Human Resources Management and Counselling

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The researcher hypothesizes that the HR professionals can bring about a significant change in the personal life of employees and not only their professional life. The questionnaire is to understand the existing relationship between counselling & HRM and scope for counselling among the HR professionals.

(Email completed questionnaire to à [email protected])

A. Have you noticed/ felt your employee searching for guidance from you (as an HR)? [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never]— [2=Rarely]-—[3= Sometimes]—-[4= More than often]-—[5= All the time]

B.  On a scale from 1 to 5 rate the following psycho-social problems that you have noticed in the workplace.

1= Never noticed;      2= Mentioned by others;        3= Sometimes noticed;         4= More often noticed it;                 5= Noticed it & measures taken (optional-mention the measures taken) [Highlight your answer]

1.       Harassment: (physical/emotional) [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

2.       Panic & Phobia: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

3.       Aggressive & Short temper : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

4.       Preoccupied and Disturbed : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

5.       Needy for approval : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

6.       Inferiority complex : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

7.       Withdrawn & Isolated : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

8.       Obsessive & Compulsive Behavior : [1]–[2]–[3]–[4]–[5]

9.       Stress & Anxiety: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

10.   Mood Swings : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

11.   Adjustment Issue (role & team) : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

12.   Frequent Absenteeism due to illness : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]












C. Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 your awareness of counselling principles and skills. [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never Heard it; 2 = Over Heard it; 3 = Aware of it; 4 = Understand the concept; 5 = Practice it]

1.      Unconditional acceptance: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

2.      Unconditional Confidentiality: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

3.      Active listening: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

4.      Non advice giving attitude: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

5.      Responding on content level, feel level and meaning level: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

6.      Empathy & Empathic understanding: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

7.      Transference & counter-transference: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

D. Would counselling the employees to manage their life’s highs and lows effectively result in quality   contribution of time spend in the organization? [Highlight your answer]

(a) Have not thought about it like that                                  (b) I don’t think there will be any difference

(c) Maybe to some extend sometimes                                   (d) Yes, it would be useful

(e) I feel there will be an absolute improvement in results

E. Is it practical for an HR professional to manage the role of a non specialist counselor [a person who understands the principles and techniques of counselling, but it is not their primary role to counsel].

Rate your answer on a practicality scale of 1 to 10. [Highlight your answer]

        Not Practical  — [1] — [2] — [3] — [4] — [5] — [6] — [7] — [8] — [9] — [10] —- Highly Practical

REASON (optional):


NOTE: If you are interested in explaining your point of view further kindly put it down with out hesitation!

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