Formal Apology Letter for Cancellation of Business Meeting
Business appointments are to be taken very seriously. And in case you have to cancel a business meeting because of some unavoidable circumstances then in that case you must inform your associate or client about the same and also write an apology letter for cancellation of meeting. White writing a meeting cancellation notice, you can also mention about rescheduling the meeting to another day. It is always good to submit your apologies in a formal setup to avoid any bad experience. Writing an Apology Letter due to Poor Performance to Client is also another form of apology letter companies require to write.
Given below is a sample apology letter for cancellation of business meeting. Use this format for creating a personalized letter that fits your situation.
Sample Apology Letter for Meeting Cancellation
R.K. Sharma
Advent Medicines Ltd.
Date: 21.05.2018
Vinod Khatri
The Manager
Hindustan Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Sub: Cancellation of Business Meeting
Dear Mr. Khatri,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I will have to cancel the meeting scheduled for Monday, 25st May, 2018 at 12 p.m.
I had to cancel this appointment because of an emergency situation at our Delhi branch office which requires me to immediately fly there and take charge of the situation. I was looking forward for this meeting and would be extremely honoured if you could give me a mutually agreeable date and time so that we can reschedule the meeting and take things forward. Please let me know if we can reschedule the meeting on 30th May, 2018 at 12 p.m. and if not then please suggest the best time from your end.
Please accept my apologies for cancelling our meeting and also for the inconvenience cause to you. I will be waiting for your response and will look forward to meet you soon.
Thanking in anticipation.
R.K. Sharma
Advent Medicines Ltd.
Click here to Download Apology Letter for Cancellation of Business Meeting format in word
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Categories: Letters Tags: Apology Letter, Business Meeting, Cancellation Letter