes/ No |
overtime? | If yes, what is the overtime rate of pay?______ | |
If yes, what was the highest number of | ||
overtime hours worked by a worker last month? | ||
________ | ||
73 a)How many hours per day (without | ||
overtime) | Number ____________________ | |
do workers work? | ||
b)How many days are required to | ______________________ | |
work for the worker per week? |
Industrial Relations
74 |
Does the factory have a written | Yes/No | ||||||
Policy | against |
sexual |
harassment? | ||||||||
75 |
Does | the | factory | have |
a |
Yes/No | ||
committee |
for |
redressal |
of |
sexual harassment ? | ||||||||
76 |
Have | any | sexual |
harassment |
Yes/No | |||
complaints |
been |
lodged within |
the factory during the reporting | ||||||||
period? | ||||||||
77 |
Does | the | factory | operate |
a |
Yes/No | ||
suggestion box scheme? | If YES, how many useful suggestions received | |||||||
during the period? ______ | ||||||||
how many suggestions were acted upon? _______ | ||||||||
how many workers rewarded for suggestions? |
___ |
how much amount was distributed as rewards?—– |
78 | Employment information | |||||
No. of days worked in a year:——— | ||||||
Workers | *Avg.No. | Number | **Avg. No. | Number of | Number of | |
– 8 –
of workers |
of man- |
of hours |
man-hours |
man hours |
employed |
days |
worked per |
worked on |
worked |
daily |
during the |
week |
overtime in |
including |
year |
a year |
overtime in a |
Adults | M |
year |
F | ||||||
Adolescents | M | |||||
(15-<18 years) | F | |||||
Children | M | |||||
(14-15 years) | F | |||||
Total | ||||||
See the explanatory note given below |
79 Leave with wages
Workers | Numb |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
No.of |
Number |
er |
entitled |
who |
of |
of |
of |
of workers |
workers |
of |
emplo |
to |
were |
discharg |
dismiss |
workers |
superannu |
who |
workers to |
yed |
annual |
granted |
ed |
ed |
who |
ated |
died |
whom |
leave |
leave |
workers |
workers |
quit the |
while in |
wages in |
employ |
service |
lieu of |
ment |
leave were |
paid |
Adults | M | ||||||||
F | |||||||||
Adolesc | M | ||||||||
ents | F | ||||||||
(15-<18 | |||||||||
years) | |||||||||
Children | M | ||||||||
(14-15 | F | ||||||||
years) |
80 |
Accident details |
(a) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Workers employed directly | Total | |||||||||||||||||||
Permanent | Temporary | Contract | ||||||||||||||||||
worker | ||||||||||||||||||||
No. Of Fatal accident | ||||||||||||||||||||
No. Of Non Fatal accidents | ||||||||||||||||||||
(b) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Dangerous occurrences | Fire | Explosion | Toxic | gas | Collapse | of building / | ||||||||||||||
release | structure | |||||||||||||||||||
No. Of dangerous | occurrences | |||||||||||||||||||
in a year | ||||||||||||||||||||
(c) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Number of |
Number of injured |
Number of workers |
Number of |
Number of workers |
workers |
workers who |
injured in previous |
man-days lost |
injured this year but |
injured |
returned to work in |
year who joined the |
have not joined during |
this year |
work this year |
this year |
81 | Occupational Disease details | |||||||||||||||||||
List | of |
occupational |
Occupational diseases reported in |
No. of Workers |
Mandays lost due |
diseases | which |
are |
the reporting period |
died due to |
to occupational |
– 9 –
relevant | to | your | Type | No. |
occupational |
diseases |
factory |
diseases |
82 |
Medical Checks by Certifying Surgeons |
Frequency of |
Dates of medical |
Name of the |
Number of |
Occupational | ||
health |
examination of the |
certifying surgeon |
workers |
diseases detected. | ||
checkups in |
workers |
who carried out the |
examined |
Type | No. | |
your factory |
medical |
examination |
83 Compensation/Ex-gratia details
Name of |
Age |
Monthly |
% |
Compensatio |
Ex- |
Whether |
Whether |
worker |
wages |
Disability |
n paid |
gratia |
legal heirs |
covered under |
amoun |
of |
ESIC or |
t |
deceased |
insured under |
Paid |
employed |
WC policy? If |
so give |
Injured |
details. |
Died |
84 Closure information of factory as per rule 125(2) of M.F.R., 1963
Name of factory and full address | ||
Date of closure | ||
Reasons for closure | ||
Nature | of closure, whether entire |
Entire/partial |
or partial. | ||
If partial the shift, section or | ||
department closed | ||
Number of workers on the muster | ||
roll at the time of closure | ||
Number of workers affected by the | ||
closure | ||
85 |
Re-opening information of factory as per rule 125(3) of M.F.R., 1963 |
Name of factory and full address | ||
Date of closure | ||
Number of workers affected at the | ||
time of closure | ||
Factory or any shift, section or | ||
department thereof reopened | ||
Number of workers on the muster | ||
roll at the time of reopening | ||
– 10 –
Number of workers re-employed | Re-employed |
and newly employed | Newly employed |
86 Is the factory a member of Yes/No the Mutual Aid and Response Group (MARG)
87 Has the company engaged Yes/No
in | any | other |
corporate |
If YES, | |
social |
responsibility |
what activities? ___________________________ | |||
activities during the period? | who benefited?_____________________________ | ||||
88 |
Does the |
factory employ |
Yes/No | ||
any disabled workers? | If YES, what types of disability? (e.g. physical, sight, | ||||
hearing, intellectual? _________ | |||||
how many men? ____________ | |||||
how many women ___________ | |||||
If YES,what special assistance and support, if any, has been | |||||
provided for them? __________ |
I verify and state that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of owner/manager-
Designation- Date:
Explanatory Notes :
*1 The average number of workers employed daily should be calculated by dividing the aggregate number of attendances on working days (that is, man-days worked) by the number of working days in year. In reckoning attendance, attendance by temporary as well as permanent employees should be counted, and all employees should be included, whether they are employed directly or by or through any agency including contractors. Attendance on separate shifts (e.g. night and day shifts) should be counted separately. Days on which the factory was closed for whatever cause, and days on which manufacturing process were not carried on should not be treated as working days. Partial attendance for less than half a shift on working days should be ignored, while attendance for half a shift or more on such day should be treated as full attendance.
– 11 –
2 For seasonal factories, the average number of workers employed during the working season and the off-season should be given separately. Similarly the number of days worked and average number of manhours worked per week during the working and off-season should be given separately.
**3 The average number of hours worked per week mean the total actual hours worked by all workers during the year excluding the rest intervals but including over-time work divided by the product of total number of workers employed in the factory during the year and 52. In case the factory has not worked for the whole year, the number of weeks during which the factory worked should be used in place of the figure 52.
4 Every person killed or injured should be treated as one separate accident. If in one occurrence, six persons were injured or killed, it should be counted as six accidents.
5 In items 24(a), the number of accidents which took place during the year should given. In case of non-fatal accidents only those accidents which prevented workers form working for 48 hours or more, should be indicated.
Letter of Appointment as a Consultant or Consultancy Agreement
I have attached the format for Consultancy Agreement . You can make the necessary changes as required; all fields in bold need to be updated.
This agreement is made on the <date> day of <month year>, between Mr. /Ms. <Name> aged about <age> residing at <Address, City, Pin> [herein after referred to as Consultant] of the one part and <Name of company> having its registered office at <office address in full> [herein after referred to as the Company] of the second part.
This agreement has been entered into between the Consultant and the Company and will be effective from <effective date> for a period of ELEVEN MONTHS i.e. up to <end date>. This agreement supersedes all previous agreements.
Now this agreement witnesses the following terms and conditions agreed between the parties and are binding on both.
1. The consultant shall be engaged under the designation of <”Designation- Department”> based at <Location>.
2. The consultant will work on all working days during the tenure of the agreement, and in no circumstances may the consultant engage himself in any other business whatsoever whilst so engaged.
3. The consultant shall not indulge in any act or omission, which is likely to harm the reputation of the company. The consultant will be signing the Non Disclosure Agreement of the company.
4. The consultant shall be paid remuneration of Rs. <salary/-> < (salary in words)> per month excluding service tax on consultation on the succeeding <payroll date> of the calendar month during the agreement period.
5. The consultant shall be paid remuneration as under during the agreement period:
Mention all details of compensation to be paid; for e.g.:
- Medical coverage will be provided to the consultant and his family to the extent of Rs…../- p.a. for hospitalization expenses only, apart from Group personal accident & workmen’s compensation coverage.
- The variable salary component, termed as Performance Linked Pay (PLP) will be pegged at 20% of your annual remuneration, and will be based on metrics, covering the business, financial and performance parameters and will be based on a combination of-
a) The performance of the company as a whole (7%)
b) The performance of the Business vertical and the Region concerned (7%)
c) The performance of the Consultant (6%)
- Mobile expenses will be reimbursed as per company policy.
- Conveyance expenses will be reimbursed as per company policy.
6. The consultant shall be provided a company vehicle which is to be maintained as per company policy (if vehicle will be provided)
7. The consultant shall serve the company loyally, faithfully and diligently and shall at all times safeguard and protect the interest of the company.
8. The consultant shall not have any financial transaction with other consultants or customer/suppliers of the company.
9. The consultant shall not be entitled for benefits like gratuity, PF, and any other fringe benefits except mentioned in this agreement.
10. The consultant shall be entitled for <no. of leave days> days of leave per annum. Unavailed leave shall lapse at the end of the period of the contract.
11. Either party will be at liberty to terminate the agreement by giving one month’s notice in writing with or without assigning any reasons.
12. In the event of this agreement being terminated, the consultant shall repay the lump sum amount outstanding against him on any account whatsoever.
This agreement shall be enforceable by suit or otherwise at <location> only.
Authorised signatory
Signature of the Consultant
Categories: HR Tags: Consultancy Agreement, Format, Return, Statuory
Statutory Compliance checklist
I have attached the format Statutory Compliance checklist
Click Here To Download Statuory Return Format
Form “D”
Soft copy of Form “D” as per Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund’s Annual Return.