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NSAd Stress Questionnaire

I have Attached NSAd Stress Questionnaire


Because everyone reacts to stress in his or her own way, no one stress test can give you a complete diagnosis of your stress levels. This stress test is intended to give you an overview only. Please see a Stress Management Consultant for a more in depth analysis.

Answer all the questions but just tick one box that applies to you, either yes or no. Answer yes, even if only part of a question applies to you. Take your time, but please be completely honest with your answers:

Yes No
1 I frequently bring work home at night
2 Not enough hours in the day to do all the things that I must do
3 I deny or ignore problems in the hope that they will go away
4 I do the jobs myself to ensure they are done properly
5 I underestimate how long it takes to do things
6 I feel that there are too many deadlines in my work / life that are difficult to meet
7 My self confidence / self esteem is lower than I would like it to be
8 I frequently have guilty feelings if I relax and do nothing
9 I find myself thinking about problems even when I am supposed to be relaxing
10 I feel fatigued or tired even when I wake after an adequate sleep
11 I often nod or finish other peoples sentences for them when they speak slowly
12 I have a tendency to eat, talk, walk and drive quickly
13 My appetite has changed, have either a desire to binge or have a loss of appetite / may skip meals
14 I feel irritated or angry if the car or traffic in front seems to be going too slowly/ I become very frustrated at having to wait in a queue
15 If something or someone really annoys me I will bottle up my feelings
16 When I play sport or games, I really try to win whoever I play
17 I experience mood swings, difficulty making decisions, concentration and memory is impaired
18 I find fault and criticize others rather than praising, even if it is deserved
19 I seem to be listening even though I am preoccupied with my own thoughts
20 My sex drive is lower, can experience changes to menstrual cycle
21 I find myself grinding my teeth
22 Increase in muscular aches and pains especially in the neck, head, lower back, shoulders
23 I am unable to perform tasks as well as I used to, my judgment is clouded or not as good as it was
24 I find I have a greater dependency on alcohol, caffeine, nicotine or drugs
25 I find that I don’t have time for many interests / hobbies outside of work
A yes answer score = I (one), and a no answer score = 0 (zero). TOTALS



To find a stress adviser / counsellor in your area you can contact:

The International Stress Management Association (ISMAUK) on

T: 01179 697284 E: [email protected] W:

Registered Charity No 1088103 Company Limited by Guarantee No 4079657


Click Here To Download NSAd Stress Questionnaire

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Posted by Hrformats - September 7, 2012 at 8:11 AM

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