Renewal of Factory Licence

 I have Attached Renewal of Factory Licence

1[FORM  No. 2

 [See Rule 4 (1), 7(2) and 12]







FOR YEAR/YEARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             FACTORY LICENCE NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.            Full name of the factory                                             :

2.            (a)  Full postal address and situation of the factory          :

Phone No. . . . . . . .  . . . .

(b)  Full address to which communication relating          :

to the factory should be sent

3.            Nature of manufacturing process/processes


(a)  carried on in the factory during the last twelve

months (in case of factories already in existence)        :


(b)    to be carried in the factory during the next                 :

twelve months (in case of all factories)


4.            Names and values of the products manufactured            :

during the lext twelve months

(in case of factories already in existence)


5.            (i)  Maximum number of workers proposed to be            :           Men                Women

employed on any one day during the year,

applied for


(ii)  Maximum number of workers employed on              :             Men               Women

any one day during the last twelve months

(in case of factories already in existence)


(iii)  Number of workers to be ordinarily employed         :

in the factory

6.     (a)   Nature and Total amount of power installed

(H.P. of motors)                                                               :

(i)  Installed                                                                     :

(ii)  Proposed to be installed                                         :


(b)    K.W. of Electric Factories or attached Power

Houses or Heating Circuits.

7.     Full name & residential address of the person who          :

shall be the Manager of the factory for the

purpose of the Act

8.     Full name and residential address of the Occupier i.e.     :


(i)  The Proprietor of the Factory in case of the

Private Firm / Proprietary] concern                               :

(ii)        Any one of the individual partner/name and          :

residential address of other partners.

(iii)      The Director in case of a Public Limited                    :

Company or Firm


(iv)      The Managing Director and Directors of a

Private Company                                                           :


(v)         In case of factories owned or controlled by the        :

Central Government/State Government or

any Local Authority, the person or persons

appointed to manage the affairs of the factory by

the Central Government, the State Government

or the Local Authority as the case may be

(The appointment order of such person or

occupier shall be enclosed)


9.            Full name & address of the owner of the premises           :

or building (Including the precincts thereof

referred to in Section 93)


10.    In case of a factory constructed or extended, after the      :

date of the commencement of these rules


(i)   Reference number and date of approval of the           :

plans for site, for old or new buildings and for

construction or extension of factory by the

Chief Inspector ; and ,


(ii)    Reference number and date of the arrangements,      :

if any, made for disposal of trade waste & effluents

and the name of the authority granting such approval,

copy of certificate to be enclosed.


10.      Amount of fee Rs…………………..…… (Rupees………………………………………) paid into

the ………………………… Treasury/Bank on .……………….. vide Challan/D.D/Cheque No.  …………………  (enclosed)




(SIGNATURE OF THE OCCUPIER)                                  (SIGNATURE OF THE MANAGER)

(NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)                                                (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)

Date: …………………………                                                Date. …………………………


Note : 1.  This Form should be completed in legible ink in Block letters or typed

Note : 2.  If power is not used at the time of filling up this Form, but is introduced later, the facts

should be communicated to the Inspector of Factories and Chief Inspector immediately.

Note : 3.  If any of the person named at column No. 8 is a minor, deaf and dumb, the fact should be

clearly stated.

Note : 4.  In case the column No. 8 is inadequate to fill in the required information, a separate sheet

shall be appended to the same which should be attested by the Occupier.

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