Employee Loan Application Form

I have attached employee loan application form.

Loan Application Form
Kindly Read through the General Guidelines below
Name: Date:
Designation: Department:
Dear Sir,
I request you to sanction me the below mentioned Loan amount. I have read through the Policy and am aware about the applicable interest rate. I will repay the Loan alongwith the interest as per the Company’s Policy.
Amount of Loan Reqd. Signature:
For HR Use Only
Form Receipt Date: Grade of Employee: Basic Salary:
No. of years in AXIS: Eligibility Amount: Amount of Loan Recommended:
Any Previous Loan: Amount of previous Loan: Repaid:
Amount of Loan Sanctioned: Date of Sanction: Repay Amount per Month:
Manager (HR)  Manager (Accounts)
Managing Director
General Guidelines:
1 An Employee wanting to avail a loan will have to make an application to the HR Department in writing by filling the “Loan Application form” 
2 The HR Department shall take the Management’s sanction and inform the employee whether the loan has been sanctioned / not sanctioned
3 The Processing time for Loans shall be five Working Days. Incase the Management is unavailable for sanction; the period will be adjusted accordingly
4 The Management reserves the right to take any decisions on the sanctioning of loans and no questions will be entertained on the same
5 Kindly refer the HR Policy in force for the eligibility criteria and the Limit of Loan and the Interest Applicable


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