Approved Leave Cancellation Mail to Manager

An approved leave cancellation mail to manager is written as a request to cancel your approved leave if you really do not need it. To continue your work without any absence, it is always better to inform the employer prior. In this post are sample mails to cancel the approved leave of employee, leave cancellation email to manager and email to HR for leave cancellation.
You can use the leave application cancellation letter, mail template as a reference to draft your own mail.
Approved Leave Cancellation Email to Manager
Subject: Leave cancellation request
Dear Sir,
With all due respect, this is in request to cancel my leave request which has been sanctioned for tomorrow, i.e., on the 10th of September 2022 due to my illness.
I sought medical assistance and took medicines. I am doing much better now and want to come to work.
Therefore, please cancel my leave request. I shall be obliged to you in this regard.
Thanking you.
John Parker
Employee ID: E123456
Assistant Manager
Sales Department
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Download Approved Leave Cancellation Email to Manager In Word Format