Alcohol and Drug Policy
Alcohol and drug policy
1. Purpose of alcohol and drug policy
• Using of alcohol and/or drugs by its employees should not impair their health and social life.
• Misuse of alcohol and/or drugs may have detrimental effects on an employee’s attendance and work performance, the interests of the company and its other employees are invoked.
2. Definition of alcohol and drug
Alcohol is defined as:
“The habitual drinking of intoxicating liquor by an employee, whereby the employee’s ability to perform his/her duties is impaired or his/her attendance at work is interfered with, or he/she endangers the safety of others”.
and drug is defined as:
“The habitual taking of drugs by an employee other than drugs prescribed as medication, whereby the employee’s ability to perform his/her duties is impaired, or his/her attendance at work is interfered with, or he/she endangers the safety of others”.
3. Regulations
The following are expressly prohibited while on company business or premises:
• Possession of prescribed medications not authorized for personal use.
• Reporting for duty with the presence in the body of alcohol or drugs above the accepted standards adopted in company.
• The use, possession, distribution and offering for sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia.
• The unauthorized use, possession, distribution, offering for sale of beverage alcohol
Various investigation and testing procedures defined in the alcohol & drug practices may be used in support of this policy.
4. Reporting of alcohol and drug
To minimize the risk of unsafe and unsatisfactory performance due to alcohol or drugs, staff are expected to report fit for work and remain fit for work throughout their workday or shift and when on scheduled call.
5. Implementation of this policy
Disciplinary action up to and including termination will be taken for violations of this Policy and its related practices.
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