Form of Fire License
It is the License which your unit need to obtain from the Fire department (fire station) every year.
You need to submit the Filled application along with Drawing that shows the fire protecting system to obtain the license.
(See Section 13)
S.No |
Description |
1. | Premises Number and Name of the building | |
2. | Occupantsa. Name of Firm or company or Business factory |
b. Name of the Proprietor / Owner
c. Name of the contract
3.Description ofa. Nature of Business, trade or process
b. Commodities and quantities applied
c. Position of storages in relation to
number of rooms, floor area, etc
d. Commodities already licensed
together with quantities (by
Municipality, State or Central Govt)
State license Number.
e. Trade, business or commodities
applied for disapproved with reasons
if any.
4Building:a. Construction features (Fire resistance
of the building in hours)
(i) General:
Low fire risk-cement concrete or Brick-walled medium fire risk-medium fire risk brick-walled and Timber framed. High fire risk-mostle timber framed such as timber floors , timber roof, timber staircase etc., (ii) Particulars:Number of storeys and basement if any
Height of the building
Windows (barred etc.,)
Varandhas or Balconies
Floors (attics, mezzanine floors, list etc.,
S.No |
Description |
CeilingRoof (or terrace) | ||
Number of staircase and position enclosed or open |
b. Other occupations within immediate 20/all-round the proposed building |
Shops, Godowns, Factories, Work-shops ,
Hotels, Departments Stores, Schools,
Hospitals, Residence, Offices etc., 5.Observation:(i) Width of Road/Street. Lane
(ii) Accessibility for Fire engines
(iii) Nearest Fire hydrant
(iv) Bounded on (if open space, state width and whether road, lane by lane or sweeper’s lane if structures, state shop building etc., and proximity)
West 6.Nearest means of communication
(i) Telephone
(ii) Street Fire Alarm
(iii) Fire Station
(iv) Police choke or station / Telephone No. 7.Installed Fire fighting equipments, if any (buckets, sand fire-extinguishers and their types, fire-aid, hose, reel, private hydrants and hose, sprinklers, pumps etc.,) 8.Fire Detection:(i) Fire detecting and alarm systems, if any
(ii) Watchman, if any 9.Water supply, other sources, if anyLists, Static tanks, Wells, Ponds etc., storage tank
(over-head, surface or underground)
Certified that the above particulars furnished are true to the best of my knowledge.
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