Resignation Letter to Quit Because of Poor Management

If you wish to resign from your job because of poor management at your workplace then you can always write a resignation letter to quit because of poor management addressed to your boss or manager. You can clearly mention the reason because of which you wish to resign from your job.
In this post, we have come up with a format for resignation letter to quit because of poor management. You can use this resignation letter example for creating a customized letter to send.
Format for Resignation Letter to Quit Due to Poor Management
Richard Smith
54, Henry Street
New York
Date: Sept 24, 2023
Mr. Adam Brown
HR Manager
Zenith Technologies
New York
Sub: Resignation letter
Dear Mr. Adam,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I have decided to resign from my job with Zenith Technologies which will be effective from Sept 30th, 2023. The reason for taking such a decision is that working at the office is becoming complicated and difficult because of the poor management.
There have been quite a few times that I have written letters to management to bring their attention towards the poor management at the office which adds on to the challenges at work. The poorly management documents and reports always cause a problem in day to day working. I tried hard but it is getting very difficult for me to work under these circumstances as I prefer keeping my work organized.
I would have loved to work with the company for more time but unfortunately, I will not be able to move ahead with it. I will happy to help you with this transition. Do let me know need any assistance from my side.
Thanking you.
Richard Smith