Resignation on Whatsapp/Social Media Acceptable in Companies?

Though communication on different social medias like WhatsApp, Facebook have become quite common in recent times, it is still not considered to be a formal mode of communication in the professional world. There are various companies across the world which do not allow WhatsApp in the workplace as the official platform for having any kind of professional communication. In fact, many companies have strict policies and Social Media guidelines when it comes to using WhatsApp for business communication to bring in more clarity on the subject.
Read also: Social Media Employee Code of Conduct
Using WhatsApp for Resignation
If you are resigning from your company then the ideal way to go about the procedure is by writing a formal letter or sending an email to the concerned person. It is not accepted by companies that you resign from your job over social media by simply sending a WhatsApp message. And in case the employee has submitted the resignation over WhatsApp then the company can always ask the employee to send the resignation over email or letter which are considered to be the professional mode of communications.
We must understand that workplace WhatsApp is not very much encouraged for official communications and each and every company has its own rules and regulations for using WhatsApp for communicating for different reasons.