Posts tagged "Fee"

Revised Factory Licence Fee for Maharashtra

Please find the revised (increased) Factory License Fee for Maharashtra State with effect from 2013.

Every factory having valid licence for 2013 onward, must pay their difference fee due to increase for 2013 and onward period before Oct, 2012 to the department without any late fee.

Late fee is applicable on 5% base from November, 12 onward for every month with maximum late fee of 25%.

The late fee is applicable i.e. for 2013 at present only, if delayed beyond Oct, 12.

The chart shows the old rate and slab with new rate and slab and the difference for a year basis for easy use.

MAHARASHTRA FACTORIES LICENSE FEE WITH EFFECT FROM 2013 (Notification No: FAC. 2010/CR-6/Lab-4 dated: 05th June, 2012)
Horse Power Fee Workmen
Upto 9  10 to 20 21 to 50 51 to 150 151 to 250 251 to 500 501 to 1000 1001 to 2500 2501 & 4000 4000 & above
Nil Old 100 125 250 1000 1500 3000 6000 12000 18000 24000
New 350 750 750 3500 5250 10500 21000 42000 63000 84000
Diff 250 625 500 2500 3750 7500 15000 30000 45000 60000
Upto 10 Old 200 400 750 2000 3000 4500 9000 18000 24000 30000
New 700 2250 2250 7000 10500 15750 31500 63000 84000 105000
Diff 500 1850 1500 5000 7500 11250 22500 45000 60000 75000
Above 10 but not above 50 Old 300 700 1250 3000 4500 6000 12000 22500 27500 33000
New 1050 3750 3750 10500 15750 21000 42000 78750 96250 115500
Diff 750 3050 2500 7500 11250 15000 30000 56250 68750 82500
Above 50 but not above 100 Old 800 1250 1750 4500 6000 9000 15000 27000 30000 36000
New 2800 5250 5250 15750 21000 31500 52500 94500 105000 126000
Diff 2000 4000 3500 11250 15000 22500 37500 67500 75000 90000
Above 100 but not above 500 Old 1800 2500 3500 9000 12000 15000 22500 30000 36000 42000
New 6300 10500 10500 31500 42000 52500 78750 105000 126000 147000
Diff 4500 8000 7000 22500 30000 37500 56250 75000 90000 105000
Above 500 but not above 1000 Old 3500 4000 7500 12000 16500 19500 30000 36000 42000 48000
New 12250 22500 22500 42000 57750 68250 105000 126000 147000 168000
Diff 8750 18500 15000 30000 41250 48750 75000 90000 105000 120000
Above 1000 but not above 2000 Old 5000 7000 9500 16500 19500 24000 33000 42000 48000 54000
New 17500 28500 28500 57750 68250 84000 115500 147000 168000 189000
Diff 12500 21500 19000 41250 48750 60000 82500 105000 120000 135000
Above 2000 Old 7000 9500 16500 19500 24000 33000 42000 48000 54000 60000
New 24500 49500 49500 68250 84000 115500 147000 168000 189000 210000
Diff 17500 40000 33000 48750 60000 82500 105000 120000 135000 150000


Click Here To Download Revised Factory License Fee for Maharashtra.

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Posted by Hrformats - September 24, 2012 at 4:34 AM

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