Return to Work Letter from Doctor Template

Sometimes companies need return to work letter from doctors which certify that the employee is in a good condition to resume work and can resume work. The idea here is to medically ensure that there is no harm if the employee resumes work.
Shared in this post is the return to work letter from doctor template which can be used for creating an employee return to work letter keeping in mind all the useful and significant details.
Format for Return to Work Letter from Doctor
Dr. Henry Brown
Health and Wellness Hospital
Date: November 08, 2023
Mr. Richard Gibbs
Zenith Technologies
Sub: Regarding return to work for Mr. Anthony Smith.
Dear Mr. Richard,
I, Dr. Henry Brown, am writing this letter to inform you that your employee, Mr. Anthony Smith, has recovered from his medical condition and is fit to resume to work. He can resume to work any time after November 30th, 2023.
As you must be aware, Mr. Smith was suffering from malaria and it got quite worsened because of which he had to be admitted in the hospital for two week. His condition has now improved and he has been discharged. The recovery period of Malaria is quite long and he has been resting from last two weeks to recover.
Please find attached with this letter all his reports for your reference. If you have any other query then feel free to get in touch with me at 9898989898.
Dr. Henry Brown
Health and Wellness Hospital