Personal Appearance Policy
Personal appearance policy
1. General policy
Dress, grooming, and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of all employees and affect the business image company presents to customers and visitors.
During business hours or when representing company, you are expected to present a clean, neat, and tasteful appearance. You should dress and groom yourself according to the requirements of your position and accepted social standards. This is particularly true if your job involves dealing with customers or visitors in person.
2. Detail regulations
Without unduly restricting individual tastes, the following personal appearance guidelines should be followed:
• Jeans, bermudas, t-shirt, and shorts do not present appropriate professional attire.
• Multiple ear piercings (more than one ring in each ear) are not professionally appropriate and must not be worn during business hours.
• Visible excessive tattoos and similar body art must be covered during business hours.
• Unnaturally colored hair and extreme hairstyles, such as spiked hair and shaved heads, do not present an appropriate professional appearance.
• Offensive body odor and poor personal hygiene is not professionally acceptable.
• Facial jewelry, such as eyebrow rings, nose rings, lip rings, and tongue studs, is not professionally appropriate and must not be worn during business hours.
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