Human resources KRAs include KRAs (can apply for KPIs management):
1. Recruitment & Selection
• Reduce Average time taken to fill vacancies
• Reduce Average cost per recruitment
• Finalize selection in 5 weeks for each individual position
• Workplace accidents
• Reduce workplace accidents
2. Building capabilities and organizing learning
• Training
• All workforces below middle management should receive a minimum of 4 days training.
• Maximize induction training. Maximize training workshops
• Employees Development
• Training needs analysis & Competencies development.
3. Performance Management
• Performance Appraisal
• Managing Employees through KRAs
• Achieve 100% performance appraisals against total employees.
4. Monitoring employee deployment
5. Compensation and benefits.
6. Employee Relations
7. Statutory Compliance
8. Reward Management
9. Effective HR management systems, support & monitoring
10. Workplace Management
• Reduction in absenteeism per employees
• Increase in employee satisfaction
• Talent retention and turnover ratio.
• Reduce the labor turnover
• Benchmark total HR costs externally.
11. Safety and Health Workplace